LOUD LOUD Brazil Rank #1 dgzin Douglas Silva v1nny Vínicius Gonçalves pANcada Bryan Luna tuyz Arthur Andrade cauanzin Cauan Pereira has signed lukxo as their sixth man, adding backup to their all-Brazilian roster.

He joins after spending the 2024 season with Galorys Galorys Inactive prozin Wallacy Sales RgLMeister Matheus Rodigoli Urango Victor Rodrigues lukxo Lucca Travaioli Sato Eduardo Kenzo Nagahama Sato , with whom he finished fourth at Americas Ascension. The run came off of a successful Brazil Challengers Split 2, which Galorys won. As one of Brazil's two representatives at Ascension, Galorys survived the group stage despite dropping their first three matches, even defeating eventual champions 2Game Esports 2Game Esports Brazil Rank #3 gobera Vitor Gobo Zap Brenno Roberto pryze Luis-Henrique Viveiros lz Luiz Reche spike Rodrigo Lombardi silentzz Caio Morita in the process. However, two losses in the double-elimination playoffs saw the team's hopes of Ascension end.

Before Galorys, lukxo also spent time with blowzin e amigos blowzin e amigos Inactive blowz Teddy vLn Artur Vilano spike Rodrigo Lombardi Safed and MIXX MIXX Inactive Urango Victor Rodrigues Sato Eduardo Kenzo Nagahama Sato rood Rodrigo Gomes Evilkyk Kayke Arrais lukxo Lucca Travaioli .

lukxo will not be making any of the LOUD players sweat for their spot immediately, though. At 17, he will not be eligible to play due to Riot's rule of only allowing players above the age of 18 to compete in VCT. He will be eligible to play beginning March 7, between the conclusion of Masters Bangkok and the start of Americas Stage 1.

For most of his young career, lukxo has been a Controller player, but has also shown the ability to pick up the Sentinel role on Cypher towards the tail end of the 2024 season.

lukxo's signing is expected to be the last in what has been a busy offseason for LOUD. After parting with longtime players Less and saadhak , the team constructed a roster that has been dubbed ' pANcada e amigos 2.0', or 'pANcada and friends 2.0'. They signed dgzin and v1nny , who have both amassed experience in Brazil's second tier, and brought on a new coaching duo of stkJ and mat .

LOUD LOUD Brazil Rank #1 dgzin Douglas Silva v1nny Vínicius Gonçalves pANcada Bryan Luna tuyz Arthur Andrade cauanzin Cauan Pereira 's full roster is now:

  • Douglas "dgzin" Silva
  • Vínicius "v1nny" Gonçalves
  • Bryan "pANcada" Luna
  • Arthur "tuyz" Andrade
  • Cauan "cauanzin" Pereira
  • Lucca "lukxo" Travaioli (Substitute)
  • Jordan "stkJ" Nunes (Head coach)
  • "mat" (Assistant coach)