Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 10, 2021
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 4:20 PM
Posts: 3417
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By playing better than everyone else???

In a team game winning doesn’t determine who’s better individually

posted 5 hours ago

Yeah cause he’s never won a tournament before huh

posted 6 hours ago

Turkey’s getting scary with all these op teens man

posted 6 hours ago

I was part of the “mindfreak is the weak link” crowd, but now that you mention it being PRX’s controller must be the hardest job in the game

posted 2 days ago

Lol yeah you just couldn’t hold that racism in ya could you

posted 2 days ago

That lock in final if Sacy and pancada weren’t mercs would’ve been crazy

posted 5 days ago

This makes me want to watch 2022 loud vs 2023 Fnatic so bad

posted 5 days ago

They kept bringing these rookies in to sub and they kept doing very well, so after a while of getting bad results they just said fuck it and brought all the rookies in at once

Probably got a lil too excited with beyn tho

posted 5 days ago

If only they had taken like prime optic’s slot or something, but no, dudes are crying over 100T this region is truly finished bro

posted 6 days ago

I swear I’m not tripping bruh I distinctly remember people in 2022 talking about how valorant was trash now and had none of the excitement it had in 2021

posted 1 week ago

Ah my bad G

posted 1 week ago

GenG is most definitely NOT the youngest roster

posted 1 week ago

“SEN was getting their momentum back by winning 2 close rounds b2b”

Game was 2-2 LMAO

posted 1 week ago

Stats farmer, good player but bad valorant player

The impact he brings to his team when you compare it to the amount of kills he gets is minimal

posted 1 week ago

Boostio and then munchkin are far and away the best igls rn

posted 1 week ago

Wasted vs washed

posted 2 weeks ago

Narrative? You can check his tracker by yourself, from the moment he won champs till joining NRG he didn’t touch the game

posted 2 weeks ago

That’s what happens when you don’t touch the game for 4 months

posted 2 weeks ago

starts malding as soon as someone states something that opposes his argument

Honestly, gotta respect that

posted 2 weeks ago

Ange1 is the goat his stats only look bad cause his teammates are all baiting KD players so he has to open site on his own

posted 3 weeks ago

Everyone in this thread needs to watch that GenG vs LEV game

Stop conflating the team's result with individual performance

posted 4 weeks ago

I think you're confusing team achievements with individual performance bro, aspas has never played better

posted 4 weeks ago

That explains the scoreboard

posted 1 month ago

You can make a “I think [input any org at random here] would be better than Mibr” and still be correct every time

posted 1 month ago

If you’re talking merely tournament placements than yeah whatever idk, but if we’re looking at team dynamics then they’re very similar to 2022 loud

Their main fraggers are the duelist and sentinels players
Controller player who’s very solid just always getting his and is inhumanly calm
IGL who plays flash initiator+viper and is always making some stupid agro plays
Initiator with questionable aim but who’s also the second caller very smart and great on the clutch and util usage

The agents played are almost identical

posted 1 month ago

He was their second best player 😭😭😭

What is this narrative bro

posted 1 month ago

Another example of a guy who started watching valorant in the middle of 2022 saying shir like this

Many such cases unfortunately

posted 1 month ago

He did it to not leak their scrims, he says it in the clip itself but you know how it’ll look like to those who don’t speak Portuguese

posted 1 month ago

Loud demon1

posted 2 months ago

Hard agree, others will mock you, but they just aren’t operating on the same plane of conscience

posted 2 months ago

Lmao clearly you’ve got something personal against him or you’re just making up your own reality, the stats and games are right there go check them out

posted 2 months ago

On sentinels? On loud?

Either way the answer is no he definitely wasn’t

posted 2 months ago

I said he was better than pancada on sentinels bro work on your reading comprehension

It’s also pretty obvious you only started watching Val in mid 2022

posted 2 months ago

Sacy was far better than pancada throughout 23

I actually don’t understand how pancada gets so overrated, he was just a solid player in a goated roster that made him look even better while in loud, but he was never the machine people make him out to be. Fns himself said pancada only managed to be as good as he was on loud because less enabled him

posted 2 months ago

Tem fonte nisso aí ou tá tirando do cu

posted 2 months ago

Oh didn’t know he had left falke

posted 2 months ago

We’ll be watching him vs sayonara this VCL

posted 2 months ago

Lower round 1 deserved more to be a BO5, it actually mattered

posted 2 months ago

Most bait immune vlr user

posted 2 months ago

His stats also fell by a LOT, the difference is that he was just that dominant

posted 2 months ago

So the only other time he was good was... when he had another broken character to abuse! You should go ahead and call vanity the goat igl as well because of the post plant meta

I do agree he was the player of 2022, but saying he destroyed aspas and less, and especially that he would destroy them in their current forms is delulu

posted 2 months ago

Lmao so yay on his absolute prime abusing a broken character with his whole team having a system designed entirely for him to get frags got VERY similar stats to 2 teenagers in their first competitive year

Idk where you got "destroys" from bro cause if he did he'd have a Champs trophy and wouldn't be bottom feeding the Asian league in a shady org

posted 2 months ago

Entregaram aquela virada contra a EG e perderam mto mais rounds contra a fúria q deviam, a real é q o time tava mal e n tinha chance nenhuma de classificar pra Shanghai mesmo, queria q jogassem a md1 só pelo conteúdo mesmo

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

Pô mas é injusto comparar assim, a a sentinels e NRG tiveram q jogar contra fúria e MIBR enquanto q a loud só jogou contra time bom

O problema tá é no calendário, a riot quis fazer uma temporada de só 6 meses pra economizar e da nisso ai

posted 2 months ago

Crazy to think that only by changing taco for aspas they’d have gone from mid to best team ever

Shyy instead of Tex and nzr instead of com would’ve been OP

posted 2 months ago

They can 2-1

posted 2 months ago

Wait if it ends 7-13 and 6-13 don’t they both go +21?

posted 2 months ago

All single mothers crying right now knowing they’ll never have you

posted 2 months ago

He always got his in 2023, was the best fragger in 100T during off season and kickoff, and is now consistently their bottom fragger

Man must’ve started igling for real midway through cause the team looks a lot better now despite his poor individual performances, give him some time to mesh better with the guys and his performance will start picking up again

posted 2 months ago
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