Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 14, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 8:07 PM
Posts: 1588
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legal ver um time com essa personalidade da the7 e conseguindo fazer dar certo ainda por cima

posted 1 hour ago

dgzin went to the undefeated core of the union in 2024 playing against tier2 players and couldnt even qualify with this undefeated core for ascension, placing in the top8 of challengers brazil, he had the golden chance that every tier2 br duelist wanted and fail with franchise experience + undefeated core

posted 4 hours ago

só do split1

posted 2 days ago

2 players over aspas is crazy

posted 2 days ago

i was very young when it happened but i just realize the dimension of it in the next day, particularly the elimination in 2018 and 2022 hurt more for me cause at that moment i understood more about the life

posted 2 days ago

when tuyz was a duelist kon4n was better than him

posted 3 days ago

you can see in other regions so many players in a better moment than him like trexx derke woot riens hiro and munchkin

at the very least alfajer and sayf should be ranked better than him

posted 3 days ago

remove tenz

posted 3 days ago

justo, só coloquei esses pontos pq é oque o pessoal fala quando compara a loud 22 com qualquer outro time, mas pra ser justo msm tem q ser como era o time naquele tempo, nao cada um no auge, seria jogao

posted 4 days ago

ngl i think EG can win because when people talk about LOUD 2022 they take into account aspas and Less at their peak but in 2022, aspas and Less were not even close to what they were in their peak
but if you take into account all the players at their peak LOUD easily clears

posted 4 days ago

and thats why i put + titles 3 > 1

posted 5 days ago

nah, cause chronicle also had incredible performances when he won
(some even better than when aspas won)

posted 5 days ago

thats like, you say that chronicle wasnt the best player when GAMBIT won but I cant say that aspas was not the most impactful when LOUD won? this dont make sense, its unfair

posted 5 days ago

chronicle also won in 2021 playing very well individually but it seems like youve already changed our conversation

you r talking about breeze but we can say about other map to, LOUD only won ascent cause of sacy performance

nothing you say changes the fact that aspas was the least impactful player in LOUD when they won champions 2022

posted 5 days ago

and thats why i put performance + titles
did you really read what i said? or are you just being annoying

posted 5 days ago

saying he was the worst LOUD player doesnt mean he was bad, but rather that his teammates were more impactful/important than him
im based on what i watched in champions 2022, and now checking the stats, it was the worst rating not only in the grand final as you said, but in the entire championship, taking into account only the LOUD players
tbh i didnt even remember that he had the worst rating in the grand final

posted 5 days ago

aspas was the worst LOUD player when they won champions 2022

posted 5 days ago

and thats why i put aspas when it comes to just performance

posted 5 days ago

all the tournaments that chronicle won he played very well, same for aspas but he won less than chronicle and if you want i can take aspas performances when he lost to have a better gap in the comparison

posted 5 days ago

performance + titles = chronicle
performance = aspas

posted 5 days ago

loud maybe

posted 6 days ago

kingg igl is shit, they cant be consistent with him commanding the team

posted 6 days ago

wake up from the nightmare

posted 6 days ago

LOUD prime x FPX prime 2022 meta chamber
sacy already said he was afraid of facing FPX

posted 6 days ago


posted 6 days ago

all aim no brain player

posted 6 days ago

bida xrm
spacca tixinha

posted 1 week ago

from what i see the Brazilian community they are being very underestimated
but as a FNATIC fan i really like them and i think they are favorites for EMEA and one of the favorites for Champions 2024

posted 1 week ago

i dont know if he was VERY UGLY before but now he looks so fine

posted 1 week ago

they are both insane
sato is more fragger but i see zanatsu being fundamentally better as a duelist

posted 1 week ago

ambos estao mal, mas o sacy ajudaria o igl limitado do kingg

posted 1 week ago

-sacy +verno

posted 1 week ago

tuyz precisava de um time q nao deixasse ele na pika contratando alguem q ta na função dele

posted 1 week ago

cortezia blowzin sato spike brinks

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

mano q coisa feia o dg fez nesse ultimo round PQP

posted 2 weeks ago

nah its just a life game by him
look at the last 5 matches, he does not playing well

posted 2 weeks ago

ainda nao foram eliminados
estao na lower

posted 2 weeks ago

nao deixem o frag do dg enganar vcs, ele foi um animal essa partida, repeekou a maioria das situações, deu inumeros ego peeks e a galorys nao puniu, mt mira, voltou a jogar como ele normalmente joga pq nas ultimas 5 partidas ele tava MUITO MAL

posted 2 weeks ago

2021 chronicle
2022 yay
2023 leo
2024 tbd with woot or t3xture

posted 2 weeks ago

are you masochist?

posted 2 weeks ago

isso n tem nada a ver com performance e sim com atitude

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

me quebrou ler isso
me quebrou ver o art no final do game
tenho dó real, mas foi incompetencia dos 3 br

posted 2 weeks ago
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