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Registered: December 19, 2021
Last post: April 14, 2024 at 2:35 AM
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this is probably the nastiest team in the tourney.
wardell farms just like the old fragadelphia lans in csgo

posted about a year ago

cool to see him competing.

posted about a year ago

i wouldn’t describe killing religious heretics as “cancel culture”

posted about a year ago

world has always been shit, don’t fall for the boomer narrative. our generation is still having SOME positives, so enjoy life.

posted about a year ago

idk elige has played much better since cologne started. yek still has a bunch of impact tho. seems like a team effort tbh.

posted about a year ago

he said he had plenty of offers but didn’t want to play pro. i’m sure some of those offers still stand. nobody in the pro scene forgets how good he is. hope to see him back soon or else val gets pretty boring to watch for me (what i get for liking only one player)

posted about a year ago

anyone who signs wardell

posted about a year ago

mid player becomes free agent after franchising, wow who woulda thought

posted about a year ago

yep that’s the guy

posted about a year ago

franchise teams can still scrim with non-franchised teams.
they would prob prefer that, just to show less strats.

posted about a year ago

i’m not gonna shit on your work, it’s a good compilation.

in case you didn’t know, vanity+leaf+xeppaa have been together since ChaosEC in CSGO. idk why you have them separated. things like this make me question several roster combos.

also, there’s no way that ethan switched from CS (the best player to switch, btw) to not make a franchised team. same with s0m, who was one of americas best upcoming talents. maybe there will be a counter-exodus back to CS, who knows…

i agree with your IGL “ranking” (top 5, that is). dephh, FNS, vanity.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

listen why does riot insist on doing stupid shit.
South America should have their own franchise, w 10+ teams
ditto with NA.
and relegation
just shamelessly copy the old ESL Pro League regional seasons.
some teams would get farmed but who cares.
unless there’s a tier 2 league for each reason too. but even then, they won’t be able to play top talent and prove themselves.

posted about a year ago

i’d rather get OSHA approved sound cancelling construction earmuffs so I don’t have to hear her voice. It’s got a real strange quality to it that makes it unlistenable for me.

posted about a year ago

i watch csgo bc the talent in that game is fucking nasty.
and the production >>>>
and the casters >>>>>>>>>>
it’s a decent viewing experience, and there’s almost always a high stakes tourney going on.

i prefer to play valorant tho, csgo actually is uninstalled on my PC rn.

posted about a year ago

wdym by 360? like you can watch a backup camera on a players ass as they run around? 🤪

but a replay system would be fantastic

posted about a year ago

tarik accomplished more in csgo and more in valorant without even playing pro 🍺

posted about a year ago

i’m just confused how these people were selected to desk the biggest val tourney of the year. like meemee (?) really. REALLY need some more talent.

posted about a year ago

facts and achievement?
ok, sure.
you can barely find people like derke, nats, ardiis, etc on liquipedia or hltv. their profiles barely even exist, that's how irrelevant they were in CSGO.
meanwhile, players like s0m, ethan, wardell, steel, vanity, yay, depph, etc all have plenty of experience in tier 2 csgo. you can go check.
not sure if this is what you meant but that's the point i wanted to make, thx

posted about a year ago

he’s had offers but he’s waiting for franchising to even consider them. that’s what’s been reported, at least.

posted about a year ago

he was going to be signed to Liquid before he switched to Val. He was a Tier 1 player on a Tier 1.5 peak Ghost team. He’s made some pretty insane plays, beaten simple/zywoo/nikos in some Bo1s when he had the chance to go international. and absolutely farmed NA pro league.

posted about a year ago

As far as the NA scene,
i’d argue that wardell has been just as consistent as yay. he hasn’t had a chance internationally, so I can’t comment on that, but wardell consistently carried tsm with all of their roster iterations.

posted about a year ago

good luck.
Valorant needs to be searching relentlessly for better casters, so i hope you get a shot. look into monthly Knights tournaments, as the Knights are open to newer casters/producers working some of the opening matches.
Make sure to build your resume with observer only VODs, I think that would be a good move but I don’t have much knowledge in your field.

posted about a year ago

asuna also said wardell was the greatest awper in valorant.
so believe him at your own risk

posted about a year ago

wardell back on a team

posted about a year ago

na has the most depth because the entire tier 2 csgo scene switched to valorant. eu basically has no depth because there are still hundreds of EU teams in CS.

which isn’t a knock on EU, btw, honestly impressed at how competitive they are with less depth.

posted about a year ago

this has been established for a long time.
The only decent NA teams in CSGO are Liquid, Complexity, and EG. The only Tier 2 teams are EG.PA, EG.CD, ATK, and maybe a couple others.

Players on teams like ChaosEC, Ghost, C9, eUnited, etc all switched to Valorant. That’s why the 2022 NA LCQ looks just like a 2019 Tier2 NA CS tournament. Same names, even same cores in some cases.

And can you blame them?
PS: This is the reason NA has success internationally. EU doesn’t suck, they just have former Tier3/4 CS talent instead of Tier2 CS talent.

posted about a year ago

wardell > will
i’ll log out now, sorry

posted about a year ago

this man has such an annoying voice and acts like he has the biggest brain in the world. i don’t consume any of his content for that reason.

posted about a year ago

DAMN they didn’t like that

posted about a year ago

this is a decent observation

posted about a year ago

3 teams in the lower bracket first round 🤯 didn’t expect that

posted about a year ago

ggs dexter, was pulling for you guys. really good end to the season, though. if 100t can stick together for franchising, they’ve got a bright future.

posted about a year ago

i called this would happen, teams getting all scrambled up and rarely keeping the original 5.

posted about a year ago

i see a bunch of banned kids in twitch chat of tier 2 NA tournies. always jerking each other off after meeting online 😂

posted about a year ago

you run the risk of becoming a 3 region esport like csgo with no asian teams if you f with slots too much

posted about a year ago

nah his cute lil squeals sound normal for him

posted about a year ago

not sure what this means, but...

there are hundreds of EU teams still competing in CS. they even have all Spanish, all German teams (etc) over there. Meanwhile, there are only 3 NA teams left in CS.

All the remaining talent from NA went to Val. The EU players in Val were bottom-of-the-barrel in CS, so they should be commended for being so competitive.

posted about a year ago

they're already too hype, good lord. i'd hate to hear anyone that yells more than the play by play guy (doug?). balla is ok as a color caster

posted about a year ago

exactly. just like cs players are better. valorant took the tier 2 players from other games, and they took the tier 2 casters/production/coaches as well. nothing bad about that necessarily, good to see them get a chance to improve.

posted about a year ago

the "one guy" you mention literally squeals for anything. gotta mix in highs and lows.

posted about a year ago

its a reyna 4k on a flank against pistols and the caster lost his mind squealing about it lol

posted about a year ago

reyna gets a 4k, on an unexpected flank, against pistols, and the caster is losing his mind squealing at the top of his lungs... like please, somebody called attention to this before, but not everything has to be hype. there has to be highs and lows, not just all highs.

posted about a year ago

maybe post clip instead of one word thread you hooligan ;P

posted about a year ago

any clips, im watching pro league. i see all these threads w no clips, nice

posted about a year ago

teams need an awper

posted about a year ago

twitch chat is many times worse than tiktok. unless you're on the degen side of tiktok, which i happily am not.

posted about a year ago

good for BcJ and XSET, but you're right in all honesty. I don't think I've ever seen him perform like this, but I haven't watched Val consistently in a while, so maybe I miss things. my opinion on XSET is that cryo/zekken are the future, and dephh is a decent IGL, but ayrin/bcj are the weaker links. may change after this tourney.

posted about a year ago

"xshit lol kekw"
nice first map
but ive seen chokes before, hold on a sec

posted about a year ago

i like xset enough to pull for them internationally. not changing my flair bc i’d rather not be a bandwagoner.

cryo and zekken are the future, and i respect dephh enough from his semi successful coL csgo days.

posted about a year ago
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