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Registered: December 19, 2021
Last post: April 14, 2024 at 2:35 AM
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all these kids be like “omg give us new agent pls !!” like you don’t realize that the more you add, the worse it gets. eventually riot is gonna have to find a new way to keep people interested.

posted about a year ago

key words: "not many"
will FPX disband after winning masters 2? no. will optic disband after winning masters 1? no. will regional teams outside the top2-ish that haven't been consistent disband? yes.

i'm talking teams like M3C, acend, c9, 100t, etc.

posted about a year ago

they won't get a new org. the good players (nats and chronicle) will be sold to other teams that make franchising, the others will just disband.
stop getting attached to 5-man cores, not many will last through franchising.

posted about a year ago

the caster thought they said BOOOO lmao, he was like "oh they didn't like that one"

posted about a year ago

never accomplished anything in his career, more interested in nature/jcstani's futures.

posted about a year ago

omg guys, the players who were inconsistent in CS that switched to Val are now inconsistent in Val!
but idk, he has performed well enough. prob just a really bad map.

posted about a year ago

nah there's no matchfixer on optic rn...

posted about a year ago

omg the floor changes colors whippeeeee

posted about a year ago

it’s just the same as the crowd-less stage from what i’ve seen. they’ll prob show a better view later tho

posted about a year ago

workin for free AND thinking i give af about tsm anymore, doesn’t get better than this

posted about a year ago

i know rito not paying u for this lmao

posted about a year ago

r u guys getting paid to schill for riot?

posted about a year ago

geng has been god awful for a long time now, shouldn’t surprise anyone.

posted about a year ago

it’ll be optic vs fnatic grand final

posted about a year ago

like a sitcom with “clap now” signs offscreen

posted about a year ago

yeah there were about 3k seats for sale and only the grand final is close to full. embarassing but it is a start lol.

posted about a year ago

it doesn’t matter what the team has won. most will have new rosters anyway. that’s why fucking CLG applied lol.

posted about a year ago

dude, so many rosters are gonna be shuffled that it’s naive to think he could only fit in two teams.

posted about a year ago

wardell 1000% is more talented than boostio, bdog, and saya. so if he wants to play in franchising, he will.

posted about a year ago

it’ll be an optic vs fnatic grand final which optic will win.

posted about a year ago

i know a guy on my college val team lol, would be cool to see them join/compete. i'm not good enough to join tho :(

posted about a year ago

ploodle shankypoo would be hilarious if it was totally random and not made from ploo/shanks

posted about a year ago

FNS will handle it fine. Yay has even played in front of a Major crowd.
Marved never got to play in front of a crowd in CSGO, and while I doubt he'll perform worse, you can't say it will elevate him. Same with Crashies/food.

posted about a year ago

even though he ended his career tier 2 NA so tier 3 lol, he actually played some pretty big events back when the prize pools were relatively smaller.

posted about a year ago

it's ok, you start picking them up over time. my first event watched was katowice this year. i was on HLTV for some godforsaken reason, and saw the playoffs were happening. i was like ok cool, i'll check this out. and i see m0nesy stomping people, faze starting their dynasty, and one hell of a crowd for esports. pretty cool experience.

posted about a year ago

and the consistent talent of the actual players.

posted about a year ago

franchising is NA's last hope to build solid teams.
until then, FNS/yay too strong.
it's like liquid in CS at this point.

posted about a year ago

once again guys.
ayrin and bcj don't belong on a tier 1 team. dephh gets carried a bit, too, but he deserves a spot as IGL. hopefully franchising will force XSET's hand into building an even better team.
Or not. Riot is literally paying teams to compete, and it wouldn't surprise me to see players like Wardell not get picked up.
Either way, nt, really bummed they didn't advance at all. cryo/zekken have a bright future though!

posted about a year ago

alright guys. hopefully it's becoming abundantly obvious that teams will be shuffled a BUNCH when franchising happens. There will be much more talent available and better teams will be built. nobody is safe besides optic, imo. including xset and faze.

posted about a year ago

I’ve never liked this argument for CS and Val. If a player switches from Fortnite, Apex, Overwatch, etc, then I agree that they can be substantially better. Then again, those are all still FPS games.

But Val and CS are probably the most obvious clones in gaming, right? Headshots are key, 5v5, bomb defusal objective, sites, identical weapons, etc. I won’t go on anymore about the “csgo ripoff” accusations.

Same with Wardell my all time favorite, I’ll admit. And even Derke, Boaster, and many many more. I find your argument rather lazy in this case.

posted about a year ago

I think it could be Cryocells, for example.

People like yay, TenZ, etc were Tier 2 in CS so they will never have enough respect for the common people to take “legend status” seriously.

posted about a year ago

why? so you can watch teams with no chemistry and Tier2 players (bc all the tier 1 players won’t be participating)? that’s pointless.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

for the sake of valorant they should hope for a larger crowd. otherwise it’ll just be another reason to show csgo is better

posted about a year ago

ah ok that would make sense
the usa was so far behind the entire world on covid for so long, it’s strange to see other countries still have restrictions while we have largely moved on.

posted about a year ago

um, unless u expect the back seats to sell out first, ur reading the colors wrong.

also i'm confused why there is only ~3000 seats. ik we have csgo comparisons around here, and val is new, but I expected more for a grand final. maybe a bigger venue next time? idk

posted about a year ago

ty guys

posted about a year ago

does it start this weekend for quarterfinals or just next weekend

posted about a year ago

eh it was only a couple maps, with more time it maybe kinda sorta could be possible lol

posted about a year ago

why tf they gonna give a whole region to china, that's like a nonexistent scene.
and is the american league still limited to 8, riot on some bullshit

posted about a year ago

oh perfect, in that case riot should just randomly switch the team they play in quarterfinals!

posted about a year ago

why don’t you go check the bracket and get back to me.
i was right all along, plus any happiness implied was clearly sarcastic.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

put shahz on chamber so he can awp ez fix

posted about a year ago

glad you’ve spent enough time on both sites to be an expert!

posted about a year ago

hltv is a safe haven for people of a certain, shall we say, old fashioned way of thinking. And that’s a heavy euphemism. Just don’t read posts man, they’re just gamers like this site trying to “bait” or whatever lol

also good for team liquid, i watched their cologne run and elige being present really helped. it’ll be fun to see them on stage for the first time with this roster.

posted about a year ago

ik ppl think tenz is insane and all from valorant, but if you're making a list with the other 4 as popular CS players, then tenz doesn't belong there

posted about a year ago

dude, just learn from wardell’s DMs and realize he’s gonna be a content creator. it’s not that deep.

posted about a year ago

yeah, and tsm's proposal got rejected. you've seen how vocal their fanbase is. so my point stands that it's impossible to predict what riot is gonna do. and if sentinels make it, they'll have a roster change too.

posted about a year ago

why do people act like steel is such a good IGL? he was never that great or successful in CS, as far as I can tell. it’s not like iBP was winning S-Tier LANs. Ghost was decent but he was carried by stars Wardell/Koosta and still never won much. He was decent on Chaos EC, too, but never a top IGL from what I’ve seen.

I guess he won First Strike and finished 3-4th at a LAN, so maybe 100T fans gassed him up. Even then, he was getting carried like FNS with nitr0, ethan, and asuna of all people. He hasn’t been worth anything at T1 without those players.

I don’t mean to hate but he’s not in the conversation of best NA CS IGLs, and I don’t understand how he gained such a reputation in Valorant.

This is completely unrelated to his comms, idc ab that aspect.

posted about a year ago
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