Flag: Wales
Registered: July 24, 2023
Last post: June 6, 2024 at 1:46 PM
Posts: 534
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Now it's not likely, but it would be REALLY funny if Mistic just decided to magically return to Champions 2022 form and take a big poo all over FNC

posted 4 weeks ago

Miniature Boo vs Keith 'fartpiss' Svarinieks

Large (but not quite Maximum) Boo vs s1mple's father ANGE1

Benjamin Fish vs Russian weeb SUIIIIIII(getsu)

Wo0ting Keyboard vs PONTUS 🗿

Richard Enes vs Number 1 mogger Shao

Truly a battle for the ages

posted 4 weeks ago

If FNC lose to Odin merchant Enz0 and the rest of Lulquid because Keiko and nAts have a life series and Mistic and Jamppi wake up and have their arbitrary occasional series where they look approximately 10x better than their average level

posted 4 weeks ago

Wagwan my g

posted 4 weeks ago

Cypher, lower ranks can't counter the setups and you're good for 2 pretty much every time they push your site, plus you can lurk with the most freedom out of any agent because of the infinite range on his trips and the lack of any site util you need to consider using while on your lurk

posted 4 weeks ago

NRG can't even clear EG bro, have you watched a game since Lock//In?

posted 4 weeks ago

And it's a good thing he does, Valorant as an esport would die if the let Mindfreak play Raze, PRX would win literally everything and it would just be too unfair

posted 1 month ago

Nah, I am this yappers number 1 hater

posted 1 month ago

SURELY this time, right?

posted 1 month ago

Yup, on the latest episode on Plat Chat they were talking about C9 and OXY being their hard carry and how the whole team is built to set him up, and Babybay says 'man I remember back on FaZe when I had to be that carry' and then yaps about it for like a minute

posted 1 month ago

SURELY 100t won't bomb out after looking like a top 3 team in Americas...


posted 1 month ago

This guy can NOT have any discussion without reminding you that he used to be a pro player. Man sees any play or hears any subject and immediately it's 'Oh man you guys'll remember when I-' WE GET IT. YOU'RE A BUM WHO DIDN'T GET SIGNED TO EG SO YOU HAD TO RETIRE AND BE A CASTER!

'I remember back on FaZe when I had to be the carry' - 🤓 You're not that guy bro

posted 1 month ago

Next year when he joins EG and Potter does the forbidden ritual to revive El Diablo, trust

posted 1 month ago

number1_cNed_fan try not to be based challenge (DIFFICULTY IMPOSSIBLE)

posted 1 month ago

They're the only team immune to the Plat Chat curse, they have too much power, ANGE1 masterclass

posted 1 month ago

Yee when I posted it it auto formatted to 10 - 19 because I had used 1. instead of 1 - cuz of weird list fuckery in vlr

posted 1 month ago

Rankings are based on how close the game was, the quality of play from both teams, the storylines coming into the match and how impressive the win was, based on the overall competition of the event.

10 - SEN vs FNC, Masters Reykjavik 2021 - This match was so early on in Valorant's lifespan that no one really knew how the game was meant to be played, so the quality of play was incredibly low at the whole tournament, with SEN winning pretty much off the back of pure firepower. It was a fairly clean 3-0, and while the maps were close it never really felt like FNC were gonna win at any point.

9 - OpTic vs Loud, Masters Reykjavik 2022 - Loud kinda came out of nowhere and made an incredible run through Reykjavik, but tripped at the final hurdle and choked at the Grand Final, losing in a pretty clean 3-0, and while they did at least make Bind and Breeze close, it was still a 3-0, with the only individual on Loud that really hit their stride being aspas. There was also the whole asterisk of most of the European teams being mega fucked over by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the lack of any other teams that could really measure that could measure up to OpTic or Loud

8 - FNC vs EG, Masters Tokyo 2023 - Much of the same as OpTic vs Loud, with one team coming out of nowhere and making an incredible run to the Grand Finals before falling short and losing 3-0. Obviously this gets points for being an incredibly high level of play, but it does also signify the brief period that FNC were completely unbeatable, with no one that could really challenge them.

7 - GMB vs NV, Masters Berlin 2021 - Another dominant 3-0 Grand Final, although GMB and NV were probably the first real great teams in Valorant, and played to a much higher level strategically than the teams at Reykjavik.

6 - GMB vs Acend, Champions Berlin 2021 - This was the first real Grand Finals that was close, and at one point it even looked like GMB were gonna win their second trophy. However it is retroactively worsened by the fact that all of Acend kinda fell off afterwards (though cNed is having a resurgence right now) and it was massively overshadowed by KRU vs GMB, which I feel like everyone kinda wished was the actual Grand Finals.

5 - EG vs PRX, Champions LA 2023 - The culmination of EG's Cinderella run, and a really great storyline to have for the winners of Champions. However, it's definitely made worse by the fact that PRX massively choked, and weren't playing anywhere near the level we had seen from them before. something underdelivered and Jinggg was getting shut down the whole series.

4 - OpTic vs Loud, Champions Istanbul 2022 - The culmination of the greatest rivalry in Valorant history, in maybe the most stacked tournament we've had yet, with Loud finally proving themselves to be world beaters, and finally winning a trophy for South America. Absolute cinema.

3 - Gen.G vs SEN, Masters Madrid 2024 - Two great storylines, with SEN and more specifically TenZ making a massive comeback after reinventing themselves, and Gen.G being the first Korean team to ever make a Grand Finals, plus it was incredibly close with a 3-2 scoreline, with Gen.G being incredibly close to winning it all on Split.

2 - FPX vs PRX, Masters Copenhagen 2022 - FPX may have the best storyline of any LAN winner in Valorant. They were arguably the best in the world at the start of the year, but couldn't attend Reykjavik because of factors completely out of their control, then they get overtaken and relegated to second best in Europe, losing to the same team 4 times in a row. When they finally make their international debut, one of their star players has visa issues and they have to play with a sub. They barely scrape through the group stage and their star player makes it to the event just in time for playoffs. They immediately get knocked down to the lower bracket and have to run an absolute gauntlet, beating a Guild who had beaten OpTic, DRX, the team that had knocked them down to the lower bracket and overtaken them as the best in Europe in FNC, the team who had won the previous event that they were forced to miss in OpTic, and then the first Asian team to make a Grand Finals who were absolutely on fire in PRX, who take them to an incredibly close 5 map series, which ends with the star player who had missed the group stage pulling out one of the best clips in Valorant history to finally win them an international trophy after getting fucked about by things out of their control for the first half of the year. Insane storyline, incredibly close Grand Final, gruellingly difficult route to win and a very high level of play.

1 - FNC vs Loud, Lock//In Sao Paulo 2023 - Just the best game ever played in Valorant history, with FNC pulling off a legendary comeback to deny a reverse sweep vs the reigning Champions in front of their home crowd, as well as finally overcoming their reputations as chokers, with Boaster, Derke and Mini finally winning a trophy after trying for one so long, as well as Alfajer getting his revenge on Loud by lifting a trophy in front of their home crowd after having to watch them lift one in front of his. Peak

posted 1 month ago

Love that one of these 2 has to go out in a single elim B03 when they both clear Fraudnatic, Lulquid and Karmine Fraud

posted 1 month ago

Depends what you value more. something has higher heights, aspas is more consistent

posted 1 month ago

ardiis clears all of them

posted 1 month ago

Idk, they had time off during Madrid and came into Stage 1 looking worse than they did in Kickoff. Time off might be a nerf to this team

posted 1 month ago

I mean that was a while ago, and now keznit is playing with a Brazilian player known for being a hot head and hard to work with, and the two seem to be getting on just fine. I don't think it's as deep as guys like trembo make it out to be, he made some offensive remarks in a heated argument and got punished for it, now he seems to have realized his mistake and moved on.

posted 1 month ago

-Demon1 is clearly struggling in his personal life, isn't performing to his heights from last year and just seems sad and demoralized compared to last year's idgaf attitude

-Before their playoffs decider match, Marved jumped in a call with FNS to tell him how much he misses OpTic and how he wished he had signed with NRG back when franchising started, not sounding sober at all

-Ethan's tweet about being a bad team with good players

-Every time Chet gets on stage he looks like he doesn't want to be there

-Victor and crashies are known tilters and look frustrated asf every time they play

-The team just generally hasn't lived up to their expectations for themselves and seem to have no chemistry, cohesion or team identity

All signs are pointing to NRG imploding either before Stage 2 or after they inevitably don't qualify to Champions, because even after the time off they had during Madrid they came back looking even worse than they did in Kickoff

posted 1 month ago

There's this super experienced CS IGL that's apparently moving to Valorant. He's pretty old but he has like the biggest brain in all of FPS. His names like FMS or smth. Could deffo lead this core of 3 to a LAN qual. Then there's this other dude, used to play COD and CS. He's playing for a pretty dogshit team atm but he looks like he has potential. I think his name is like woohoo or smth like that. If that team happened, oh bro. These guys could make grands at an international. Give em a year and I bet they could even win a Masters. They may even make it to Champions finals. Bro that team would be so good

posted 1 month ago

100t is absolutely clear of C9. Honestly I think there's a tier gap between top 3 of LEV, KRU and 100T and 4th place, which I would have as Loud after seeing their form vs SEN

posted 1 month ago

It might be joever for us. LEV are the clear best team in the world and Pacific might have the best group of representatives as a whole. Meanwhile one of Heretics or NAVI can’t even make the event because of the retarded format. Best we can hope for is to farm the Chinese teams or cNed to have a life game and diff aspas (10% chance at best)

It’s so over

posted 1 month ago

Current best team in the world = mid team

Very in touch with the state of Valorant aren't you trembo?

posted 1 month ago

I always knew he was insane but this is a new level. Has goked got him on the SkRossi 5am chicken and rice cold shower routine?

posted 1 month ago

NRG seem to have fixed they're negative value attack side

Now they can't defend for shit

NRG confirmed single side Sammy's

posted 1 month ago

100t boutta 13-0 these frauds on Bind. NRG may have the worst Bind in franchising. Meanwhile, Bind is basically 100t's home map this year

posted 1 month ago

But he didn't play the same role as him

posted 1 month ago

It's 100% 100T

posted 1 month ago

aspas was never really a Chamber player. He was acting as Loud's hard entry throughout 2022 while the other 3 were basically hard Chamber mains

posted 1 month ago

Both ardiis and Cryo have HARD cleared yay, which is funny because the discourse in 2022 was that they were the Chamber players who could never touch yay's Chamber. All 3 kinda struggled in 2023, but now Cryo has moved to smokes and is fucking farming in Americas, and ardiis is back to his superstar form and is the best player on a team with Shao, SUYGETSU and zyppan. While yay is fighting for his life on a bottom feeder team in Pacific.

posted 1 month ago

The genuine answer is Ethan can't adapt to diversions in their pre planned ideas and they don't understand Demon1's strengths as a player, plus Marved is the only player on the team really hitting the heights that we know them for

The REAL genuine answer is Chet is a fraud carried by FNS, Semen1 is a fraud carried by Potter and Boostio, Ethan is a senile old man who can't keep up with the kids, Marved has lost his aura and is now the ice cream man and crashies was carried by yay and only has one memorable clip, in which his opponents can't fight back

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Ah yes, trust in mwzera. The winless player this season

posted 1 month ago

So one of NAVI and TH has to go out immediately in a single elim match while one of Fraudnatic or Lulquid gets to make it through? Actual fucking moronic format

posted 1 month ago

Franchising will forever be fucked for being made in a team when most Russian orgs were being sanctioned so we didn't get any CIS teams in franchising

posted 1 month ago

Reykjavik 2021 - NUTURN vs V1
Masters Berlin - Acend vs 100T
Champions 2021 - KRU vs GMB
Reykjavik 2022 - DRX vs ZETA imo
Masters Copenhagen - FPX vs PRX
Champions 2022 - Either FPX vs DRX or OpTic vs DRX
Lock//In - FNC vs Loud
Masters Tokyo - EG vs PRX
Champions 2023 - EG vs Loud
Masters Madrid - TH vs PRX

posted 1 month ago

Thanks Snapchat AI for this heartwarming message

posted 1 month ago

Lil bro didn't add sliggy

posted 1 month ago

The worst part is that EMEA can't send it's best teams because of the retarded single elim bullshit and the top 3 teams all being in the same group

posted 1 month ago

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posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

It's even on Icebox, I can feel it coming

posted 1 month ago

ardiis > D0rke
Chronicum > zyppan
Shao > Pee-o
Suygetsu > Alfraudjer
ANGE1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> T0aster

ANGE1 picks Jett and 13-0's them again

ardiis ends the series with 143 flash assists with 18 kills

Shao's rating across the split goes up to 1.33 after this series

Suygetsu ends with a 92% HS

zyppan gets 23 Raze ult kills

posted 1 month ago

Unfortunately, ardiis, Shao and Suygetsu disagree

posted 1 month ago
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