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Last post: June 1, 2024 at 5:41 PM
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He's also said on stream that he only plays like that in ranked to mess around. He said he isn't usually like this when it comes to when he's playing scrims, etc.

posted about 2 years ago

Well they're doing that domestically in NSG monthly, not qualifying for anything that pays well.

Like, I guess congrats for winning $1500 - $3000 a month split between 6 people.

Other than that, they're not a bad team. They're just not good enough to actually achieve anything in NA. R

posted about 2 years ago

He's so frustrating to watch. It's like with the op, he hits every third or fourth shot. Like, it's 3 rounds or so he holds short, and misses 2 shots that should be hit.
idk if he's panicking or what. Just for a top team, he looks shaky for his role. Especially considering other Jett mains that play at this level, and event.

Like, dude performed fantastic this game given everything. Just he seems odd to watch when oping.

posted about 2 years ago

that's like watching an amazon produced video on what it's like to work at amazon.

posted about 2 years ago

I never said he wasn't consistent. He's the most consistent oper in the world. However for the rounds without an op, he's top tier but not top1. I also don't think scream is the best duellist in the world either, as he can only rifle, with sub par oping. he's the opposite of cNed. Both the most consistent on their roles, just different kits to achieve the end result.

cNed is also the best Jett, not most complete, but the best at utilising her whole kit. Scream is far better suited to reyna, than on a Jett. That also showed in his performance aswell.

Reason why I said scream is the most consistant, is it's assumed an oper would be top of the scoreboard with acs, and kills. Given how oppresive it is in this game. Scream is one of the only riflers who constantly outperforms opers.

I do say they're both equal overall at top tier. Just different masters at different sides. One oping, other rifling. Their redbull homeground matchup is a perfect example of them. Both same stats, and near exact acs aswell.

posted about 2 years ago

Liked for the dot crosshair

posted about 2 years ago

tbf, both matches each team played against eachother this event, yay and scream performed better than cNed.

cNed is the better awper than anyone else in the world right now. Yay is just the most complete Jett, who can rifle at a high level, and op.

Scream is just the best rifler in the world, and probably the most consistent and versatile duelist out there atm.

posted about 2 years ago

Come on bro, their mental was chalked after they were caught exploiting. It's riot fault they tried to cheat and didn't get away with it.

posted about 2 years ago

From this and the last event, his gameplay hasn't changed much. It's just people are shutting him down.

At masters, he got away with murder every round, from his lurks. This whole event his lurks are shut down, as he's a one dimensional lurker.

Like even now his stats aren't horrible. 1.1kd, on supp. Ofc it's nothing compared to masters. Just I feel teams have just got the jist of what he does, and figured out how to counter him.

posted about 2 years ago

I agree there's something that isn't as hype as iceland, etc. However I dont know what people expected. The current champs is more trial and error right now, as it's the first one.
Just wish they had a second elim, as lower bracket runs build a lot of hype. Event lasts a bit longer, but that was the exciting thing about iceland. Fnatics Lowe bracket was so exciting to watch.

posted about 2 years ago

I feel with nats is he just got read by other teams. With his performance in Berlin, people just read that he lurks and analysed what he does. Shut down a lurk, and he's next to useless.

Chronicle has stepped the fuck up though.
Deffo just looks as lost and inconsistent as usual.

posted about 2 years ago

Nah man they lost against the team that knocked the previous finalist into lower bracket. Liquid obviously washed and need a roster reshuffle. /s

On a real note, nobody has realised that liquid pushed through LCQ, got to semis. Them losing a match after not losing a single one for a solid 3-4 months.
People need to realise that some teams have a better day than others. Acend deserved this win, liquid didn't.

posted about 2 years ago

ngl I think they (acend) just didn't prep for vk. The difference in them vs VK, and against Envy/TL. Both night and day.
It's why I have a guy feeling if Kru beat gambit, they take the event.

posted about 2 years ago

I have a weird gut feeling Acend beat liquid, and Kru beat gambit, just to take the finals.

Hopefully liquid wins the event as an ultimate scream redemption. I just have a feeling acend knockout liquid, and kru win the whole event.

posted about 2 years ago

His recent match history shows he got a bit better, but idk if it's t1 better. Especially as most of his games were against t2/3 eu, and only a few during t1 teams.

I guess since they're picking him up (if they do), then he must have improved.

posted about 2 years ago

idk people bro. Dude said it in iceland, and lost. This time he said it as a meme.
People reading too much into a joke.

posted about 2 years ago


having it drop and not drop again, will be a huge reason people want it. Plus free shit.

posted about 2 years ago

That tends to happen for orgs that try to play a villain and stick by it. G2 likes the banter, but they meme on losses.
Sen like the banter, but they dont meme after they lose. Well, not as much as G2 does.

The idea they're going for, I'm down for. It brings storylines, and viewers. A nice tame esport tends to be boring after awhile.

posted about 2 years ago


He was a god for highlights in MM. In pro play, he had a few moments but nothing at the level he's hyped to, or at tarik.

posted about 2 years ago

Shroud was a PUB god. Every match he played, he got a highlight. In competitive, he was average. Nothing jaw dropping, but he had moments of amazingness.

Tarik, was far better in his peak than shroud ever was. Shroud just got insanely hyped by reddit when he was on front page every day.

posted about 2 years ago

CS is like 200days of travel. Think it was Tarik that said you're travelling so far. It's why even he was surprised nitro was going back to cs. Especially as his child was just born.

I guess Cs is that much of a passion for him, so props to that.

posted about 2 years ago

Majority of Na players prefered CS, and have said on stream before. Just their scene died during covid, so they migrated.

Nitro going back is purely for passion, as there's no guarantee he can perform at a T1 level anymore. Him staying in Val is smarter for his career, than going back to CS which liquid has been so shaky recently.

I also agree with you. Was just adding onto your point :)

posted about 2 years ago

ikr. I've only heard hype about mwzera, heat, and sacy. Everyone else was just there.
Plus doesn't every region hype up some new person every few months?

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, they need to take victor off skye. Dude has great mechanics but I dont think he's had a solid performance on skye in a long time.

posted about 2 years ago

Surprisingly out of modern fps games, I've had the most grown up discussions about Siege. Every region has had good fans when it comes to how they treat eachother.
ofc we have the EU>NA or NA>EU, etc. Right now it's BR>everyone. Which the biggest surprise is how respectful the siege BR fans are, compared to what I've encounted on cs, and val. Like, I've never had a bad experience with BR fans in siege, even when Eu/NA memed on latam(all SA siege is under latam), for a few years. right now they're ontop, and fans are humble. Scene is honestly a bit too nice at times as NA just hates on NA. Eu hates on EU, etc. game has 0 storylines which is sad.

posted about 2 years ago

like 200k viewers max on a good day. Think last OWL got 135k or so, with a 3.2mil prizepool. Guess that's the perk of having activision as the owner of the game. Can just pump money into it, even if it's a deficit.

posted about 2 years ago

It's because we're all anonymous behind a screen. no repercussions for chatting shit, or being a moron.

It's the same shit as league. Immature 18yr olds who have grown up on the internet, not knowing how to not be a cringy fan of their team/region. it's odd that you find people who just genuinely want to see good games, or good storylines. Like the newer set of esports fans take shit way too personally.

I miss the good days of 1.6 or early csgo where it wasn't as toxic as what we have now. Pretty sure so many toxic people have pushed away the people who genuinely like the game.
A few friends of mine refuse to use hltv, reddit, vlr, etc. Just because of the forums being cringy as fuck, and people taking shit way too personally.

posted about 2 years ago

The main bit that annoyed be with how he was playing, was forcing the guardian. He's been spamming it in ranked before the event, where it worked. Only place I saw it work at all, was on bind against Liquid, where he was hitting everything. Other than that, it just looked like 2.2k down the drain.

Other than that, I just dont think he's a split player. His last decent split game was the first match against f4q, where he went 22-16. Other than that, he's not played well on that map.

posted about 2 years ago

It's odd tbh. I feel the pros have a bit of banter to bring up hype, or just shit talk for the content. Fans take that shit way too far. I'm not sure what caused the val community to be so toxic. I guess it's people who want to get the bragging rights as soon as they can. HOwever it will keep swapping. This year has been NA-EU-**(current champ winners)
Next year will probably have BR somewhere in there, SEA somewhere in there, Na or eu aswell. It wont be until a few years where we'll get the first real dynasty, which I think by team fans will chill out.

We'll pretty much repeat CSGO. The start is one region centric, however after a few years another region takes the reigns, competition happens between fans, etc.

posted about 2 years ago

Furia is probably the only BR team that can actually put up a decent fight against some top10 teams. Pain is usually a 2-0 loss against top10-20, and godsent have a decent chance in t2.

Furia is honestly a great team though.
Godsent has a brighter future than Pain.

posted about 2 years ago

ight. tldr.

fallen - 4th most impactful player
only reason he's decent - igl

posted about 2 years ago

His impact compared to elige, stewie and naf? No shot. I give fallen benefit of the doubt as he's IGL. However he's by far nor carrying them. Their results are the exact same as when they still had twists. The same inconsistencies, and same 50/50 matchups against anyone. Nothing changed with bringing fallen in.
Wish it did change. however all it changed was Naf being their best player as of recent times. Fallen is decent, but he's a shadow of his former self. He isn't able to be consistant in t1 anymore, and he doesn't have to. Dude had the best BR dynasty in CS, and was amazing to witness.

Just rn he isn't liquids best player, or more impactful.

posted about 2 years ago

Then it should be blamed on the staff on VK who didn't hear about giants or x10 being penalized, despite every other region hearing and not using that cam.
Like, the x10 and giants punishment wasn't really small either. It was wide spread through the subreddit, twitter, and talked about on the streams. If NA and EU heard about x10 being punished. No excuse for BR saying they wernt away.

However riot should have paused at the first instance of the cam. Waiting until the end then just to punish, is dumb. Should have decided then and there if they wanted to punish them, or replay round. Riot made the issue 10x worse for everyone.

posted about 2 years ago

ye bro.
.99 in the past 3 months, and 1.07 overall. Dude is hardcarrying them while naf is just chilling doing nothing.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro they still live in 2016/2017. They can't move on from the past.

posted about 2 years ago

I want indo cs to swap. Can only imagine forsaken,xaccurate and bntet together. Bntet by far the best player to ever come out of SEA.

Just dont want to see them fade into obscurity even more in cs. Both bntet and xaccurate are amazing. Their talent will slowly fade as CNCS or SEACS fades with val on the rise.

posted about 2 years ago

A flawless event isn't a fluke though. They were just ahead of everyone and they caught up.

Going back and watching iceland, their matches werent lucky. They outclassed pretty much every team they played again.

Just goes to show how fast the competition in valorant is rising. Looking foward to next year and seeing how strong the competition is then.

posted about 2 years ago

Just waiting for the day tyloo brings back the peak CS roster in val.
Mass copium to see xaccurate and bntet playing.
Get somebody in, and DD. that'd be great to see.

posted about 2 years ago

idk, his Skye has always looked really sketchy.

posted about 2 years ago

I have no doubt that valorant will overtake CS one day. We're also not that close.
So far we've had 760k the peak viewership, and that's the biggest team in the scene. They're now gone from the event. This is also the biggest event of the year for val, and so far viewership is lower than iceland.

We cant compare with PGL, and this event might not even break through the 1mil point, given sen are out. I hope it does, as I hope Val take over CS. Valve have put 0 effot in CS over the past few years, and I want val to give them the wake up call it needs.

Just dont be deluded and think mixwell, or scream could still hold up in cs. They wernt good enough for t1, and most likely never will be. Nobody in Val right now could put a dent in T1 cs. Nitro is probably the only person, but he's joining the most inconsistent team in the top20, other than faze.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, are you okay?

When was the last time mixwell was in a t1 team in cs? early 2018. Scream? 2018 aswell.

Val might be on a rise, and will most likely take over CS someday. Right now, Cs is at a ll time high playercount. Last major had great viewership. The level of competition is at an all time high. Like, are you that deluded that you think CS is smaller than val now?

Also if they're doing well in Val, but couldn't do anything for 2 years in CS. why the fuck do you think they wernt washed in CS? This is also coming from a scream fan, and a mixwell fan. Like, dont be so delusional that you think they were at the peak form in cs when they left.

posted about 2 years ago

CSGO is far from dying in eu you fucking troglodyte.

The reason NA swapped is because orgs were pulling funding from the scene in NA. In eu the game has been growing.

Mixwell swapped because his career in t1 was done after optic. Scream left because his career in t1 was done for years. Every player swapping is doing so because they can't keep up with the current scene.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, dont even cope with mixwell. Dude fell off after optic, and had a single decent event with North. Dude fell off after that dreamhack.

Much like every other pro player in this game that left cs. Most were in a slump, or knew they couldn't keep up with t1

posted about 2 years ago

That's Val atm. The skill ceiling is nothing compared to CS. So peope who were considered washed and would never be able to attend a international lan. They're all over here being top of their region.

posted about 2 years ago

Not even that. There's no t3 scene in EU val. We have challanger mode to play, which is dogshit. The best thing we get past that, is country specific lans, or events. One I played was epic lan(it was online) back in february, and it was great. Now I have to wait like 3-6months for the next one to have fun at.

No consistant place to play events online. It's why I just wish we had an fpl scene, or some other form of tenmans.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah. If they can work past the language barrier, KR would be the ideal place to look.

EU, I'm not sure given the larger orgs are taking interest in the scene. Only plus side of going to NA from EU, would be for more events.

hopefully 2022 have more events in eu, and a more structured t2/3 scene. We need something like nsg.

posted about 2 years ago

Dont think this guys played a hard support role in anygame at any level tbh. Fragging as a heavy supp character is hard as fuck.

posted about 2 years ago

I think they'll look at jp/kr. Xeta has been one of the most successful imports into a team. A lot of talent in KR, with a small chance of supp going towards them.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, he's considered one of the best by most pro players, and every analyst. Like, tf.

My bro thinks impact is only on the scoreboard.

posted about 2 years ago

Oh yeah, I forgot to put that in there.
I just remember a few days after they mentioned the swap where he'll just play sova, etc. He spoke about him being able to focus more on igling, and not having to focus too much on his gameplay, aswell as calling.

posted about 2 years ago
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