Country: Europe
Registered: June 3, 2021
Last post: May 18, 2024 at 7:25 AM
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Yeah, just saw on twitter a few teams who were on the waiting list got bumped up.

one guy commented saying his team was removed from the list, and a play was set to "1 player status changed randomly to "No roster changes remaining""

Glad riot aren't favouring teams and sticking to rules.

posted about 2 years ago

Even if he does, people still overreact about it, and send hate.

He said after that he's a troll and was just joking. The fact that even though it was an obvious joke, people took it seriously.

Deleting it is by far the easiest thing to do, although also pointless imo.

posted about 2 years ago

Then sign up sooner.

Other teams such as guild, alliance, vitality, etc. They all signed up before hand. You can always drop out of an open qual, but once you miss the initial grouping, you're screwed.

This is nobodies fault but their own

posted about 2 years ago

I think they should have signed up earlier :/ They signed up before they lost their games, so no excuse on their behalf.

Vitality signed up two days ago. Guild yesterday. G2 have no excuse for signing up late.

posted about 2 years ago

Then your MMR from last act is evening out.

The way their system works, although not perfect.

If you're in your rank, you gain and lose equal amounts. If you're in an elo that you dont perform great in, you gain less and lose more. If you're in an elo where you're clearly not meant to be in, you gain large boost.

This is where i'm currently at. I was imm2 last act, placed d1, and have been getting 20-35rr per win, and 12 on a loss.

you might be running into the broken part of their forumula, which sucks. I had it the previous act, and it was horrible. Was d3, placed plat1, and was getting 20rr, and losing 17.

posted about 2 years ago

Like that's the thing. We gain 20+ rr for a win, and lose like 12 for a loss.

posted about 2 years ago

He deleted it because people took shit out of context. People thought he was serious about it and tried to start drama in the comments. So it got deleted.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, you're still going against the exact same people you were going against last act. All it is, is that you dont have that blue icon next to your name. Just play through it. It evens out.
I placed dia1, I gain 20-30rr, and lose 10. Sooner or later you rise up.

If you're barely breaking even k/d at gold 1, then you were barely breaking even at plat. The enemies didn't change, just the rank icon. You'll be against your old elo enemies for the next couple weeks, so just chill, play, have fun. If you want to wait, wait a few weeks and you can just pubstomp people until you're back in p3.

posted about 2 years ago

Nah they got invited, lost their matches as well as signing up after everyone else.
I get that it's not the best for viewership if they dont make it, but taking another's spot because they signed up late, isn't the way.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, you've been on these forums for over a year, with 3k posts. Why are you talking about this now? It's like going to church and telling people to stop praying.

People will overreact when someone performs bad. It's like the people saying tenz is washed because he didn't drop 30 every match. People overhype, overreact. About everything.

posted about 2 years ago

Shao was the best sova next to ardis at peak fpx vs g2.

All they did now is take off great performing players, off the roles they performed best on. FPX has done this shit constantly throughout the past year. constant role changes, no consistency in who's doing what. At this point it's more of a meme.

posted about 2 years ago

Shao on astra, Ardis on Jett.
Never change FPX. Never change.

posted about 2 years ago

It's what a lot of people seem to forget about them. AMD has been the productivity CPU for the past 10 years or so. Intel was always better at gaming.

Most people tend to advice to go to amd because overall it's better than intel. If someones focus is hard on gaming, then intel is most likely the best choice.

People just need to realise that AMD hasn't eclipsed intel at all. It's just more people are being vocal about them, while nobody really talks about intel that much anymore.

posted about 2 years ago

unfortunate really.
Him standing in for G2, showed that his form is nothing compared to his peak. As sad as it is, he looks like a bigger fall from grace than ScreaM. From the best awper in cs history,(at his peak), to horrible inconsistencies for what he used to be.

Glad he's choosing passion over the bag though. Him sticking with CS is more respectable than what nitro did. Nitro just dipped because he didn't get any T1 offers, and went back when he did.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro, he isn't gonna notice you.

posted about 2 years ago

erm.... dude nearly threw a 2v1

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, I'm roughly the same.
I like watching him play Jett, but idk if it'll be the same as his old self. With him on skye on ascent, or playing viper on bind. That was all fun to watch, as he had crazy moments. His Skye ascent was great to watch. Think it was a f4q match they played, where his flashes always got someone a kill.

posted about 2 years ago

Hi last few he was still performing well. Decent against finest, not great against fnatic, good against vitality, good against heretics, etc.

I remember watching a few videos and tweets from carlos where he said mixwell wanted to get off the Jett, and management(coaches, etc), thought he was too big brain for her.

I just feel swapping roles now, it'll be rough to adjust. When he left Jett, he was one of the best Jetts in eu. still remember watching him from 25-35 every match, just to have it be a toss up on if they win it or not. This was during the slumps that ardis had, pyth having, etc.
then having subs aswell, with ozzy. Not sure if Zeek was signed, or just a loan. Can't remember.

posted about 2 years ago

bro, dont think it's his ego. He dropped Jett when he was at his peak with her, because himself and G2 thought he was too smart of a player to play a role that relies on mechanics more than game sense.

Just him taking that long of a break from Jett, he's no longer ahead of others on her, but behind. Dude should have stuck with more supporting agents, or initiators than going back on entry.

posted about 2 years ago

You've been lucky with the UK players. I've experienced more Jett and Reyna players who just W into sight then complain that his team dont W with him, and are holding a default.
Their ego gets hurt if you say "dont push garage, they have 3 people holding it who've killed you every time you push it" then just start shit talking for the rest of the match.

posted about 2 years ago

DAmn, where's that post when someone predicted x10 crumbling in 2022.

posted about 2 years ago

Studying is his main focus, so anything outside of that, would be considered downtime. going out and exploring, or just spending the day at a beach. That is also downtime.

If he spends it just playing ranked on valorant all day, go for it. If he goes out, go for it.
Sem1-, was just saying dont do something you could potentially regret. He's going to another country to study, which is usually a once in a lifetime chance. Squandering it by playing videogames just seems like a waste of an opportunity.
We're also not saying he can't play games. it's all his choice in what he does.

Also with countries being interesting, etc. It's all in the eyes of the beholder. I find the UK god awful boring. Some people come here and spend weeks doing random shit I would never think was interesting.

I also didn't read all the comments below either. Was just responding with the comments above, as context. OP stated he was just wondering, about it. That's fine. It's fine if he did stay inside. I'm just trying to add onto what Sem1 was talking about, as he's also talking from experience of handling a similar situation.

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh, pretty much everywhere is better than Birmingham.

posted about 2 years ago

Did you not read the comment either?

The dude is saying dont spend your downtime playing valorant. Experience the country and environment as much as you can, as not many people are able to study abroad.
Staying inside plying videogames is why he's saying you'll come back with regrets, and you didn't experience the perks of studying abroad.

Also with his comment. he said he studied abroad. there's still so much he wishes he could see.

I'm with Sem1- with this.
Take advantage of going to a new country, and make memories and experiences. Who cares about a few months away from a video game.

posted about 2 years ago

That's what's confusing me about all this.

Onur is an old league coach from latam which is killing the highest potential career move he could have, on a basis of principle. I give him credit to sticking with his guns, but it's a really fucking dumb stance to stick on.

Thorin, even with all the shit he says, he'll somehow get hired. Dude has a big thing like this every couple years, and get away with it somehow.

The only difference between the two despite their moronic belifes. Thorin has a resume he can use. Onur has being a kru coach, and a latam league coach, is his only roles.

posted about 2 years ago

aah damn, should have read this before making my comment.

Kind of a dumb hill for Onur to die on. Also surprising Germany doesn't require vaccination for travel, but only a negative pcr test.

posted about 2 years ago

Wait, so Germany allowed him in without a vaccine? I thought to go to any of the Lan events, everyone must be vaccinated.

I assumed it was getting a booster shot, or updating the vaccine passport.

Kinda dumb to throw away a job because he doesn't want to get a vaccine. I guess he can stand his ground not being on a top tier team, given he left the best team in LATAM, just to get deported.

posted about 2 years ago

From your match history, I'm surprised you're still getting that amount of elo. Probably as the hidden mmr is calculated with your placements, aswell as your previous acts rank.

A few acts ago I lost 4/5 placements and got placed plat3. I was d3 the previous act. I played bad in each of the placements, so this led me to believe previous act rank was the main influencer in it.

So if you keep spamming matches against low elo players, mostly causing them to make reddit threads about smurfs. Then you're gonna be stuck there for a lot longer. Best thing I'd say is find someone in silver and just duo with them, so you can at least get a bit more elo from them and make the game a bit more tolerable than constantly going 30-2

posted about 2 years ago

Then that's the reason the game is only giving you 10. their formula is seeing previous performances where you could have messed around, threw, trolled, etc. so it thinks you're supposed to be in iron, which is dumb. If anyone is match mvp for that many games, it should recheck the forumla to recent times.

posted about 2 years ago

Because AFKing in unrated tends to get you placed in Iron1, where the game uses that as your base mmr. So you're up in bronze, still getting elo because the game is evening out those matches you're playing, with your previous where you were afk, or last act when the account was made, was low elo.

posted about 2 years ago

It's the same shit with Wardell, TenZ, SkRossi, etc.

Fans have ruined being a fan of certain players.
you talk good about TenZ, people mention his split game.
you mention SkRossi, people talk shit about the region/he didn't qual for champs and lost to streamer team
You mention Wardell, you get that they haven't done anything this year.

It's unfortunate because all players who get that, are genuinely amazing players. It's just the fans that ruin it. same with teams, like BBL had it in 2020, tsm had it in 2020/21, Sen in 2021, 100t in 2021, Gamelanders since 2020.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm not even a fan of hiko bro.

If a top5 sova list, I'd put sacy in there. A long with chronicle, lakia(iffy with this one), and crashies, and potentiall Shao(dudes been placed on everything at this point, but was one of the original goated sovas)

i've been a fan of BR, as I want more regions to be competitive. It's why I had VK in my pickems going to playoffs, beating both acend and envy.

It's fine being a fan. But use official matches and achievements as a standpoint. Not deathmatch. It's moronic and irrelevant when it comes to seeing if someone is better.
Take shroud for example. Dude was amazing in pugs, but was average in pro play. I'm not saying MW is average, but pugs mean fuck all in the grand scheme.

I will admit that Br tends to get looked over. THe same with SEA, and Apac(outside of VS). However going around and showing useless stats to everyone, just makes people shit on the teams even more. all we'll get from that is people making threads ridiculing the player, just to get a rise out of you.
We got it when GE didn't qualify for Champs in LCQ. We get it for TSM. We get it for Sen, and we've had it for G2, Fnatic, Liquid, etc. People just use your passion for a player as fuel to troll.

Like, not to be rude. You're probably the main reason people shit on mwzera if he performs bad, on this site. It's fine saying he's a great player. going straight and saying he's the best in the world, it didn't make sense then, and it's proven that he's not now. He has the potential to be one of the best, but right now he isn't. He's amongst the top echelon of valorant right now though, and hopefully he only goes up.

posted about 2 years ago

ofc we'll hear about him in the future. The dude is a good player. It's just you suck his dick no matter what it is, and make it out like everyone else other than him is hot garbage.

you constantly try to compare mw to other players, just to try to justify your opinion that he's the best. You even bring in dm stats, or ranked stats like they matter at all.

It's the same shit that people had with TenZ, SKRossi, etc. People go and suck their dick on forums which just makes people dislike the player because they can't go anywhere without hearing some random dude online gargling on his nuts.

Like, nobody actually dislikes Mw as a player. He had a good performance in Berlin, and it was great to watch him play. It's just tedious when we used to have constant "Mwzera is better than tenz" then you post dm stats and ranked stats.

posted about 2 years ago

Ec1s can have the most experience achiveving nothign except having scream drop 30-40 and still lose. Experience losing is still experience losing.
His only t1 expeience was also with liquid, nearly a year ago. Since he left liquid, he never got back into t1. NIP was the closest, and they were by far no where near t1 anymore.
A prime example of a player who was just put on the bench, Iyen.
In EU, I'd take Ozzy over ec1s.

I'm not saying ec1s is the worst pickup. It's just picking up a player because you cant afford the best, isn't what will make 100t win events.

*when I say afford, I'm talking about in their budget

You mention South America isn't known for having good igls, GB isn't known for having good players. We have 1/50 pro players who are good at their game. CS we have smooya, and that's mostly it. Mezzi is getting there. In siege we have ctzn, who is the only world class talent we have.
EU as a region has world class talent, GB as a place, doesn't really have a lot going for them given their history in esports.

Also with players willing to leave their team. What difference would it make from another player in SA/apac leaving, paying the buyout. Than what 100t would have done in NA? Taking a free agent because you can't poach, it's just them putting tape over a hold in a sinking ship.
If they're settling for players they're unsure of because they can't get who they ideally want, they wont really win. The same shit happened with G2 in siege. they had to settle for players who wernt their first option, and their dynasty crumbled.

I'm not saying ec1s is the worst pickup. It's just he's nothing fantastic, and I can't see 100t winning against other top teams. It's just going to be Ethan, and Asuna trying their hardest, unless they can get an insane 5th.
The one good thing I'll say about ec1s, is he has better mechanics than steel, but that's about it.

posted about 2 years ago

oh ofc. There's always something we dont know. From an outside view, it looks questionable. We dont know the impact he could have on the team. Hopefully he has a great impact on 100t, as it'll be great for a viewing experience.

posted about 2 years ago

Do you reckon picking up an igl from eu who wasn't good enough in t1 eu, was the right pick if they wanted to win?

If they looked outside of na/eu, you have asia, or even br. Both regions are known to having lowish buyouts as the scene isn't as invested as Na/EU is.

100t in the last few months lost steel - veteran igl, questionable mecahnics.
lost nitro - by far their best player next to asuna.
boi was a temp from what I believe. Can't remember if he was just a load or full time pickup.

So do you reckon ec1s who is an inexperienced igl in t1, would be able to fill the shoes of either of the three 100t lost.

An ideal situation is find an export in asia/latam/br, over NA/EU. The only people you'll find for a cheap price in either region, isn't a player that can get you to qualify for international lans.

I hope ec1s proves me wrong. He isn't a bad player. He's just not at the stage where he would win anything meaningful. I could be wrong, but my gut tells me he'll be dropped in 3 months and 100t will make numerous changes this year.

posted about 2 years ago

I think even with a 5th, I can't see 100t going far with ec1s as igl, unless he's improved a lot. Like from previous teams, liquid at the time was scream dropping30+ to lose 11-13.
Nip was just a dysfunctional team full of inconsistencies, outside of Jady who went to Navi.

Unless they get some insane player, I can't see them qualifying for a masters with the current 4.

I hope they prove me wrong. I just think other teams in NA are better right now than they could be with Ec1s.
Especially with their competition being sen, c9, envy, rise, xset. Just think it's gonna be a rough ride for first challangers for 100t. Hope the surprise me and perform insanely well. Just my gut is telling me otherwise.

posted about 2 years ago

Ec1s was far from a t1 igl in eu. The time he was on liquid, it was scream dropping 30 a match just to lost 11-13. You had an inconsistant soulcas, kryptix performing decently, etc.

Just find it odd that an org as large as 100t who want to win, would get an igl who wasn't anything special, just because they cant afford a better choice. It just tells me that they wont achieve anything more than what they did with steel

Like I want 100t to get back in their old form. Just can't see it happening with ec1s unfortunately. Hope I'm wrong, but my gut is telling me this was a panic pickup because they dont have time left.

*When I say afford, I mean in budget. Not saying 100t dont have money. Just they can't justify a large buyout much like Sen could.

posted about 2 years ago

tbh from his track record he wasn't ever that special of a player. Even as an igl, people are expecting players at the level of nitro, Jamppi, shahzam, Vanity, redgar, boaster, stax, etc.
His run on NIP wasn't that special either. They beat low t2 teams in eu in Challengers 3, and Redbull Homeground. He was never anything spectacular, but was just around.

I hope he's improved since his nip days. We dont know how large his impact is given we dont know coms. all we know is, he hasn't igl'd a dominant team.

Edit* Meant to reply to thread, not you. The bit about nip was to the OP. my b

posted about 2 years ago

Dude in NA ranked who constantly jumps around like a moron in game. People have been saying he's the savior of NA, because his playstyle in ranked is really fucking dumb, and he gets away with so much random shit.

He was also on brimstone gaming earlier this year, but just jumped between different agents. In ranked he's a Jett main, in comp he was a bit of everything but Jett. Think he has like 4 maps on her.

posted about 2 years ago

Just converted my cs sens, but okay.

posted about 2 years ago

scrims, as in trialing. Trialing is still scrims.

You also know he was on brimstone gaming right?
He wasn't a Jett player in comp all that much, and his gameplay wasn't as addy popped as his ranked matches are.

Dude was average overall. Just in ranked he's an actual specimen with how he is always jumping around.

posted about 2 years ago

.691 .82scope

posted about 2 years ago

He's also said on stream that he only plays like that in ranked to mess around. He said he isn't usually like this when it comes to when he's playing scrims, etc.

posted about 2 years ago

Well they're doing that domestically in NSG monthly, not qualifying for anything that pays well.

Like, I guess congrats for winning $1500 - $3000 a month split between 6 people.

Other than that, they're not a bad team. They're just not good enough to actually achieve anything in NA. R

posted about 2 years ago

He's so frustrating to watch. It's like with the op, he hits every third or fourth shot. Like, it's 3 rounds or so he holds short, and misses 2 shots that should be hit.
idk if he's panicking or what. Just for a top team, he looks shaky for his role. Especially considering other Jett mains that play at this level, and event.

Like, dude performed fantastic this game given everything. Just he seems odd to watch when oping.

posted about 2 years ago

that's like watching an amazon produced video on what it's like to work at amazon.

posted about 2 years ago

I never said he wasn't consistent. He's the most consistent oper in the world. However for the rounds without an op, he's top tier but not top1. I also don't think scream is the best duellist in the world either, as he can only rifle, with sub par oping. he's the opposite of cNed. Both the most consistent on their roles, just different kits to achieve the end result.

cNed is also the best Jett, not most complete, but the best at utilising her whole kit. Scream is far better suited to reyna, than on a Jett. That also showed in his performance aswell.

Reason why I said scream is the most consistant, is it's assumed an oper would be top of the scoreboard with acs, and kills. Given how oppresive it is in this game. Scream is one of the only riflers who constantly outperforms opers.

I do say they're both equal overall at top tier. Just different masters at different sides. One oping, other rifling. Their redbull homeground matchup is a perfect example of them. Both same stats, and near exact acs aswell.

posted about 2 years ago

Liked for the dot crosshair

posted about 2 years ago
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