Evil Geniuses Evil Geniuses North America Unranked Derrek Derrek Ha NaturE Nicholas Garrison supamen Phat Le Apoth Vincent Le jawgemo Alexander Mor have announced that they will field their starting roster during their matches at Masters Tokyo following star duelist Max “ Demon1 ” Mazanov's arrival in Japan earlier today.

Demon1 in anime-inspired graphics Photo by Evil Geniuses/Twitter

The 20-year-old Evil Geniuses superstar was previously thought to be unable to attend Masters Tokyo due to visa issues. This was a huge blow for the team, as Demon1 was instrumental to EG's Cinderella playoffs run in the Americas League. The squad's newest pickup finished second in ADR, third in K:D, and ninth in player rating among all players in the playoffs, the highest of all the EG players.

Evil Geniuses are now able to play without having to make changes to their starting roster, which may be exactly what the team needs to advance through the group stage. The third seed of the Americas league finds themselves in Group B, shared with the likes of DRX DRX Korea Unranked Flashback Cho Min-hyuk (조민혁) BuZz Yu Byung-chul (유병철) MaKo Kim Myeong-gwan (김명관) Foxy9 Jung Jae-sung (정재성) BeYN Kang Ha-bin (강하빈) , Attacking Soul Esports Attacking Soul Esports Inactive monk Wang Haoyu (王浩宇) Yuicaw Huang Yung-chieh (黃湧傑) YHchen Chen Yuhan (陳昱瀚) Zero1 Meng Zhen Ren (任梦真) , and FUT Esports FUT Esports Europe Unranked MrFaliN Furkan Yeğen yetujey Eray Budak AtaKaptan Ata Tan cNed Mehmet Yağız İpek qRaxs Doğukan Balaban .

Evil Geniuses will play in the opening match of the tournament against FUT Esports on June 11 at 20:00 PT / 23:00 EST / 05:00 CEST.

The Americas representatives currently field: