Flag: India
Registered: June 16, 2022
Last post: October 6, 2023 at 5:31 AM
Posts: 3531
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he used to be a ranked demon an episode or 2 ago but he's turned full eboy mode on swiftplay+unranked so he's lost his touch.

posted 9 months ago

Noticed frankfurt is worse because the germans throw the games when they hear english comms. The instant they hear non-germans, its actually gg go next. Many times, I would mute if all the other 4 are germans and they play fine. I talk half-way through and its gg again. This is the same in stockholm servers with russians but they're more friendly than germans/parisians. london is just a clusterfuck tbh. no pattern, just random games. pray your luck is decent on that day.

posted 9 months ago

if aim was everything, PRX would've gotten a masters & champs. Its the toughest because how cracked everyone is at everything in NA radiant, while EU radiant they play on co-ordination and info, APAC just peeks everything with no co-ordination. So, if you're a passive player who plays off your teammates, APAC is hell. Just because he's not winning doesnt mean its the toughest. Some players dont do well and play worse against bad plays/players.

posted 9 months ago

let him play cypher, benjy 🗿

posted 9 months ago

limexxx clears 🗿

posted 9 months ago

tbf NA radiant ranked is stacked, feel like its the most competitive out of all regions.

posted 9 months ago

val's pinging is very exact and is in a 3D space unlike CSGO or other FPS. I get some kills every match just through pinging a smoke and spamming corners of it. It helps in prefires and finally, post-plants. Its the same as damage imo.

posted 9 months ago

Will never understand beef of asians in terms of messi vs ronaldo, They're both good at what they do, different players, I enjoy both but I dont take it seriously since they actually dont care about it. Even their wives comment on each others' posts and we have asians taking this discussion as a matter of life & death. Why? Why not support your local teams with the same passion?

posted 9 months ago

valorant has advanced quite a bit the past couple years that either CS or OW pros are gonna struggle for a bit and its not as easy as before. Tier 2 pros are more sought after than OW or CS retired pros at the moment because of this.

posted 9 months ago

Its fine in CSGO but due to ability damage, I think its needed for valorant. By that logic, pinging is also broken due to how specific it is. So, if damage is being removed, pinging also should be removed if we're going in blind for everything.

posted 9 months ago

jeez trembo and styling get downvoted to hell

posted 9 months ago

its similar to modern movies/directors when they're out of ideas, just reboot old classics with useless stuff that no one wanted.

posted 9 months ago

me too, if you can. what packages are you using?

posted 9 months ago

its just cooler

posted 9 months ago

imagine throwing a 11-6 lead after the 11-11 throw against a thrifty in 1st map. This is easily a 2-0 for RA if they didnt choke.

posted 9 months ago

imagine losing to a thrifty at 11-11 in a 4v3. mental is shot after that throw. even RA coach knew that.

posted 9 months ago

el diablo goes pacific

posted 9 months ago

3090, I get 200-300 fps and its still laggy/grainy.

posted 9 months ago

dude, the BR talent in ascension was crazy, same with JP. if DFM or MIBR dont take players from ascension, they are actually trolling or corrupt. nothing else.

posted 9 months ago

It was obvious that more than half were just false flaggers to rage bait.Yes, there were some rabid fans but so does every fanbase. Unluckily, there wasnt enough content so the false flaggers had to enter to generate hate. But you already knew that, dont you? If you hate Indians, just say it. No need to pussyfoot around that shit by making up excuses.

posted 9 months ago

do we?

posted 9 months ago

why is kaplan in the scrims anyway? is tenz not going the play the initial matches? The same thing happened with rawkus and SEN. man was playing in scrims and before you know they are in the playing 5. They never work out well.

posted 9 months ago

vlr already did your job of reporting yay, you can rest easy being "funny" not leaking it on twitter. be happy with your new friends inside the club lil bro.

posted 9 months ago

kadavra cypher actually high tier

posted 9 months ago

anyone who doesnt trash vlr will do well because they're not afraid of adapting.

posted 9 months ago

I wouldnt worry too much about it since you can buy accounts with those skins if you need. focus on your life, amigo. you'll get them back dont worry.

posted 9 months ago

wdym EF has been popping off and xantares is guiding the youngsters well. fresh strats + firepower = success

posted 9 months ago

Translation -

we're not leaking stuff anymore because we're getting paid to not leak

posted 9 months ago

why do you think they attack james_ff

posted 9 months ago

But is it worth it though risking next year's competition with full SA talents just to appease the fans?

it comes down to experience at a high level which Indians do not have, leading to no top team giving opportunities, leading to no try hard by talents, its a cycle. Initially LATAM and even TUR did not do well, but they didnt shyy (heh) away from it, the next year they got used to the pace. Players need something to fight for, and their parents to trust their kid to go into stuff. Without opportunities, neither the parents will have trust (who the kids swear by) or the talents themselves like venka, cracked duelist zoomer who went back to studying after doing great in challengers.

I dont think the record with a 5 man indian roster would've been as different with the international roster we had. Maybe DFM tier, but it will still give hope to players in the region to try to get into. If there was no franchising, I would agree that its a risk but WITH franchising, they had a chance to stabilize and build a local roster.

posted 9 months ago

I dont know why my blud appeases to foreigners as much, they wont support GE, other APAC teams have better teams to support so it only comes down to Indian fans and you can actually have an organic team with 5 hellF tier players and people will rally behind the team BUT he just likes ex NA talents who dont practice & retired korean players. He doesnt even get any support from korean fans, they already have DRX and Gen.G.

Such a huge missed potential to help grow the scene.

posted 9 months ago

half of EG team or PRX team wouldnt have made it to their squads if this was the rule. Some players just dont play ranked, they grind outside of it. Yosemite actually performed on LAN and they still have doubts? LMAO

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

i'll take the jett & raze meta than the boring chamber meta. The views and interest came back ever since chamber got nerfed and when he got slightly buffed, I'm seeing him semi-regularly in pro scene + ranked too. I think riot is finding some good balance for agent variety right now.

posted 9 months ago

fennel should take it if they play their usual game but they choke in finals sometimes.

posted 9 months ago

I typed the same thing before I read this. Its a tragic story in the making because FNS couldnt adapt to judge. I will always remember him consistently sending his chat to attack dasnerth/eggster for using shotguns or not playing valorant the right way this year. Im glad he got sent home with a judge from champs.

posted 9 months ago

im worried about s0m running around FNS, he has decent gamesense and cracked aim. Instead of actually trying to go to other franchised teams (who would easily take him), he is going around FNS like a dog. I feel a lot of potential lost right now whenever I watch him with FNS.

posted 9 months ago

mans silent on sinatraa in the meanwhile

always funny to observe

posted 9 months ago

your 2nd point and 3rd point contradict each other btw, you bumbling fool. you argue KJ being meta and then argue going against the meta. Be consistent, you hypocritical idiot.

posted 9 months ago

Because they're getting paid to shut up nowadays, and they want to cope.

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

ok, can we meet in the middle and agree they're at the same level right now? pro-scene wise

posted 9 months ago

are you even following the argument, shroud said "at this moment", not when the game came out. Im pointing out the players who have been underperforming "currently". many arent doing well, a majority who are doing well are zoomer kids who dont have prior csgo experience "at this moment"

posted 9 months ago

of course a good chunk will have cs experience tho since it was the only decent fps before valorant for a while, so most of them will obviously have teams in it

cracked zoomer kids rignt now

demon1, alfajer, leo

cs pros quitting

fns, shroud, hiko, steel, stewie, wardell, subroza, tenz, nitro, etc
basically, the cs players who were in the game at the start have been struggling the past year, some even got rekt by fortnite kids in tier 2 who didnt have any prior csgo experience. If you didnt notice the old cs players unable to perform well in the current valorant scene, you're being ignorant on purpose.

Yes, some are doing well but a majority arent and its not translating well at the moment.

posted 9 months ago

this used to be true at the start of the game. now the CS pros are quitting valo citing bullshit reasons because they're getting out-aimed and out-IGLed and out-utiled by fortnite kids

posted 9 months ago

CS2 in the current state if it releases with all the issues, then yes valorant will take it and keep that spot until its sorted out.

posted 9 months ago

what does that have to do with sayf being better than cned currently?

teams in emea having much better idea on how to run rosters

jampii jett
nAts not playing cypher once in champs that he played in league on the same maps
cned sage instead of double duelist on split
kicking qw1 instead of fixing role issues


posted 9 months ago
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