Flag: Switzerland
Registered: June 4, 2022
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 5:32 AM
Posts: 8659
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GE doesnt get any money for it, only champs teams do

posted 15 hours ago

Have you been to the alpenzoo in Innsbruck? It’s a very nice visit at a high altitude

posted 15 hours ago

Nah he will resign, after this year his spot in Sen and franchising is assured

posted 15 hours ago

What the flip guys

posted 17 hours ago

SseesS, FNS, Boaster

posted 1 day ago

No it isn’t

posted 1 day ago

Cuz Izu is better on duelist

posted 1 day ago

“Id much rather believe a potential liar then a potential rapist” LMAOOOOO

posted 1 day ago

I agree

posted 1 day ago

Zoo Zurich clears ngl

posted 1 day ago

According to my American friends you have to be American to prefer it over Switzerland

posted 2 days ago

NA talent is far clear of everything else, it’s an easy choice

posted 2 days ago

Hero base

posted 5 days ago

Does tex know German?

posted 5 days ago

Sen will either play Geng or fnc first match, that’s why we pray for Drx to beat Geng

posted 6 days ago

Has Drx ever beat a NA team? As far as I remember optic beat them everytime and so did nrg/eg idk about 2021 tho

Forgot abt c9 mb

posted 6 days ago

Best to do it in the tournie like TH opposed to right before like 100t, but they don’t have to wait for groups to end so who knows

posted 1 week ago

Okay makes sense

posted 1 week ago

Wait how would that work? After three there would only be 4 teams left right?

posted 1 week ago

Sachi ain’t going anywhere

posted 1 week ago

Let us be underdogs, remember last time during kickoff?

posted 1 week ago

He went from changing flairs to whichever Emea team is best to Drx 💀

posted 1 week ago

Crazy that Sacy will be first 2x champs winner

posted 1 week ago

Rlly? I didn’t know that. I feel like it’s more hype to cuz ppl watch to see who there fav team will draw next

posted 1 week ago

As a Sen fan I pray Prx beats Geng

posted 1 week ago

It’s just groups but u don’t know who you play

posted 1 week ago

He also kept on ultinh without shield activated

posted 1 week ago

He was during kickoff but has been mid since the role change

posted 1 week ago

For red bull?

posted 1 week ago

1st seed vs 4th seed
2nd seed vs 3rd seed
no regional matchups

posted 1 week ago

nah we getting geng first match

posted 1 week ago

its division 1, so like if there was a franchised league of haters u r in it

posted 1 week ago

u d1 hater

posted 1 week ago

ty aspas and tex

posted 1 week ago

nice fan

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

1 more win for top 3 sir

posted 1 week ago

I would have to guess(cause we dont rlly know) that sacy was orginally not playing, then Johnqt got sick so he came in incase johnqt didnt play(cause curry confirmed he was gonna sub for johnqt) and then johnqt decided he will play

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Hope all is well for him

posted 1 week ago

He said he had some medical emergency and was in a lot of pain during the game, curry also revealed that he was supposed to sub for johnqt not Sacy(which i don’t get cuz apparently they Sacy was playing ranked while they were scrimming)but didn’t for some reason

posted 1 week ago

what, are u retard?

posted 1 week ago

I think johnqt will play recon and curry will play sentinel

posted 1 week ago

No confirmation

posted 1 week ago

Ok but the replies are expected

posted 1 week ago

I also love minors! Maybe it’s just a Sen fan thing

posted 1 week ago

Why did u post this

posted 1 week ago

already passed away

posted 1 week ago

curry was scrimming with sen instead of sacy apparently

posted 1 week ago
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