Flag: India
Registered: August 4, 2022
Last post: October 3, 2023 at 5:33 AM
Posts: 1954
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APAC Ranked is way more aggressive and 'in-your-face' kinda gameplay, as opposed to NA.

posted 9 months ago

KRU and LATAM fans are actually kinda wholesome about someone who was straight up the deadweight of the team

posted 9 months ago

Not really
It's a regional Kickoff tournament where in the top 2 from each region goes to Masters Madrid

posted 9 months ago

My super early Pacific League standings prediction:

  1. PRX
    Still have the successful core of f0rsakeN, something, d4v41 and mindfreak, and now that they've added Monyet, another cracked af player, I don't think anyone can stop them tbh

  2. T1
    Surprised eh? Most of you must have expected DRX, but let me tell you something. This new T1 roster is STACCCKEEEDDD

  3. DRX
    Expected placement really, but they could even go to 2nd or even 1st.

  4. BLEED
    yay, yay, and yay.

  5. RRQ
    Jemkin >>>>> EJAY, Estrella >>>>>> 2ge

  6. ZETA
    Idk who they're gonna get as the replacement for crow and TENNN, but with the teams above them being stacked af, I don't think they're gonna be as good as they were in 2023.

  7. Gen.G
    Just face it bro, you're like the MIBR of the 3 KR teams in franchising i.e. nobody gives a shit about you and you're most likely not even gonna do well.

  8. TLN
    Idk, just think they're gonna be slightly better

  9. TS
    JessieVash gonna show his boomer reaction time, BORKUM and Jremy gonna turn off their monitors, and invy gonna try his best but fail, and Giansanity is gonna be the Seoldam of 2024.

  10. DFM
    Being generous tbh

  11. GES
    Clown org, clown owner, doesn't give a damn about the org or the players, an absolute disasterclass

posted 9 months ago

What's there to cope lol
At least we've been to 2 grand finals
Your best achievement internationally was getting top 4 at Champions 2021 when strats were essentially non-existent and the Esports scene was so bad that fucking SENTINELS were considered a top team 😭

posted 9 months ago

EDG are at least 3x more dominant in China than DRX is in Korea. There's literally no competition for EDG in China

posted 9 months ago

Like TL has any lmao

posted 9 months ago

MIBR JessieVash

posted 9 months ago

When did I say that?

posted 9 months ago

DFM jzz


posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Bro I'm convinced you're like 7
Every single post of yours is straight up either braindead or toxic or some kinda -1000/8 bait

Even vlr baiters and toxic people think you're cringe

posted 9 months ago

Thread : about a player leaving his org

Comments : wHaT dO wE tHinK Of ToTteNhAm

posted 9 months ago

Pacific has so much potential to create super teams and rule over Valorant. Unfortunately the language barrier and the whole 'home team representation' stuff that each org in the Pacific needs stops them from doing so

posted 9 months ago

I think yay this time around is playing for a much lesser pay than what they initially offered him, which was $1M. Yay himself stated that he "just wants to play", even if it was for league minimum salary.

posted 9 months ago

What's funny is that Jemkin himself looks Asian lol

posted 9 months ago

At least Indian education tells us that Russia is both in Asia and Europe, and doesn't tell us to claim anyone that has the same skin colour as us without truly knowing where they're from

posted 9 months ago

Colonization mindset goes hard

posted 9 months ago

This just shows how ungrateful you idiots are lmfao
Do you ever see us complain about the timezones? Stfu

posted 9 months ago

Supernatural as in? God? Ghost entities?

If God, then yes, I believe in him. There's no way complex beings like us and many other animals and everything just 'came into existence' like that.

If ghost entities, absolutely. We all have a soul and the soul controls the body and whatever decision we make in this life. Once we're dead, the soul leaves the body.

posted 9 months ago

When ScreaM wasn't IGLing he genuinely looked like a top duelist in EMEA. He's still a one tapping machine, and has amazing aim.

Benkai's break might have been long but never forget his performances before his break, when PRX were struggling during the initial matches of VCT 2023 he was the only one who was putting up numbers WHILE IGLing, imagine when he's not the IGL.

Russ is the only questionable player here, but I think he could improve. Moreover he's IGLing so it's not a crow situation where you're not IGLing and also going -20 every series.

posted 9 months ago

ScreaM - Duelist
Russ - IGL, Initiator
Benkai - Sentinel
blaZek1ng - Flex
Lightningfast - Flex

Actually an amazing team wtf

posted 9 months ago

Meteor - Duelist
t3xture - Sentinel / Secondary Duelist
Lakia - IGL, Initiator
Suggest - Flex
Exy - Controller

posted 9 months ago

Aged poorly KEKW

posted 9 months ago

Because he rejected a bigger offer from Bleed just 5 months prior, and is now joining the same team that offered him an insane amount of money, for a much lesser paycheck

posted 9 months ago

Oh God when will APAC stop this whole "oh we need home representation" nonsense? Alright I get it, home representation increases your fanbase and also develops a connection between your fans and your team, but like, are you really gonna create a full one country / sub region roster at the expense of being a successful team? Like wtf are you doing?

FNC is a UK based org, but you don't see people in the UK crying cuz they don't have a full British roster. Just like that, Team Liquid are from Germany, but you don't see any Germans whine about Liquid not having any German players. Same goes for so many teams in EMEA, hence why they're able to form superteams like FNATIC, and win so many international LANs. They represent EMEA as a WHOLE!

Meanwhile here in Asia, we're just clout chasing. We don't even care about the success of our region. Hence why we have 0 trophies. Just imagine if players weren't put under a clout jail and could go to teams of other sub regions. We would have formed at least two super teams till now.

posted 9 months ago

Bro really called Alfajer washed 💀
Also if you don't know who MrFalin or wo0t are, then do you even watch Valorant Esports?

posted 9 months ago

Not to mention yay hasn't been uploading on his YouTube channel or streaming on Twitch since a month or so...
He's DEFINITELY relocating

posted 9 months ago

Don't know who he is, but looking at his games he's quite impressive. Hopefully VIT with their 5 coaches can develop him. Remember, runi and jakee were also nobodies before coming to Tier 1.

posted 9 months ago

Bro's delusional himself and is calling us delusional 💀

posted 9 months ago

Yeah, and there's a reason behind it

posted 9 months ago

Russ is both Indian and British, so since he holds an Indian passport he can play as a resident in the Pacific League

posted 9 months ago

Bro you have Midgar, Midzo, Keimid, Trashppi and shAts. Shut up

posted 9 months ago

Barrier Orb :

  • Final HP increased : 800 >>> 1100
  • Duration increased : 40 >>> 45

Slow Orb :

  • Duration increased : 7 >>> 9

Resurrection :

  • Ult points decreased : 8 >>> 7
  • Player resurrected is now invincible until he / she hits the ground.

These changes will for sure bring her back in the meta.

posted 9 months ago

Sentinels -

Pure sentinels : Killjoy, Cypher
Duelist sentinels : Chamber
Barrier sentinels : Sage, Deadlock

Duelists -

Movement duelists : Jett, Raze, Neon
Flashing duelists : Reyna, Phoenix
Hybrid duelists (both flashing and movement) : Yoru

Initiators -

Recon initiators : Sova, Fade
Flashing initiators : KAY/O, Breach
Hybrid initiators (both recon and flashing) : Gekko, Skye

Controllers -

Dome smokers : Omen, Astra, Brimstone
Wall smokers : Viper, Harbor

posted 9 months ago

Thank you Captain Obvious

posted 9 months ago

Has to be ZETA.
They've never been the same since that miracle 3rd place finish at Reykjavik. Moreover there were so many asterisks when it came to the legitimacy of their run, like FPX not attending, FNC playing without arguably their best player, a rookie NiP team...

If ZETA really were a good team they'd at least get like 7-8th or 5th-6th in whatever international LANs they played in after Reykjavik.

posted 9 months ago

Bold of you to assume ZETA and DFM are smart

posted 9 months ago

He should've gone to us, not you 😭

posted 9 months ago

From what I've heard apparently there's gonna be two versions of the game, one published by Tencent and one published by Riot. The Tencent one is gonna be for the Chinese players, and the Riot one is for global release

posted 9 months ago

India will at least be good in this version of Valorant 🙃

posted 9 months ago

These nerfs will basically make pro teams use Raze or the other duelists more instead of forcing Jett on almost every map like how they did before.

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Bro mentioned cute and no Jinggg or f0rsakeN

posted 9 months ago

No, never
That's not a valued woman right there

posted 9 months ago

Nah C9 just fucked him over, genuinely if he was on C9 his career would've been set

posted 9 months ago

Wdym "prove me wrong" lmao just look at the stats bruh

posted 9 months ago

Team Secret? More like Team Nepotism

posted 9 months ago
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