Flag: Australia
Registered: July 20, 2020
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 1:19 PM
Posts: 2546
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police don't do anything lol

posted 9 hours ago

Yeah to the 2nd best team in the world

posted 10 hours ago

Shes been in tier 2 NA for ages not just on SaD lol. She also won first strike...

posted 10 hours ago

Bob was frying in NA challengers then got dropped for no reason

posted 14 hours ago

"first time I've seen him top frag"


posted 1 day ago

it's also post optic Yay era

posted 1 day ago

warmup game

posted 1 day ago

he literally won

posted 1 day ago

Registered: May 25, 2023

posted 1 day ago

I've seen it happen so frequently recently that I think riot have just given up on enforcing it, since they would need to fine every player in the league

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

Hi Tgirl here

posted 1 day ago

Champs Brisbane RAAAARRR 🗣🗣🗣🗣

posted 1 day ago

like can pedophiles stop being trans it's really not helping trans people's image 😭

posted 2 days ago

that sucks she's one of the most well known trans people :/

posted 2 days ago

can someone fill me in on the tea

posted 2 days ago

sleeping on Autumn

posted 3 days ago

not the best but it's still pretty good

posted 3 days ago

no they should just delete him from the game

posted 3 days ago

drg aren't good dude. don't say "pretty good" - they are not a good team. Without vookashu they aren't even top 4 in ascension. Watching them play they are significantly behind many other teams, even for china.

posted 4 days ago

drg always were terrible they're a 1 man team and shouldn't have even won ascension

posted 4 days ago

i arent think that

posted 4 days ago

he looked through 14 million timelines and found the only one where he downgrades

posted 4 days ago

FPX getting Heretics and Gen.g again is wild

posted 4 days ago

xd based

posted 4 days ago

FPX will not be robbed again
Ez win in the grudge match

posted 4 days ago

SEN at 6 and TH at 9 is criminal this is 100% bait

posted 5 days ago

+17 on first bloods my god he's good

posted 5 days ago

SEN are gonna get farmed by China

posted 5 days ago

sry i mean the cooldown for Omen, Clove, Astra - to help Brim stand out, bc idk how to buff him without making him obnoxious

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

ofc i had work during map 5 -_-

still happy that FPX finished the comeback LETS GO!!!

posted 1 week ago

let me live

posted 1 week ago

give astra her 5th star back, and increase the cooldown of recharge smokes from 30s to 45s to further differentiate Brim's triple smokes.

posted 1 week ago

i aint seeing no titties :(

posted 1 week ago

smoke is good

but he should have pushed after the first kill. pressure got to him.

posted 1 week ago

no trophies no goat

posted 1 week ago

bruh i wouldn't say FPX "rolled over" BLG when 2 of the maps went 23+ rounds

posted 1 week ago

so true.

Can we get -Sacy +Bob?

posted 1 week ago

i will select sydney and sydney only and it will still sometimes put me in singapore servers

posted 1 week ago

yeah tdm is better but there's still people walking around the map or flanking and using stingers
pick your poison ig

posted 1 week ago

also, for the love of god, keep player's server preferences. Half the people leaving deathmatches are because they've been dumped into the wrong server against their will and are on 100+ ping. Nobody wants to warmup on 100+ ping, so I don't blame them for leaving. Fix your shit, Riot.

posted 1 week ago

every single deathmatch I've played recently, 5-7 players just leave a few seconds in, leaving the lobby with half of the players and the map becomes a ghost town.

It doesn't help that 2-3 of the remaining players will either walk around the entire map or hide in a corner the entire time, which means I can run around the entire map without seeing a single person for 20-30 seconds at a time.

It's ridiculous. If riot is so adamant about keeping their shitty deathmatch like this, can they at least add a second warm-up mode with no time limit or kill limit, players can drop in drop out whenever and guns are restricted to sheriff, vandal, phantom and guardian, with walking no longer muting your footsteps? I can GUARANTEE there is a large chunk of the playerbase that would appreciate a mode like this for warming up.

posted 1 week ago

Australia - Flex

posted 1 week ago

Throw? I was throwing once... They put me in a cove. A Harbor cove. A Harbor cove with a shorty. And shorties make me throw. Throw? I was throwing once... They put me in a cove. A Harbor cove. A Harbor cove with a shorty. And shorties make me throw. Throw? I was throwing once... They put me in a cove. A Harbor cove. A Harbor cove with a shorty. And shorties make me throw. Throw? I was throwing once... They put me in a cove. A Harbor cove. A Harbor cove with a shorty. And shorties make me throw. Throw? I was throwing once... They put me in a cove. A Harbor cove. A Harbor cove with a shorty. And shorties make me throw.

posted 1 week ago

ok now

champs winners

posted 1 week ago
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