High ranked players come

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I was told by alot of my friends who are higher ranks than me to not solo q since most times in Bronze elo (currently B3, peak is also B3) people begin to only play for themselves and everyone thinks they're the shit, so I took that advice but now I have no one to really play with since school and other things are occupying my friends of a similar rank (one is S1 the other is B1)and ive literally been on stand by for the majority of the act since

  1. I have no one to play with since most of my friends are golds and plats
  2. Most times, they'll be too tired or say its too late for them to play
  3. The few times we do get on, its literally like 1 comp game and we just hop off since we most likely lost the game in the dumbest way possible

Now im really rusty at the game, rarely play at all and have been getting into other games like Apex and Rocket league which both are very fun but very skill based, making me lose my urge to play at all


not tryna break your heart, but if u cant get solo out of bronze u should stay in bronze.
me and many others rushed alone over immo. if u play with good players u stay in comfort zone and dont try to carry ur noob team.
stay solo, try to learn etc.
hard to tell what u do wrong maybe u play 800 dpi 3 sens maybe u have weirdo settings maybe no gamesense? ??? soo
watch streams and compare urself to them lol


in all honesty if you think you should get out of the rank either insta lock jett and just play op or play cypher/viper where you can just lurk on attack because everyone is braindead and if you are that much better you should be able to get 1-2 players entering the site. skye as a duelist is an other to get out of bronze


You can definitely solo Queue as long as you don't get tilted/angry at the game.

My experience so far - Opened silver, took ages to go to Gold, then climbed quickly from Gold to high plat, stayed there a while, then reached Diamond.

You can easily get to silver 3 by solo queue if you get good. Grind the game as much as you can. Don't mind throwers/people not having a good day. That is just part of the game. Get to silver 2-3. Honestly, you will be able to as it's not a huge difference in ranks. Once you are in silver 2-3, you can actually play with friends.

Also, I do not know about NA (judging from your flag) but if you play 20 games in Asia, you should be able to find decent people to play with if you just send friend requests to them. This list grows slowly. Should be the same for every part of the world.

It is true though that getting out of silver is very tough. You should queue with friends to get out of gold.

I definitely believe that your "high elo" friends only recommended you this assuming you had friends to play with you.

In Short - Don't be afraid of playing solo queue if you are not concerned about gaining elo. It's ok to be playing alone in your squad in Bronze as people are not very synchronized anyways. Solo plays can win you rounds at least till silver 3. You will learn teamwork along the way.

Taking advice is good, but advice that prevents you from playing the game in the first place should not be taken.

soufianfps [#2]

not tryna break your heart, but if u cant get solo out of bronze u should stay in bronze.
me and many others rushed alone over immo. if u play with good players u stay in comfort zone and dont try to carry ur noob team.
stay solo, try to learn etc.
hard to tell what u do wrong maybe u play 800 dpi 3 sens maybe u have weirdo settings maybe no gamesense? ??? soo
watch streams and compare urself to them lol

I mean, i understand that I have to lift my own height, but they all said to not solo q, and tbh i never liked the idea since almost everytime I did solo q, my experience was donkey ass, many duelists baited the team, the issue of smurfing and instalocking, most ppl played for themselves or they didnt know what they were doing, etc. But i understand what you're saying, at least you didnt say "just get better lool"
my settings for the most part are normal, except i play on high sens since my desk is small af, and I normally would play raze or any smokes agent except astra (ik she's good but i never played her before)
I used to watch hiko, shanks, or Asuna, but I stopped, idk why
my gamesense went down the drain when I began experimenting w duelists since there wasn't much thinking behind them just go entry and kill, but ive learned to be more patient even as the entry, an issue i had for a while

SnooTangerines [#4]

You can definitely solo Queue as long as you don't get tilted/angry at the game.

My experience so far - Opened silver, took ages to go to Gold, then climbed quickly from Gold to high plat, stayed there a while, then reached Diamond.

You can easily get to silver 3 by solo queue if you get good. Grind the game as much as you can. Don't mind throwers/people not having a good day. That is just part of the game. Get to silver 2-3. Honestly, you will be able to as it's not a huge difference in ranks. Once you are in silver 2-3, you can actually play with friends.

Also, I do not know about NA (judging from your flag) but if you play 20 games in Asia, you should be able to find decent people to play with if you just send friend requests to them. This list grows slowly. Should be the same for every part of the world.

It is true though that getting out of silver is very tough. You should queue with friends to get out of gold.

I definitely believe that your "high elo" friends only recommended you this assuming you had friends to play with you.

In Short - Don't be afraid of playing solo queue if you are not concerned about gaining elo. It's ok to be playing alone in your squad in Bronze as people are not very synchronized anyways. Solo plays can win you rounds at least till silver 3. You will learn teamwork along the way.

Taking advice is good, but advice that prevents you from playing the game in the first place should not be taken.

this is verytrue, tbh, i have more friends in ranks above me than friends in ranks similar to mine simply cuz this is what would happen:
I would be playing with my friends in ranked
One of them grow a closer bond with someone else in the squad
They duo q for about 2 months
They are now golds or on the verge of it, meanwhile my bronze ass is struggling just to hit sliver

I have 2 friends who are in similar ranks with me but they are pretty busy or they get tilted or they want to relax


I'm already proud of myself, I'm on gold 1 90 playing soloq and with 20-35 fps xd.

In my case I ranked up when I realized I should start playing without caring that much and just playing for fun, obviusly without trolling and being toxic, and try to help the other instead of being toxic and tell your teammates what you're going to do or if the team needs to change the game plan because nothing is working.

Is this a good advice?


If you're not a genuine dick and have fairly decent comms, by the end of the game, you can ask the people on your team if you want to queue next game. Obviously, if you won the game, they'll be more inclined to add you back.

There's a lot of solo queue players out there that are looking for other players to play with. You just gotta ask, there's no harm.

I don't think I've played in anything under a gold lobby so I don't know what the populace is like down there but there's bound to be some decent people you can queue up with. I think having good comms is one of the key factors.


solo queuing is fine, got to immortal that way. I find it a bit more enjoyable to duo queue but solo queue is still fun and you shouldn't be avoiding it.

bigpeensheen [#6]

this is verytrue, tbh, i have more friends in ranks above me than friends in ranks similar to mine simply cuz this is what would happen:
I would be playing with my friends in ranked
One of them grow a closer bond with someone else in the squad
They duo q for about 2 months
They are now golds or on the verge of it, meanwhile my bronze ass is struggling just to hit sliver

I have 2 friends who are in similar ranks with me but they are pretty busy or they get tilted or they want to relax

Just chill. You don't need to hit immortal in school.

TBH the experience gets better as you grow older.

If you get to high school, it gets better, when you get to university, it is even better.

I barely had anyone who played CSGO in my high school. We have 40+ people playing valorant in my university.

For now, just try to grind.

BTW I quite relate to "They duo q for about 2 months". This has happened a lot with me, but sooner or later, you will be able to escape silver/bronze.

MrCrespito [#7]

I'm already proud of myself, I'm on gold 1 90 playing soloq and with 20-35 fps xd.

In my case I ranked up when I realized I should start playing without caring that much and just playing for fun, obviusly without trolling and being toxic, and try to help the other instead of being toxic and tell your teammates what you're going to do or if the team needs to change the game plan because nothing is working.

Is this a good advice?



If you're not a genuine dick and have fairly decent comms, by the end of the game, you can ask the people on your team if you want to queue next game. Obviously, if you won the game, they'll be more inclined to add you back.

There's a lot of solo queue players out there that are looking for other players to play with. You just gotta ask, there's no harm.

I don't think I've played in anything under a gold lobby so I don't know what the populace is like down there but there's bound to be some decent people you can queue up with. I think having good comms is one of the key factors.

there are decent people in bronze, i simply get qd with the dickheads and the bigshots. i normally do have good comms, but most of the time my teamm8s dont use their mics often
but good advice, nonetheless

oggie [#9]

solo queuing is fine, got to immortal that way. I find it a bit more enjoyable to duo queue but solo queue is still fun and you shouldn't be avoiding it.

alr, cuz it seems that alot of people solo q their way to the high rank they are today


learn solo q or just friend requst good players from your team or enemy team. make sure they have comms, and if they start to be toxic just remove them from friends list.

moonstar [#14]

learn solo q or just friend requst good players from your team or enemy team. make sure they have comms, and if they start to be toxic just remove them from friends list.

personally when I solo queue I usually carry all 4 of my teammates so I never add someone from my team and duo with them

on the very RARE occasion some other guy on my team played better than me I add him but usually hes radiant smurf who dont take friend requests

climbing is hard but atleast you can kinda 1v3 unlike league where u have 1 feeder its gg go next

KoreanOverlord [#15]

personally when I solo queue I usually carry all 4 of my teammates so I never add someone from my team and duo with them

on the very RARE occasion some other guy on my team played better than me I add him but usually hes radiant smurf who dont take friend requests

climbing is hard but atleast you can kinda 1v3 unlike league where u have 1 feeder its gg go next

league is ff 15 most games


I dont understand why ppl tilt in high rank, not like they wanna go pro. I just play with a positive mindset and know sometimes u take L sometimes W.
im d3 rn

Merc2 [#17]

I dont understand why ppl tilt in high rank, not like they wanna go pro. I just play with a positive mindset and know sometimes u take L sometimes W.
im d3 rn

same bro. they take those elo points so serious so they forget they r here to play the game and enjoy it
its like they play only to cry and think bout how bad their mates r and how they gonna lose their elo numbers bcz of that
the funniest thing is if u r playin and focus on game, not on this points u r gonna stay positive and rank up way easier (or atleast not gonna b very frustrated bcz of losestreak or some retard in team)
than if u gets tilted bout urself or ur teammates and gonna make mistakes bcz of this

u cant win everything its always gonna b 50/50 winrate~ in soloQ. if u r 55% u r fine


If you’re actually ranked below your skill level, insta lock duelist and carry your team

If not, learn a few support agents and help the rest of your team play better

MrCrespito [#7]

I'm already proud of myself, I'm on gold 1 90 playing soloq and with 20-35 fps xd.

In my case I ranked up when I realized I should start playing without caring that much and just playing for fun, obviusly without trolling and being toxic, and try to help the other instead of being toxic and tell your teammates what you're going to do or if the team needs to change the game plan because nothing is working.

Is this a good advice?

30fps kings, i used to play 30fps until i spent all last year saving up for a pc. the upgrade is worth, went from g2 to D2 in 2 acts after getting a pc. instead of 30fps laptop

Scottyboi30 [#20]

30fps kings, i used to play 30fps until i spent all last year saving up for a pc. the upgrade is worth, went from g2 to D2 in 2 acts after getting a pc. instead of 30fps laptop

we have a huge potential when we upgrade to a better pc, basically I'm stuck there because there are things you're not capable to do with so low fps

MrCrespito [#21]

we have a huge potential when we upgrade to a better pc, basically I'm stuck there because there are things you're not capable to do with so low fps

Potential used on crap pcs, trust me save up ur money for a pc its a life changer for pc gamers


If you're not a genuine dick and have fairly decent comms, by the end of the game, you can ask the people on your team if you want to queue next game. Obviously, if you won the game, they'll be more inclined to add you back.

There's a lot of solo queue players out there that are looking for other players to play with. You just gotta ask, there's no harm.

I don't think I've played in anything under a gold lobby so I don't know what the populace is like down there but there's bound to be some decent people you can queue up with. I think having good comms is one of the key factors.

Agreed. Really good way to get out of Bronze and Silver. But I just mald after throwing or a bad game so Tilt queue 10 games and lose like all of them KEKW.

But I generally solo q. The most important thing is just comms and ur mental. And with chill people that is fixed.

Merc2 [#17]

I dont understand why ppl tilt in high rank, not like they wanna go pro. I just play with a positive mindset and know sometimes u take L sometimes W.
im d3 rn

I hate throwers. Like legit throwers. People who just go on an alt to throw a game. Just disgusting. I mean like I'm fine with smurfs bc they're still playing the game. But when I get a thrower. I tilt hard. Like why would someone just troll like sil-gold lobbies. Kinda cringe ngl.


Learn a real carry agent like Skye or Omen. And then just get good aim and good comms. That should be able to carry you out of bronze. If it isn't. Unlucky really. But it's important to not queue too much. Just queue once or twice and then just stop. If you lost. Too bad. If you won. That's fantastic.

Instalocking Reyna or Jett only works if you are like a full 3 ranks above your current rank. It won't work well. And I mean I haven't seen anyone get mad at a Skye or Omen instalock and they overall just provide a lot of utility.

And one thing I suggest is the Miyagi Method or smth sometimes. But it's very important to have a very varied aim training routine. Honestly just do 2-3 minutes each of couple exercises and then do some deathmatch. Nothing much because Aimlabs doesn't make you that much better. Just aim train.


I would highly suggest u to practice a lot in deathmatches
coz If ur stuck bronze then i think u have some issues with the fundamentals like peaking/counter strafing/crosshair placement i.e mostly ur gunplay
Coz bronze should be pretty easy to get out of
In fact its not even fair to use the word hard stuck if ur below diamond imo

Good luck :D

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