Flag: International
Registered: June 5, 2021
Last post: July 17, 2024 at 10:28 PM
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Source: i made it up for dramatic effect

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

They read the map and rotations so well too

posted 1 week ago

Hold up we're cooking

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

100T 2-1 SEN

You read it here first

posted 1 week ago

100T is breaking the curse this time
I can feel it in my bones

posted 1 week ago

Ain't reading allat but contrary to the title, edating is keeping the game alive

posted 4 weeks ago

Trust me EG is top 3

posted 1 month ago

So that GenG can finally give APAC the win they deserve.
Also saving strats for Champions.

posted 1 month ago

I am a 10/10

posted 1 month ago

100T 2-0
G2 2-1

posted 1 month ago

I agree G2 2-1

posted 1 month ago

Butthurt burnt ass Lev fan KEKW your team is so shit they lost to FUT

posted 1 month ago

Without question

posted 1 month ago

I wonder where this guy is rn

posted 1 month ago

100T is winning champions bookmark this

posted 1 month ago

still the shittiest agent in history

posted 1 month ago

^^ A man of culture right here

posted 1 month ago

Asuna is a funny goober

posted 1 month ago

Sorry for you 😔

posted 1 month ago

Blaming it all on 1 player is braindead
100T brought it back really well but choked away the last 4 rounds. Attack side needs more work

posted 1 month ago

Not even cappin they could have won Sunset and 2-0'd but there's some fundamental issues with 100T's attack side.

Not being able to anticipate aggression seemed like the biggest one (which should be obvious when playing against a team like PRX) and also Asuna had a bad game on sunset he went 2-9 FK/FD

If they can clean up their attack sides, I think they're heavy favourites to win the event

posted 1 month ago

Goat behaviour 😭🐐🐖🐖

posted 1 month ago

I will not be toxic to PRX 😚

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Cooked him 🗿

posted 1 month ago

yelling in Caesar's voice

posted 1 month ago

Shut the fuck up and stop crying and getting mad about someone supporting their team
100T 2-0 PRX fuck you bitch

posted 1 month ago

I'm sorry this had to be paper rex but they have to get eliminated

posted 1 month ago

OR maybe 100T just had an off day and got anti'd and they're still the best team here and they'll win out

posted 1 month ago

They wanna win the trophy but also recreate the 2022 LCQ lower bracket run in honour of derrek and Will. So cute 😚😚🐖

posted 1 month ago

She deleted the tweet ☠️

posted 1 month ago

Is this targetted at me ? Bcoz let me tell you I have been here all along for 3+ years all while 100T were constantly losing.

posted 1 month ago

It's funny bcoz this year I finally decided to not let 100T's performance dictate my happiness and that I would stop caring about their results and just support them regardless

And that's when they finally start winning

posted 1 month ago

Sorry to break it to you but this will be a 2-0 whatever maps are picked

posted 1 month ago

Homie said upset 😂😂😂

posted 1 month ago

This is facts. It's kinda harsh but facts nonetheless

posted 1 month ago

They need a chef like NRG have

posted 1 month ago

Are you saying this to justify C9 playoffs performance ?

posted 1 month ago

Yup he talks his shit whenever they're winning so he should be ready to receive some back. And boaster himself has never really cried about the hate against him it was just yinsu (which is understandable honestly. You don't wanna see this amount of hate against someone you love. But in all honesty she just needs to ignore it no other solution)

posted 1 month ago

Ik the hate against boaster has been too strong recently and no one should have to go through that
But this reaction for this particular post was not it imo

posted 1 month ago

While I agree there is too much hate spread towards some players and it's disheartening, I don't think this one was bad enough to deserve this reaction from yinsu

Who wants a community where people can't say something as simple as "kick that fraud".

posted 1 month ago

Mf just read 1 sentence of what TH stated officially

posted 1 month ago

How so ?
Valorant is a very hard game to maintain consistency in for too long. Non stop scrimmage and practice does cause burnout. Pros have said so themselves
You're a TH fan you should know burnout is no joke after what happened with miniboo

posted 1 month ago


Keep yourself safe 😚

posted 1 month ago

flair ☠️

posted 1 month ago
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