Yesterday, Riot revealed that Fracture and Pearl will be removed from the rotation and replaced with Breeze and a new map in Episode 7 Act 2.

To accomodate for the changes, Breeze will be seeing its first changes since Patch 4.0, which kicked off Episode 4 in January 2022. The map was removed from the pool in the first patch of this year, patch 6.0, in favor of Lotus.

The changes to Breeze affect the map as a whole. Mid is no longer an open space, with a wall added to break up the space. B Site has been shifted around, as the back wall has been removed. A Hall was closed off, and the A Cave was also drastically altered. You can see pictures of the changes here.

Pearl's exit makes its stint one of the shortest of the entire map selection, tied with Split and Breeze's first appearances. Conversely, Haven and Ascent have been in the map pool since their introduction in the beta and patch 1.0, respectively, during 2020.