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Registered: July 30, 2021
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 1:27 PM
Posts: 8846
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I'm happy that it looks like nothing will happen to the DRX team hooray! Now time for DRX to win champions.

posted 12 hours ago

But he's a restricted free agent now?

posted 1 day ago

DRX vs every team for me. I want to watch teams writhe in despair when mako unlocks lan mode and dominates as igl and fragging smoker while not even breaking a sweat.

posted 1 day ago

Look mako is always top 1 in my heart but I know that there are vicious animals on this site who would tear me apart if I said mako is the best smokes player of all time. I did not want to fight or argue about it with them because I'm in a bad mood today. :(

posted 1 day ago

I don't mean to sound insincere but what did we really expect from DRX management after what they did to lakia way back when Drx was still visions strikers? The management will do whatever it takes to ensure DRX wins, even if the methods are scummy or disgusting.

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

Ngl while Oslo is beautiful with the surrounding landscape, it can get boring quite quickly. But I think that's a me problem because I live in a huge city (you could probably guess or find out from my post history) and that makes me feel uncomfortable in cities that aren't as big.

posted 1 day ago

Another potential stand in for drx perhaps?

posted 1 day ago

Omfg this was 8/8 I don't think I have ever hit a thread faster than this, and I have never been so disappointed when there was no news. This is probably a wake up call for me.

posted 1 day ago

Ngl DRX was the absolute last team that I expected to be caught up in a scandal. But here we are.

posted 1 day ago

Atp we might have to sadly rename it the mako curse because he's cursed to never lift a trophy internationally despite being a top 5 smokes player in valorant history. 😞

posted 1 day ago

Oh no, this is starting to look like another situation we have seen before....

posted 1 day ago

Idk about watchworthy but my list of things I want to watch is: artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, badminton, tennis, trampolining (?? I didn't even know this was an Olympic sport) and there's one more that I have forgotten. However, there's obviously the mainstream stuff like athletics, all the track and field events and the water stuff like diving and swimming which is all good, but I'm looking for some niches that I can personally get invested in, which is what my list specifically is aiming for. This list will most likely grow as the Olympics goes on and in future Olympics, because there is so much available to watch.

posted 2 days ago

i think keeping you banned is a good idea.

posted 2 days ago

wait thats actually nuts for benjy though, 400 less rounds and around the same number of kills is really crazy. but it probably is becuase the 5 players of geng have to share the kills in the 2252 rounds while benjy doesnt have any other of his teammates in the top 5 most kills in 1800 rounds

posted 2 days ago

or DRX freeing with how things are looking over there...

posted 2 days ago

what is that compared to other players in top 10 most kills of 2024

posted 2 days ago

They probably hibernated once TL bombed out of playoffs

posted 2 days ago

did you also look at rounds played? please tell us that too.

posted 2 days ago

is somebody gonna match my freak,
is somebody gonna match my nasty,
I got stamina, they say I'm an athlete,

is somebody gonna match my freak,
need somebody with a good technique,
is somebody gonna match my nasty,
[i dont know the lyrics of the last line of the chorus]

posted 2 days ago

DRX scouting team watching this match very closely for sure...

posted 2 days ago

Nope, his leaving will make everyone think drx is done. And expectations will be through the floor. Sorry to all kru fans but you aren't making it out of groups unless you beat fnatic.

posted 2 days ago

No one has said it officially because defamation laws in Korea are super strict but it is believed to be...

Drx flashback

That is the player who everyone has been talking about especially after the suspicious timing of moving to inactive roster in stage 1.

posted 2 days ago

This is good, DRX ALWAYS performs when no one expects them to. I would know as I have had almost 4 years of experience cheering for this team and the only time this team made it far was when everyone thought of them as 5th to 6th place merchants, and now we are back to champions after so long and now a player may leave the team, so why would anyone expect them to do well? drx champions winners incoming, and no one is ready for it

posted 2 days ago

Good luck babe by Chappell roan

posted 2 days ago

Would literally be the bomb 😏🤭

I hope I don't go to hell for this comment.

posted 3 days ago

Ahhhow did I forget about the gorgeous king sayf?? He is absolutely deserving to be on this list.

posted 3 days ago

Damn this is so hype but I am really not into league of legends esports sadly. I've watched a bit of lol esports and it looks so cool but it's a complex game so I don't understand a lot of what they do despite knowing quite a bit about the game and how it works so i would not want to attend. But I didn't know they came to London in 2023 and 2022 too. I guess London is a popular location for other esports too so maybe I can wait a bit longer for a valorant tourney to be hosted here.
Whoops not in 2022 but in 2023 London hosted a lol event. My bad

posted 3 days ago

Underrated pick but natank from gentle mates is fine

posted 3 days ago

Rito games please please please come to London

posted 3 days ago

Fr, I'm so glad magoat is a decent human. Gotta look for the small wins in bad news...

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

If they lose the player then absolutely yes because losing a player you have practiced with puts the team in a shambles position to compete at champions.

posted 3 days ago

I asked another Korean user on this site the same thing in my comments, but they confirmed that it has to be drx because no other Korean team has recently played a lower finals and the girl used the word lower finals in her post.

posted 3 days ago

The thing is in VCL Korean challengers, the lower finals haven't happened yet. So it has to be one of the three rookie players currently on drx as that's the ONLY Korean team that has played a lower finals recently.

posted 3 days ago

Could it be that the lower finals she is referring to might be a different one in a different game in the past? Not trying to deny but just want to know what the timeline could be if its a different Korean team/player

posted 3 days ago

Honestly I can't imagine any of the drx players doing this but it's always the people you least expect, and evil doesn't have a face I guess.

posted 3 days ago

Please .message me too in vlr dms about this thanks

posted 3 days ago

Nah this is wrong. Why should the victim wait? I don't care if this ruins DRX in champions, if someone like that is playing on their team, that's so wrong. I hope this is comment is a joke.

posted 3 days ago

Oh thank God that it's not my goat mako, i was so scared. But this is actually insane, my condolences to the girl and idc if the player is from drx, that's just evil and messed up.

posted 3 days ago

overcooked a little sadly, especially with group c. lev will absolutely make it out of groups, aspas will carry if he has to but they arent going out so soon.

posted 4 days ago

2 months late but omg this comment chain is unhinged.

posted 4 days ago

you have to be from the US because only NA education would make someone unironically say "South North America"... smh

posted 4 days ago

you think that i would be worried of sen? after they became the latest iteration of tenz and friends? absolutely not.

posted 4 days ago

i want to do vile things to all sen fans who think like this.

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

mako is very good at clutch too.

posted 4 days ago

100 for all.

  1. BLG
  2. DRX
  3. GEN
  4. FPX
    6 VIT
    7 FUT
    8 G2
posted 4 days ago

Also at the end, I don't want texture to get the ace just so that I can see the reaction of him throwing a fit immediately after winning champions. It would be hilarious and iconic.

posted 4 days ago
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