Flag: Vatican City State
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Last post: July 26, 2024 at 5:34 PM
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Flag: Afghanistan
Registered: July 26, 2024
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 5:26 PM
Posts: 1

posted 4 hours ago

If I read the points correctly, Acend can still make Ascension play-ins if they beat both Diamand and GoNext, right? If they lose either, they're out?

posted 12 hours ago

It looks like one of the weaker on paper but I feel like Talon and Vitality could both be good for an upset.

Very unlikely that Lev lose to both though

posted 4 days ago

Seeding, money, and technically also a title.

Champs group each get one first, second, third, and fourth seed from each region, so by winning this you dodge FNC, EDG and GenG

posted 5 days ago

Bro thinks he's supernova, the king of Valorant 💀

posted 1 week ago

I mean they might have some extra stuff prepped, but they're not saving strats to the extend that they toss away a match like this.

This is seeding directly for champs, you don't wanna lose this and get Lev and PRX in your group or something.

posted 1 week ago

Real fans celebrate when their team loses 💯

posted 1 week ago

Bro said they took it from CS 😭

posted 1 week ago

I mean yeah, 8 teams, early in the season, wacky qualification format

posted 1 week ago

What's the tiebreaker for points? If 100T end up 4th in playoffs, the 4th slot will be between them and Sen who are both at 12 points.

Is it playoff performance? Regular season performance? Has Riot said anything official about it?

posted 1 week ago

And on top of that if we expect 3 and 4 to win, we get Lev (1) Vs Krü (4) and G2 (2) vs Sen (3) as well, so those matchups follow the exact same pattern as well.

posted 1 week ago

Just bet on the winning team bro, how fucking dumb are you to keep losing money on this game? Braindead.

posted 1 week ago

I mean I doubt they just spontaneously made that decision.

The decision to remove Chet was apparently made by the org partly because of the HLTV article about him (the players seemed to have been against it).

Victor must have been a consideration to bench when they instead benched Demon1, and I would assume Crashies and Fenis probably advocated for him, while the org might have preferred D1 (speculation). But with the lack of success, there was no way they ever keep him. As #31 said, the earlier you kick him, the better for all parties, including Victor himself.

posted 1 week ago

FNC is already guaranteed, and if FNC win their single elim game against KC, TH will also be guaranteed.

posted 1 week ago

Questions - Umm, who cares?

posted 1 week ago

American pros just whine the most about stuff like map pool (Pacific essentially had 9 maps in stage 2 + playoffs, Americas only 8), and Riot likes to appease the people who complain the loudest.

posted 1 week ago

In the scenario where KC beat Vit, one win would have been enough for them to qualify if FNC also won their single elim match against Vit (because then the top 4 teams on points would also be the top 4 in playoffs).

This didn't happen obviously, but KC could still qualify even without a win in playoffs if FNC, FUT and TH end top 3. If KC beat FNC they definitely need a second win.

A bit silly maybe. If KC get exactly one win in playoffs, they're guaranteed out of Champs, but with zero wins they have a chance to qualify.

posted 2 weeks ago

we could even go 0-4

goes 4-0

posted 2 weeks ago

Bro said "nah I'd win" and went 26-3

The entire enemy team combined had 24 kills.

posted 3 weeks ago

Commenter above bet money on them and they lost, that's all

posted 3 weeks ago

They're not farming money bro, they just want to see you lose. Continue gambling please 🙏🏻

posted 3 weeks ago

Yes, so am I. I wrote playoffs instead of champs, which was a silly mistake, but the point stays the same.

Points are only relevant for teams that don't place top 3 in playoffs. Any team that gets enough wins in the playoffs to overtake FNC in the points standings will place top 3 and qualify to champs either way.

posted 3 weeks ago

He's definitely underperforming this year, even for his standards. No hate to him or anything, I love the guy, but I'm pretty sure this is still the complacency of the off season. He just doesn't have the raw talent to keep up at this level, and this year he just didn't put in enough work to offset that (he has been shooting quite decently last year, especially in clutch moments when he didn't have to IGL).

posted 4 weeks ago

If FNC beat KC, they also guarantee group victory, no? Which gives an extra point.

And dont forget that if teams get two or three wins in playoffs, they will also end up in the top 3 anyway, meaning they effectively can't overtake FNC. The only way FNC miss out on playoffs is if a team that is placed 4th or worse has more points.

posted 4 weeks ago

Brother in Shanghai, like 70% of games that weren't 2-0s traded opponent's map picks. Teams prep more for their opponent's pick than their own, because there's more footage to work on specific anti-strats.

What the fuck are you doing spending money on esports betting when you clearly have negative understanding of the game?

posted 1 month ago

Good article Chicken Joe, I just wonder if this was a good choice of headline. You know most vlr chatters can't read, as evidenced by so many people in this thread.

posted 1 month ago

Personally if I were betting on esports, I would simply bet on the winning team, but maybe that's just me. Bettors stay mad and keep whining

posted 1 month ago

Just read through vlr forums when FNC placed 4th at champs lol

posted 1 month ago

Ah suddenly top 4 is the greatest achievement, classic NA mental gymnastics

posted 1 month ago

Nah, they got outclassed this game, but they played well in the tourney overall and they deserve this fs

posted 1 month ago

Right, idk how I missed that.

posted 1 month ago

FUT literally placed better internationally than NRG did regionally

posted 1 month ago

There's a big difference between "Most teams have at least one cs player" and "85% of all players are from CS"

Let's go through the recent successful rosters

2023 Fnatic
Boaster and Derke played CS professionally; Leo, Alfa and Chron did not.

2023 EG
C0m and Ethan played CS; jawg, Demon1 and Boostio did not

2024 Sentinels
Zellsis and TenZ played CS; Sacy, zekken did not. Johnqt apparently has like 27 maps on record, so not really, but let's count him.

Let's throw the current top 4 at Shanghai in as well to get some more data
JonahP, leaf yes; trent, icy, valyn no

Lakia yes; Meteor, Karon, t3xture, Munchkin no

100T (excl Boostio because I already counted him above)
None of them as far as I can tell

Pati yes; Benjy, wo0t, Riens, MiniBoo no. Boo also has a couple of matches for some teams that as far as I can tell aren't even salaried ors, but let's be generous and count him as well.

That's a sample size of 35 players, and only 12 of them played CS professionally. That's less than half. And the number is getting smaller and smaller every year. All the rising stars like Benjy, N4rrate and whatnot do not have CS careers.

Yeah early Valorant built its esports on the back of former CS pros, but those times are over. The only ex-CS players that are successful in Valorant are the ones that switched early (2020-21) and have fully focused on Valorant for years.

posted 1 month ago

They qualified to 1 out of 3 international events.

posted 1 month ago

flair lmao

posted 1 month ago

Damn you're such a rebel. Nobody but you knew

posted 1 month ago

It's not even a Brit flag, it's an England flag, which is infinitely worse.

posted 1 month ago

Prize money for the winning team is 350k. Even if it all goes to the players and the two coaches (it doesn't), that's 50k for each of them.

If you think 50k is worth passing on a degree that you almost have in the bag already, idk what to tell you.

posted 1 month ago

If FPX had been on attack first, you would be saying it was embarrassing from FPX. Comebacks like this happen because a map consists of two completely independent halves. Both teams just had really good attack sides.

posted 1 month ago

Wdym?? The old G2 team achieved something historic in the playoffs of Berlin 2021 that no other team had done before! They lost 13-0 to Gambit

posted 1 month ago

The v in vlr stands for voetbal

posted 1 month ago

A bunch of fellas from the Turkish countryside vs pan-American superteam, go figure

posted 1 month ago

PRX winning the upper final to then lose to 100T in the GF is an actual guarantee tbf

posted 1 month ago

Painful loss for FPX, but China is slowly but surely catching up, it's great to see.

TH deserve playoffs for sure, hope they can get some wins

posted 1 month ago

When the shrooms hit a bit too hard

posted 1 month ago

Probably in their mom's basement like all of us

posted 2 months ago
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