Flag: Finland
Registered: April 24, 2021
Last post: May 19, 2024 at 2:17 PM
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Liquid and Vitality too low

posted about a year ago

I don't understand why they are underrating TL so much. Like what is the problem they see with it?
Sayf is one of the best Chambers in EMEA right now. nAts is arguably the best or at least 2nd best sentinel in the world and can also flex, I 100% believe he is still one of the best players in the world. Jamppi is still consistent, good and flexible. Redgar used to be one of the best IGLs in the world and has potential to get that back, used to frag decently for IGL as well. And Soulcas is very underrated, flexible and decent firepower.

posted about a year ago

Yeah that may happen. But I believe in ceNder. Like out of any tier 2 talent joining tier 1 next year I have the most faith in ceNder. Also I believe in Salah and the fact that they decided to go for Destrian gives me hope. Maybe there just wasn't better players, but at the same time Molsi and Salah both know this guy so maybe they just thought he would bring something to this team.

posted about a year ago

I have a lot of faith in Vitality. I like their rumored roster a lot and I think people are going to sleep on them because most of them are pretty unknown. I fully believe ceNder can compete in tier 1. Molsi and Twisten duo has a lot of potential them being the stars of their last rosters. BONECOLD bit unknown, but seeing what happened to Acend after he left he definitely had some impact. They saw potential in Destrian so I believe. And I'm really high on Salah as head coach. Also knowing Vitality they will be backing this team well.

posted about a year ago

Giants Gaming and Vitality for EMEA. Most would rate NaVi, Fnatic, TL and even KOI over them.

posted about a year ago

Ofc he is good enough for franchising. Guy is one of the best if not the best rifler in the game. Only that he doesn't seem to like playing under real IGL and thinks he is god caller or something.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hopefully all of them play with new full rosters because this tournament could be really good

posted about a year ago

Wolfen is joining KOI. Mixwell is on Heretics. 2 different teams.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah its weird that he didn't get a spot tbh. He was good Chamber/Jett especially OP player that was able to go pretty head to head against the best of EMEA (mby not as much stage 2 because groups). Also he has a lot of potential considering that NaVi wasn't the best team outside of him and Cloud. Shouldn't be skill issue so I wonder why no one picked him up. Obviously there wouldn't have been a lot of room for him, but even still teams like KOI went for tier 2 talent instead of 7ssk7. He deserves to be in the league. Maybe its like language barrier or maybe some other issue.

posted about a year ago

Maybe MW3 or Little Big Planet 2 because there hasn't been better games since don't remember how long. Most likely from like 8AM to 10PM or something.

posted about a year ago

Maybe, but he has been controller player for most of his career and as IGL is makes sense to keep him as one.

posted about a year ago

but theres only 5 players rumored and I doubt they would sign him so early if he was 6th. Also I doubt he would want to be bench warmer and he is already sharing role with their potential IGL unless Boo changed roles

posted about a year ago

I just don't get why Heretics would get Avova to begin with if they are also planning on signing Boo? Both play same role and Boo is IGL. Possibility that we will see Avova changing roles to flash initiator or something like how he kind of was for G2 on some maps later on.

posted about a year ago

Giants has a lot of potential with some really good players. Rhyme is the biggest questionmark tho because his ability to lead and possibly move to controller role is bit unknown at the moment. And will remain to be seen how Fit1nho performs against tier 1 competition nowadays. But overall the firepower and experience of Nukkye, Hoody and Cloud is already really high. Nukkye has been superstar in the past and arguably even rn and Cloud has potential to be one after his team starts doing better.

posted about a year ago

I wouldn't call NaVi tier 2. They were constantly facing best of EMEA in VCT and especially Cloud was doing really well. He changed roles because he is flexible and NaVi doesn't have good Raze player. Guy made his name as Sova, but can play KayO, Raze, Skye etc. And likely on Giants he is going back to main initiator role.

posted about a year ago

zNet will

posted about a year ago

I think its too early to say about them. I think they looked pretty good in VRLs. Also they are going to be sticking as team so they have experience playing with each other and that will be good at least at the start. IMO they have potential to be decent and I see them as better team as BBL and/or maybe Heretics for now.

posted about a year ago

Hard to say for EMEA. I think it has to be either Heretics or BBL. Heretics could have some decent pieces, but at the same time guys like Avova and Zeek have been really inconsistent this year. Mixwell isn't too inspiring and I feel like he has already reached his full potential and won't improve much. Haven't followed much of keloqz lately, so I don't know how good he is. Seems to be bit inconsistent as well? And I'm pretty high on Boo. If these players just get back to old good form on a new team they could do something, but for now they are in bottom 3 at least for me.

and for NA its EG.

posted about a year ago

Both games are just too different to compare. Hitting people in OW might feel/be harder, but at the same time its way more forgiving due to higher hp and you will get help from tanks and supports. While Valorant aiming might feel easier, but at the same time the enemies have it "easy" as well and you have to outaim or have better crosshair placement. For example in Valorant you sometimes have people who will just outaim you with ease, but that rarely happens in Overwatch unless they have some cracked Widow but even that isn't super common. You rarely feel like you are getting diffed in aim.

Both games are hard, but just in different ways.

posted about a year ago

Who puts beanutbutter or jelly on top of bread? Is that actual thing?

posted about a year ago

s1mple is amazing and best CSGO player ever, but dev1ce was in HLTV top 5 for like 5 years and won 4 majors with Astralis. I think some people are really underrating dev1ce and his achievements. Obviously Astralis as a whole was insane and ahead of others but dev1ce was also big part of that.

posted about a year ago

I didn't buy any extra adapter just what came with it. I didn't do much research of it, but from what I heard it shouldn't make much difference at all. But as I said I haven't done much research. Not planning on buying it. If I can't hit something right now then even that adapter wouldn't make difference.

posted about a year ago

Yeah its very expensive for a mouse, but really nice. I pretty much used G Pro Wireless and then Superlight for like 4 years only switching to Outset and XM1r for short period of time between them. Wasn't huge fan of ergos like Outset, but then I decided to test my old Deathadder and kind of liked it and decided to give DAV3 a shot and it was really nice. Only been using it for like 1 week properly but it definitely feels nice and even better than GPX for me.

only bit sad that I had to go for black version because white ones were out of stock until like December

posted about a year ago

4 "usable" and then I have 3 that were my old mice or mice I wouldn't use.

Razer Deathadder V3 (main), Logitech G Pro X Superlight, Vaxee Outset AX, Endgame Gear XM1r
and then Logitech G Pro Wireless, Razer Deathadder and Fnatic Clutch 2

posted about a year ago

If you want to support Swedish players then maybe best are Fnatic (Leo, Swedish), Team Liquid (Sayf, Swedish) and FPX (soon NaVi) (Zyppan, Swedish). Those are teams with some of the best Swedish players.

posted about a year ago

Yes. Last week Jamppi said he would fly to Liquid HQ this week, so timing wise it makes sense.

posted about a year ago

Riot wants to kill tier 2 by forcing teams to pick up players from the regions they play in

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Could take part just for fun if this happens. EU servers.

posted about a year ago

what a crazy ending

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

don't know but I have always liked Nissan GTR and Porsche 911 I think those are my "dream cars". But tbh I would never buy a car with only 2 doors unless it was my second car.

posted about a year ago

yeah BBL looks really mid, but I'm pretty excited to see FUT. I think they have potential to do decent at least at start. They have some good players.

posted about a year ago

He deserves to find spot in franchising league 100%, but I wouldn't mind seeing him coaching tier 2 team either while getting experience of coaching in English. If the rumors are true team like Istanbul Wildcats already signed braveaf and were rumored of being interested in 7ssk7(NaVi) and Aslan(BIG). Like think about team like that potentially being coached by Enghh. Could be good.

posted about a year ago

Dev1ce was part of the most dominant CSGO team ever while also being their star.
HLTV top players ranking:
2015 top 5, 2016 top 3, 2017 top 5, 2018 top 2, 2019 top 3, 2020 top 3 - dev1ce

posted about a year ago

happy birtday tenz!

posted about a year ago

Enzo is clearly smart guy so he would definitely add a lot of important opinions and feedback and seems to be really positive guy. So he would for sure work well as 6th. But I don't want to see him being 6th player on any team. He deserves to be on active team and would be great addition to team like KCorp. Like I would much rather see him in tier 2 than on tier 1 bench. Fantic already has Leo so Enzo would never get playtime.

and also Mistic could work as 6th and wouldn't be bad at it, but again I think he deserves to play even if its tier 2.

both guys have a lot of experience and that would be really useful for not so experienced teams.

posted about a year ago

Faker (king of moba)
s1mple (king of FPS)
dev1ce (star of Astralis during their era and multi time top 3 HLTV)
N0tail (back to back TI winner and one of the most successful Dota 2 players, maybe not the best but achievements and name value)
and 5th is hard to think, but those 4 are pretty easy for me

posted about a year ago

CPU: i7-9700K
GPU: Asus Strix GTX 1080

posted about a year ago

also kind of funny how many were defending Boaster and saying how weird Suygetsu is while Fnatic is known for their post game celebrations that used to be BM as well and everyone is always waiting those from them

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Acend was like consistent top 3 EMEA team last year and even won Masters 1 EMEA and Champions. 2022 was slower from them but they were still always in EMEA discussions and competed in VCT. So even tho they didn't have proper era at any point they still were pretty high up in EMEA and even world for quite long time. And cNed was big part of that. They deserve their respect and not seeing guys like cNed and starxo with Acend jerseys will feel weird.

posted about a year ago

People are heavy sleeping on Sayf for some reason. Guy was playing like superstar in Copenhagen and continued that form into EMEA LCQ as well. He played insane on both tournament even if the team didn't get far or wasn't doing that well (like LCQ 1-2 with Yacine). 2nd highest ACS in Copenhagen while being eliminated by both PRX and FPX. Not as many games, but still insane performance. And he was the best performing player in EMEA LCQ. If he can keep up that form for next year he could really well be the best Chamber in EMEA (if Chamber is still meta). And even seeing how much Jamppi is grinding Raze right now feels like TL is planning on playing Sayf as main OP player.

also Molsi is really underrated IMO with Cloud

posted about a year ago

If Jett becomes meta I feel like cNed would be the perfect fit for FPX. His Jett reminds me quite a lot of Ardiis but even better when he was playing his peak. Really aggressive and confident style.

posted about a year ago

I'm so excited to see how Wolfen will be able to compete in tier 1 EMEA, also I believe in ceNder Chamber.

posted about a year ago

device owns any Valorant pro

posted about a year ago


superjamppi if Valorant

posted about a year ago
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