Flag: Finland
Registered: April 24, 2021
Last post: July 20, 2024 at 2:57 PM
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RobbieBK or UNFAKE as IGL, keep sh1n

posted 6 days ago

K-pop is dogshit

posted 1 week ago

Good to see because I think hes been really underrated since forever way before this Heretics roster.

posted 3 weeks ago

Boo was always underrated since LDN UTD/OGLU days. Impossible to say how much impact he had on that team, but they always played well as a team and had cool setplays that were needed for the lack of firepower. He even fragged decently at times. Definitely not consistently, but you could see that the aim was there.

posted 1 month ago

Depends 1 or 2. Normally at home first hair then body, then second towel for private areas. If I only have 1 then same order, but just with 1 towel. At some point I tried having towel for hair, but IMO its pointless unless you have long hair.

posted 2 months ago

I kinda think the same. Maybe the overall level of play is higher, but Liquid has been so shaky and inconsistent/consistently mid since eMIL became the coach. At least during ScreaM days they had some good performances and qualified for events. Both last and this roster just look so similar in terms of the negatives.

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

Giants should just go for Redgar, Cloud, B1SK, purp0, Chiwawa/vo0kashu

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

Funny, but KCorp is literally made out of 4 players who played in tier 2 last season. Heretics is made ouf of 3 (/4) players who were in tier 2 last season. Just shows how much EMEA tier 2 talent there is. N4RRATE is good of course, but don't forget that this game and these 2 teams are full of new talent and not just N4RRATE.

posted 4 months ago

This is why I like CS lineups. Way more limited in terms of possibilities, but you can't just stand distance away denying defuses with easy lineups. You can do great things with mollies and nades, but really need to understand the limits and they aren't as op and often used for actual site takes.

posted 5 months ago

Overall I would be massive underdog vs any pro (tier 1 in this case) because no matter how "weak" some look on pro level they are still better than most and would have no problem playing in Radiant. But at the same time Valorant mechanics are bit ehh so it balances it out a bit. I think Valorant pro playing against random guy would lose more 1v1 rounds than CS2 pro for example.

But no way some people talking ANGE1 down so much. He genuinely has good mechanics and aim even in pro level. Yes he is bit inconsistent and does stupid plays but he can win duel vs anyone and has had some huge performances. His aim is more impressive than that of guys like FNS or Boaster.

posted 6 months ago

Yeah because Fnatic were mentally boomed and played like shit, while G2 was peaking with especially Meddo and Avova stepping up who normally were the weak links. I legit have comment before Reykjavik saying how I think G2 will perform worse and they did.

And I never said FPX would have won Reykjavik, but considering that both them and Fnatic, the 2 best EMEA teams were missing makes Reykjavik look way less competitive on paper than it would have been otherwise. That's like if NA in Reykjavik was only represented by The Guard, and LOUD had replaced Aspas and Sacy with mid tier 2 duelist and initiator.

And Reykjavik wasn't even as heavy on Chamber as later events and agents like Jett and Raze were still very relevant. Also OpTic running Neon comps might not mean that much, who knows. They were playing it on Fracture like DRX and played same Split comp as M3C with some changes obviously. But who knows. Full FPX beat DRX's Neon Fracture in Copenhagen.

posted 6 months ago

I was expecting more from Molsi. I rate him high, but felt like he never found his role on Vitality and couldn't show true potential.

posted 6 months ago

I mean both full Fnatic and FPX were missing. Easily the best EMEA teams at the time and were well suited for the meta at the time. Also when did FPX lose to DRX? Copenhagen group stage with SEIDER instead of Suygetsu, and then rolled them with full roster? Or talking about Champions that happen after both Reykjavik and Copenhagen?

posted 6 months ago

Who is saying they had an era? Astralis in CS had an era. OpTic in Valorant didn't have an era.

posted 6 months ago


legit nothing going to change outside of maybe some teams running Harbor or KayO like before.

posted 6 months ago

Russian parents, born and raised in Finland.

posted 6 months ago

Sheydos looked like best player on M3C during their final times or at least 2nd best. Sadly KOI was shit and I think Sheydos should have stayed on flex/initiator.

posted 6 months ago

nice I like it but isn't for everyone because bit weird/unique taste

posted 6 months ago

Apeks and BBL are unironically more interesting than FUT and Furia IMO. We've seen so much of FUT already and same with Furia (while also losing to GE with a sub).

posted 6 months ago

Yeah it has that default energy drink taste but is the best out of them IMO. When I was younger I actually disliked Redbull and prefered cheaper ones, but nowadays its my favorite default one. Really different to basic Monster taste (that I don't like).

posted 6 months ago

Eh idk its pretty personal and there's many I like for different reasons, I personally just prefer taste of energy drinks over most sodas. For Monster my go to are Monarch, Pacific Punch, Khaotic, Pipeline Punch, Nitro, Mango Loco etc | Ultra Rosa and Ultra Strawberry Dream likely my favorite sugarfree ones. Nowadays there's just so many options at least here in bigger stores.

For RedBull basic, blueberry, winter pear, summer ones are decent, coconut/blueberry decent etc.

Overall like I said Monster better for price and are bigger, but also sweeter and taste more "fake". RedBull more expensive for less but taste more premium and not as fake IMO.

Overall would just recommend basic RedBull its pretty safe and tastes like... well energy drink.

posted 6 months ago

RedBull best from basic ones, their flavors are good as well, most of them at least
Monster has a lot of flavors and many good ones, also great price overall, decent sugarfree options

rest are pretty irrelevant IMO. Outside of one brand that they sell here. Also Nocco is pretty decent for sugarfree but expensive and not sure do they sell it there.

posted 6 months ago

Not wrong. Tbf only Radiant and maybe high Immortal 3 are actually high elo. Anything below that is pretty shit for most part. I've only peaked at Asc3 so not sure about lower immortal but based on what I've seen and heard. Kinda same in most games. Often only the highest and 2nd highest are actually high.

posted 6 months ago

Good to say when in most of those matches the expected winner won. Or the game was close/thrown like that NRG vs Liquid.
Legit most wins are from EG and NRG beating teams they should. Only not so clear were 100T vs FUT, and EG vs TH during Lock/In when teams were still new. NaVi ended up being shit for most part and lost some games they could have won on paper. Teams like NaVi, FUT even Liquid, Giants would have had good chances vs teams like Sentinels and 100T

posted 6 months ago

Molsi is also good and IMO underperformed on Vitality. If he goes back to like he played in OGLU and Kajaak performs that duo could be really good.

posted 6 months ago

Scarz who? NaVi would have rolled them on every level. They play on different leagues.

posted 6 months ago

Kr1stal = China tier 2 with no achievements
ANGE1 = VCT with Masters win and good tier 1 track record since 2021.

ANGE1 may overcook at times and troll but he clears Kr1stal for now.

posted 6 months ago

Karmine Corp

maybe, but I think its super hard to know how any team outside of couple will do. So many unproven talents and even players who didn't maybe have the best performance last year compared to their past like I think Giants could do much better than last even with same players. For example Heretics is apparently crazy scrim team according to Ardiis and could do a lot of damage if they performed like that in officials. I have a lot of faith in Liquid. I think their potential is really high and Keiko will be really good after a while.

posted 6 months ago

not talking about CIS roster but this roster vs their current one

posted 6 months ago

Suygetsu > vo0kashu

  • vo0kashu is good and shit ton of potential but Suygetsu has been top 4 sentinel since 2022

Zyppan > Asuna

d00mbros > Engh.

  • Engh is maybe most overrated coaches rn not because he is bad but people still talk about him like some god coach because of his Gambit days while he hasn't done anything note worthy since, also under d00mbros FPX used to be really good since forever outside of their problems in part of 2021 and even won trophy with them. Also FPX/NAVI were always really good at counter stratting and likely still one of the best at that
posted 6 months ago

Not sure obviously, but I think he will just take Destrian's role. ceNder was already playing smokes mainly outside of like Lotus from the maps we saw. Trexx can easily fit into that Viper/whatever role. runneR, Sayf and Kicks have pretty set roles already. I would imagine Sayf moving to full time sentinel, ceNder full time smokes and maybe Trexx would play KayO on like Ascent.

posted 6 months ago

A lot of potential, but they literally have 3 rookies with no tier 1 experience. Tier 1 is different beast compared to tier 2.

posted 6 months ago

Jokes aside I really hope Soulcas does well in tier 2 and becomes consistent. His peak performances are actually good, but we don't see those often.

posted 6 months ago

They don't need any upgrades. But yeah I do agree that Cloud could be replacement for Zyppan, but obviously would make no sense rn and no idea would it be upgrade. Cloud is really good tho with great mechanics and being really flexible. I honestly think he hasn't even looked his best in Giants.

posted 6 months ago

Not entirely disagreeing, but what foreigners? English is like 5th most spoken language in Europe in terms of native speakers.

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

actually good takes for most part

posted 6 months ago

Easily. Anyone who says otherwise is just lying. Also to add that people were sleeping on FPX even before the tournament. They weren't much worse to Fnatic regionally and usually just lost barely.

posted 6 months ago

U: LOUD (their core still good and proven igl)
O: SEN, LEV (sen because bunch of fanboys, lev because people calling them to be top 3 itw)

U: NAVI (not really underrated, but i think this roster has chances to win event and some people underrating ardiis and his impact on this team)
O: KC (they have a lot of potential and i like their roster, but ive seen people call them like top 3 emea and thats overrating them in my mind. really unproven team)

U: ??
O: ??

posted 6 months ago

Jamppi (superjamppi)

posted 6 months ago

Yeah I'm happy for him and big believer, but looking at Destrian's post game tweet vs FUT with "Thanks for everyone for the support and see you in VCT" just to get dropped. I mean its always when players get dropped in moments like this. But overall really understandable move for Vitality.

posted 6 months ago

ceNder was already IGLing with this roster, maybe reason why they replaced Destrian

posted 6 months ago

Huge for Vitality, but feels bit bad for Destrian even if I think this move is upgrade.

posted 6 months ago

Fnatic or LOUD for every map outside of Breeze (not sure without Aspas) and Sunset too new to rate

posted 6 months ago

I mean that's been the case since he played in Spanish VRL. I was sure he was going to be playing in tier 1 in no time. But for some reason that hasn't been the case so far. He is really good and deserves more than playing in mid Chinese team.

posted 6 months ago

I guess there's no info, but I doubt its real because they played Crossfire cup with experiemental roster or trial and it messed things up for bit.
I wish Kamo, Grubinho, UNFAKE, Sheydos, Shadow became the roster but likely just starxo instead of UNFAKE.

posted 6 months ago

like 80 average

posted 6 months ago
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