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Registered: September 10, 2021
Last post: December 7, 2023 at 5:12 PM
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no this guy is wrong

posted about a year ago

everyone needs to forget H2H because regardless we are ending in a 3 way tie


100T win 100T Qual
100T lose EG Qual

(In Depth Analysis for those who don’t get it if 100T lose there would be a 4 way tie between SEN, EG, FURIA and 100T possibly LEV as well. It then would go to Map Differential which in this scenario the highest 100T could reach is 10-13. Now this is why both LEV and FURIA are guaranteed as regardless 100T would have at most in this scenario a -3 also putting them below EG’s -2. And even if there was a scenario where they tie in maps 100T have such a horrible Round Diff EG would be guaranteed)

posted about a year ago


but they beat NRG wether they were trolling or not, and 100T have looked inconsistent either they go crazy or fall short

posted about a year ago

that’s what I thought.

And with Champs months away why not at least wait till LCQ’s are close to starting or something

posted about a year ago

no they need 100t to lose

(I believe) But wether LEV win or lose it affects nothing

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I see so one team has the chance to qualify for Champs?

posted about a year ago

Yes Zeta is the only good Japanese team and the only one in Playoffs. With Masters being in Tokyo it would be kinda nice to at least see them at the event

posted about a year ago

what’s the point of playing out these playoffs if EDG and ASE are already qualified

posted about a year ago

tired already it’s okay get your beauty sleep ill update you tmmrw

posted about a year ago

has some great songs but is overhyped

Ye clears anyway

posted about a year ago

true + astroworld is mid

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you’ll understand this song once you let her go stay single my friend

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro has never felt the touch of a woman

posted about a year ago

better rebounder and better play maker. Does more for his team, all of his advanced metrics are exceeding Embiids + he’s a fraud come playoff time seethe and cope. Also Embiid the biggest crybaby in the league

posted about a year ago

Only know you love her when you let her go

posted about a year ago

zzzzz Embidd flopped outta the playoffs harder than when he injured his own teammate

posted about a year ago

Jokic had 17 boards don’t forget about the Joker

posted about a year ago

Jokic is the real mvp this season

better stats, better seed , and did more for his team. Without controversy Jokic wins mvp no hesitation

posted about a year ago

ABX Yay over all

posted about a year ago

i jus want something in the US

posted about a year ago

Jokic is athletic?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Nuggets in 6
Celtics in 5

posted about a year ago


(didn’t even see just wanna join)

posted about a year ago

no, 100t can fall out of playoffs if they lose 2-0 to MIBR

posted about a year ago

bro just has something against smoke players

posted about a year ago

he is the most inconsistent duelist in challengers

posted about a year ago

bro is downfragged for being right

posted about a year ago

it’s between them and TGRD imo

M80 definitely have the potential to I just personally don’t see them doing it

posted about a year ago

I think TTR are fine even if they lose they can still possibly qual

posted about a year ago

i admit i am wrong regardless of a tie they qual due to having the better record good day to you, but technically doesn’t that mean TTR qual since even if they all tie they have the wins to qual

posted about a year ago

no they are already +20 points and I don’t think TTR and SR can place high enough to put them out of qualification

posted about a year ago

that’s the scenario at hand is FaZe place 7th which is rare but could happen hypothetically (but they still qual)

posted about a year ago

just asked where to find it bud💀

posted about a year ago

where does it say tie goes to worst record LAST split? I can’t find that

posted about a year ago

Knights even said on stream if SR win it will be a 3 way tie 🗿
Where FaZe would miss out
Matter of fact, so if SR win 2-0 they would place 5th TTR 6th and FaZe 7th with all of them having 18 points SR AND TTR would qual over them. So respectfully “check your sources”🤓

posted about a year ago

thank you

posted about a year ago

Actually no they aren’t im psure a tie can happen between TTR, SR and FaZe. Where FaZe would miss qualification

posted about a year ago

the Mummay pickup is killing them rn

If he’s not IGLing he’s had some poor performances and hasn’t been to consistent this split. Gotta pick it up if they want to do well in playoffs (also wtf happened to Supamen)

posted about a year ago

can’t figure it out

people are saying FaZe are qualed for playoffs already and I was trying to check please help :)

posted about a year ago

that isn’t gonna save you

posted about a year ago

yes I forgot completely how the format works but I know eventually more teams qualify. But what’s confusing is, by the time the teams play out their two years even if they do well they would get replaced? And wouldn’t have a chance to qualify again until who knows when. Horrible system for making it into the main league, hopefully it’s fixed if they want the game to have any longevity

posted about a year ago

on me he is LMAO

bro had me checking like i didn’t just look at the brackets

posted about a year ago

bro they beat MAD and ORE they still would of beat them if they were in there division this split. It was dumb to think adding one good player to a team full of mid T2 players would work 🤷 + dropped their IGL

posted about a year ago


this is such a common misconception Tarik gains +50k viewers when streaming Pro Matches. Those aren’t his fans just people who enjoy watching the games “with” someone. Even on the rare occasion tarik isn’t streaming ill watch Zombs or someone else as most people would.

posted about a year ago

that’s not the argument and clearly your missing the whole point. But sure I will be back brotha good day

posted about a year ago
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