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Registered: September 10, 2021
Last post: December 7, 2023 at 5:12 PM
Posts: 1992
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I’m just gonna reply here so it’s at the top cause in case you haven’t seen

Sick has been very active on Twitter as of late, it’s actually sad scrolling through it. He’s repeatedly looking for girls to COME TO HIS HOUSE, he states he has drugs and booze for them if they do. States numerous times that he has drugs and even says all he does is “Drugs and Work”. Posts pictures of him with friends clearly GONE, and with his EX not only threatens her but tags her in multiple posts where he makes crude remarks. He even acknowledges how he is acting by saying he is “Kayne Crazy” it’s sad he has no one that will get him the help he SO DESPERATELY NEEDS. It’s need to be soon or he will end up in jail or worse sadly and I don’t think anyone wants to see that again. Good day to everyone and stay off drugs

(TLDR: he is constantly posting about him doing drugs and even showing pictures of him fucked up, along with tagging his EX constantly and acknowledging what he is doing. Along with inviting random girls to his house he’s gonna end up locked up for a long time. Did I mention these tweets are only in the span of two days imagine if I kept scrolling)

posted about a year ago

I could agree with FUT but I even see FUT placing higher than Giants.

posted about a year ago

no they aren’t owning

LOUD has dropped 7 Maps compared to FNC ( 1 ) NAVI (4) You could make the argument for C9 but that’s the exception. Your arguing for the two best teams yet don’t argue about the teams that matter. If only one team can take a map off the best team in your region than theirs a pretty big skill gap. (Not to mention look at your bottom 3 KC, KOI and TH legitimately some of the worst franchised teams no way you can argue they are more competitive than teams in America)

posted about a year ago

because NAVI look lost ASF some games but bail themselves out with aim

posted about a year ago

go see a psychiatrist

posted about a year ago

bro what’s up with emea and Lock IN results KEKW

Actual mickey mouse tournament that means little to nothing now

posted about a year ago

record says absolutely nothing, yes are worst team may be worse than yours but that speaks nothing on how competitive the WHOLE league is.

With the Americas being very close and anyone being able to beat each other like Lev getting crushed by C9 or NRG destroying LOUD this weekend. Meanwhile you have FNC and Navi clearly owning every other team you can legitimately see the skill gap between the teams. While BBL, FUT or Giants have flashes they are no where near being as good as even the 5th ranked America team (if anything KRU being 0-8 proves my point they are so behind everyone else in Americas they can’t win meanwhile EU teams trading wins for funsies)

posted about a year ago

bro is wishing death upon someone over VLR💀

posted about a year ago

Americas is the most competitive division that’s how

posted about a year ago

a lot of other reasons to hate breeze actual iron take

posted about a year ago

Trent >> Verno
Valyn > Flyuh
Koalanoob/Sym >> Governor

posted about a year ago

legitimately should just give them the free win I would respect that

posted about a year ago

he’s stealing all the casual NA viewers

posted about a year ago


it’s not that I hate him he’s just overrated and inconsistent. He belongs in T1 jus needs to become more consistent.

posted about a year ago

ur blind then

The only teams that have better mechanical players is only a few (LOUD, C9 and Furia) and even then it could be up to debate for players like Crashies, s0m even Ardiss if he finds his footing let’s not forget what he did on FPX.

posted about a year ago

id swap Marved and Pancada

He’s not the coldest valorant player for no reason 🥶🥶

posted about a year ago

Id argue this team is currently slightly worse but has the potential to be a lot better

posted about a year ago

they already secured first seed no?

They have H2H against C9 so i’m pretty sure they have #1 seed

posted about a year ago

SEN Flyuh

posted about a year ago

see that makes no sense?

You said you weren’t taking IGL’ing into account which is fair it’s hard to account for. But then you say even if stax was the best mechanically you wouldn’t consider him when this list is strictly based off mechanics. Stax is a WORLDCLASS player, mechanically if you were using basis of recent performance I see players who you consider “world class” that wouldn’t be anymore by these standards.

posted about a year ago

oh I just thought with everyone talking about him something happened recently. I’ve seen a few things flying around that he said wild stuff on stream today, Im aware of everything up until recently.

posted about a year ago

If you don’t mind me asking

respectfully can someone explain what happened? Or link the controversy

posted about a year ago

they haven’t even qualified yet

theirs still a world where they drop out of qualification if they lose every game and if certain teams place well. This is a shitty mentality to have and they should look a lot better than how they do, Id love to see them bomb this group and then not qual because they either thought they had enough points or really fucking sucked. It’s honestly just looking like the second option right now. People need to stop comparing separate leagues, different formats and ways to qualify not to mention more is up for grabs. G2 and LOUD’s scenario isn’t the same what so ever they are dropping series to the worst teams in challengers when they aren’t even guaranteed to qual yet

TLDR: G2 hasn’t qualified. Stop comparing separate leagues and more importantly stop comparing LOUD to G2 different scenarios and G2 shouldn’t throw like they have been when they could not qual.

posted about a year ago

switch bbl and giants imo

posted about a year ago

trick isn’t good.

beating G2 in the form they are in means nothing

posted about a year ago

hey it’s teams now bud 🤓

posted about a year ago


have fun going thru these (if you do)

posted about a year ago

again these are things you are knit picking specifically to go against Optic

I could do the same with every other tournament winner. Regardless of the scenario or situation nothing takes away from a team winning a tournament and more importantly in Valorant their is no clear “favorites” look at Fnatic who struggled forever but were always “favorites” it just isn’t a spectrum you can use in such a unpredictable game. Your just spitting things out that mean basically nothing cause like i’ve said if I wanted I could go through every tournament and make claims just like yours for each team that took the trophy home. (And even if FPX were the “best EMEA” team Optic had a better year and placed above them at Champs)

posted about a year ago

I would disagree

People can find ways to put asterisks on literally anything, just because something unfortunate happened to where ONE team couldn’t be their that doesn’t take anything away from the win. I could legitimately put asterisk on every LAN tournament winner but why take away from how great a team played for no reason?

posted about a year ago

now i know fs she isn’t real

posted about a year ago

I understand this statement for GE and BBL as sometimes they look really good.

But KRU hasn’t looked very good regardless of the close games, wether it’s a team making horrible plays for them to catch up in score, or just not closing out games they cant figure it out. At least BBL and GE have went out and took a series. I need to see more from KRU (besides Keznit) to really feel like this team will ever do any good

posted about a year ago

i think he’s off the site for a while

im sure no one cares but ill be following in that path soon. Baits aren’t even close to funny anymore. People just begging for attention and throwing stupid ideas around. Very few sane people left on this site

posted about a year ago

yes he can be but his when talking “weakest” link of this team it is definitely Brawk. He is still a great player he just isn’t as versatile as everyone else on the team.

posted about a year ago

ah sorry it’s not embarrassing at all that is happened even once. Don’t worry it’ll be “teams” soon

posted about a year ago

i’m pretty sure this play made Trent blow up and everyone afterwards had him as a top 5 player

It’s important to his legacy

posted about a year ago

idk i just watched a POLLO clutch and can’t think of anything else

posted about a year ago

bro has legitimately the most crisp aim ever

posted about a year ago

crazy it’s happening at all in a franchised league where it’s supposed to be the most competitive and have the best gameplay. They lost a whole series that’s still more than MxM so far

posted about a year ago

literally a franchised team 🤓

posted about a year ago

teams in EMEA franchising are losing whole series to coach’s what’s ur point?

posted about a year ago

this cry for attention is sad u need to get offline

posted about a year ago

bro is clueless

posted about a year ago

ty can’t be to horrible if he’s coming back next week.

Hope he takes it easy and recovers by then

posted about a year ago

someone in chat said concussion?

If so hope that he gets better and he recovers swiftly anyone know if this is definite?

posted about a year ago

don’t compare Tenz to Mixwell

Tenz can aim. (Along with having plenty of personal issues this just wasn’t the right team or time for Tenz to play in the competitive scene)

posted about a year ago

that is a thread of people talking about him

this isn’t a link showing he stepped down or providing any sort of information

posted about a year ago

They even go through the thread and still fall for it

posted about a year ago

I honestly would want to see Brax on this team

He’s been actually playing for a little while and streaming more than usual. I think he could be really good under the right circumstances

posted about a year ago

NAVI’s game looks a lot less structured than DRX I can see them at 4 but why is DRX dropping ranks like they aren’t a really good team

posted about a year ago

yoru has been their comp on fracture all split this isnt new

posted about a year ago
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