Flag: United States
Registered: September 10, 2021
Last post: December 7, 2023 at 5:12 PM
Posts: 1992
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posted 7 months ago

the problem is no other evidence was given and she was said to have more

Along with the fact that the only clip we got could of been taking out of context, clearly their is a reason it was dropped meanwhile Pancc openly admitted to what he did. I find Sinatraa extremely annoying and unfunny but I dont think he was a rapist, I think they both Emotionally Abused each other throughout the relationship which is what led to what happened

posted 9 months ago

its a crime in a fair amount of places

you cannot send or ask for explicit pictures of children disgusting behavior.

posted 9 months ago

OP was alr good on this map they didnt need to make it better now its unplayable without one and double op will become very common for this map

posted 10 months ago

feels way to crunched now and only gives opers more oppurtunities

posted 10 months ago

It was a fun map and actually playable on T side unlike most maps

Now this shit is HORRENDUS.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

the end was sick the beginning was alr

posted 10 months ago

god damn both of these teams are so fun to watch I hope we get to see FNC v PRX

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

unless the format is changed 100% agree completely unnecessary and what's even better is they know how disliked the tournament was due to format and other issues

posted 10 months ago

I think LCQ should of been abolished, this year showed that the LCQ teams might just be a step behind but who knows. I dont like how time crunched the schedule is though, it will be impossible to watch even half the games and now we have overlapping events. I also think most dont want another kickoff tournament like this year unless the format is significantly better. Overall another L from Rito when it comes to scheduling.

posted 10 months ago

Can't find Aprotos acc and when searching through ranked games I have yet to see him but im still looking

Flyuh played rank in the AM from around 6-8 then wasn't spotted after (he played dms at 9 and 5 in the afternoon as well but left the 5 game early) that my best guesses so far are Flyuh or its just Drew

posted 10 months ago

I see that makes sense OXG has been scrimming heavy I forgot about that. Who is missing on OXG for Dapr?

posted 10 months ago

my guess would be this person may be playing on a alt account for trials to avoid leaks completely. So I think Flyuh may be a possibility also Mitch was a great IGL for OXG and has prev T1 exp

posted 10 months ago

anything saying its not Flyuh?

probably the best fragging igl in T2, or it could be a midrounder working into a IGL like Aproto or Nismo?

posted 10 months ago

SEN just wont stop scrimming god damn its been all day

posted 10 months ago

yk im the goat

posted 10 months ago

casting should stay unbias 100% of the time they shouldnt go in wanting one team to win over the other

She has been much better with it as of recently tho

posted 10 months ago
  • Something drops 30 and aces twice in one match
  • c0m 3+ shock/util kills (ult excluded)
  • dv4vi 3+ clutches in one map
posted 10 months ago
  1. Leo
  2. Marved
  3. Mako
  4. Less
posted 11 months ago

.71 kd and 3rd lowest rating in EMEA Ascension groups unfortunately ur wrong and I meant Toki as she just moved up to the main roster

posted 11 months ago

she played Boostio and was like yea thats my IGL

posted 11 months ago

TOKI CLEARLY THEY HAVE A GIRL U SLOW ONES I TYPED THE WRONG NAME(eh nvm Toki inconsistent but definitely has her moments when playing duelist) And i remember another team having 2 I thought it was this one

posted 11 months ago


EDG own BLG especially recently, though BLG look really good and have a little momentum making it to playoffs I still think its like 70-30 EDG

posted 11 months ago

ur take on NAVI is delusion at its finest and discredits everything else

Single elim bracket knockout is less damaging or looks better than getting knocked out through group stage having TWO opportunity's to prove yourself. Not only did NAVI get grouped once they got grouped twice with PRX finishing 3rd and making it out of groups being in 2nd hardest group. Regardless of how they look against LOUD which thinking they wont put up a fight is wild but they still had a better year than NAVI without a question NRG even had a better year than them getting grouped twice is not good lmao.

posted 11 months ago

omw everyone come if you want to party

posted 11 months ago

unfortunately, I don't cheer for anyone or care for any team nor do I try to "claim" wins when I'm not even playing the game im simply pointing out what had happened

This tournament im just watching for good games and to see EMEA get demolished so far ive gotten both

posted 11 months ago

then respond to them with this I was jus tryna praise a lil

I try to stay unbias towards regions but this tournament its been All > EMEA hopefully LOUD continue this momentum I was worried this team would make changes if they got unlucky and bombed out

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

when did I say shit abt either? I was respecting LOUD for beating all of EMEA and you wanna come in here with this bs and wonder why no one likes BR fans. Thats cool your exit will be swift Pacific will show them how its done

posted 11 months ago

pulling up

posted 11 months ago

I call them dogs cause they steady yapping/barking

posted 11 months ago

TL, Navi and now FNC. Unfortunately this one team has cleared your whole region in one tournament are the dogs still barking now?

posted 11 months ago



posted 11 months ago

Giants 2-1
NRG 2-0

RECORD 10/14

posted 11 months ago

dc I expect them all to have the same theme jus with the logos and colors to represent the org. I mean there might be some ugly ones but I'm guessing they will all look fairly similar so complaining about the color scheme or logo is on the team for it being ugly in the first place.

posted 11 months ago

So we can rep are favorite teams with skins in game almost every other game has it

posted 11 months ago

unless their are some new cool inhalers idk anyone who uses them like that but who knows snitch so that shit was def a inhaler

posted 11 months ago

Reaction time isnt proven its just been studied a small amount and tests are inconclusive as someone even show reduced reaction time speeds while on nicotine. Though it does improve focus also shown to help for ADHD which could improve reaction time alone.

posted 11 months ago

this is a common misconception with Nicotine, it is actually a stimulate which increases your heart rate and causes more anxiety/stress when not using it. Your brain tricks you into thinking it is a relaxant, after using it for a while because at that point you build a addiction making your brain believe you need it or thinking it "calms you"

posted 11 months ago

NRG 2-0
FNC 2-0
EG 2-0

posted 11 months ago

Lil Baby

posted 11 months ago

if ur talking abt the one with FPX Berlin, Forsaken and Klaus he doesn't have a problem with him lmao they play them tmmrw and has always been brutally honest. FPX are probably the weakest team at the event what's he supposed to do lie

posted 11 months ago

jus throw 20 on that shit wtf would it hurt

(NRG vs BilliBilli same way with Billi having 7.0)

posted 11 months ago

not like the EU game was significantly worse than the other game

(but this is mainly due to it being same region, still a lot of dumb ass plays from both teams)

posted 11 months ago

FUT 2-0
EG 2-0
DRX 2-1

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago
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