Country: Indonesia
Registered: April 28, 2020
Last post: May 7, 2024 at 6:52 AM
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Honestly? I'm proud of them. I'd expected the LAN jitters but to absolutely bulldoze PRX on Icebox and kept it all close with a sub (who is talented on his own) is more valuable. I await the lower bracket.

posted about a year ago

Life was down with illness/unwell

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Hey fellas, as much as I love a little bit of banter here, at least try to acknowledge, if not respect, every competition we include here. Teams and players exist to compete. Every region isn't the same as one another. Shame that you lots are too dense to go past your regional tribalism.

posted about a year ago

Aha, I see you found the murals! Every APAC representatives each have their own murals in their respective countries, courtesy of a collaboration between them, Riot Games, and local artists there.

Paper Rex: SCAPE, 2 Orchard Link
XERXIA Esports: Victory Hub, Bangkok
BOOM Esports: MBloc Space, South Jakarta

posted about a year ago

We are literally in a Valorant forum website talking about the BOOM Valorant team.

posted about a year ago

What does that have to do with anything? Celebrate the players, the team, the journey that they've been going through. You're trying to pull an isolated example out of context. Shame on you.

posted about a year ago

It's Fire Again's instrumental.

posted about a year ago

Nah, only 7 because Riot only allows 7 max. Smoggy and Abo are their sub-players. Muggle and After are their coaches/managers

posted about a year ago

Miles better in LoL? Sure? It's Champion's second year and the fact that Riot were able to make this on a standard similar to what we expect from Worlds songs is amazing.

Not in visuals and storyline? It didn't need to be. Look at Warriors back in 2014. That was simply a hype music video with an underlying storyline. Die For You perfectly mirrored both whatever lore Valorant has at that time and the message it perceived for each of the three characters that were there.

posted about a year ago

I'm keeping it a balanced opinion, haha.

posted about a year ago

I'd argue is both. A bit layered, even. I'd wager half of the esports fanbase didn't expect Die For You when it got announced. There was only a random Twitter announcement and it was enough to send the hype into the stratosphere. With Riot's records of their Worlds songs and Die For You being the first Champions song ever when it came out, it delivered hard per expectations.

The problem in my opinion is that people always expect too much out of Riot. They're like any producers ever. Some are bangers, some are decent, and some are shit. Big deal. Fire Again had a relatively tall task of balancing people's expectations while keeping them fresh. Good job on them.

posted about a year ago

As always. It's kinda a given with Riot's reputation and their handling with this sort of stuff, but honestly, even their most mediocre songs are like a 6 or 7 in my book.

posted about a year ago

Exactly. People kinda fell into that hole one too many time (heck, even for Worlds song too) and they kinda don't learn haha

posted about a year ago

Gonna repeat: Not bad, but I think people should temper their expectations tbh. Die For You really set the standard as the first Valorant Champions song and it hit hard. Fire Again might not replicate the same hype Die For You did but goddamn it's still a banger.

I gave Die For You 9/10, Fire Again an 8/10

posted about a year ago

Not bad, but I think people should temper their expectations tbh. Die For You really set the standard as the first Valorant Champions song and it hit hard. Fire Again might not replicate the same hype Die For You did but goddamn it's still a banger.

posted about a year ago

Being a dick, are we?

posted about a year ago

Yeah a few while ago, ex-Renegades CSGO

posted about a year ago

It's honestly a tricky situation to try get a concrete answer to and I'd more akin to believing that Riot is trying to balance the state between Partnership teams and Challengers teams that they won't meddle over each other too much

posted about a year ago

The dilution of the quality of the partnership teams would be too much. Even expansions wouldn't dare adding too many on their plate at once. Makes sense Riot wants to both make the inclusivity of non-partnership teams matter while making sure the prestige of the partnered teams is still existing at a higher level.

posted about a year ago

That's more than some people would realize. In LoL, some franchise leagues can only have around 8-10 teams (China's LPL tops at 17.) 14 is way more adequate than the number suggests.

posted about a year ago

I mean I watched some of their games in early 2021 then probably be the ones who were adding the FGC tournaments here sooo

posted about a year ago

Yeah, keep talking shit. honest mistake.

posted about a year ago

It's a thing, alright. Boy.

posted about a year ago

In my own opinion: Don't expect them to win Champions. Not in their first year. However, they are really, really, entertaining. Their playstyle is disruptive. Controlled aggression like how PRX does it, but they infused it with some top-notch Chinese aggression. They tend to overheat and throw rounds but their mental fortitude is strong (literally their closest call was a 21-19 win in a 9-0 tournament streak.) APAC teams usually scrimmed against them, and APAC teams speak highly of them. They have a reason to be feared, and literally if you don't respect EDG, they'll run you over.

posted about a year ago

I definitely agree (and honestly, you can pull parallels between APAC regional banters and BR vs LATAM) – I'd take the same stance for APAC matters too. It's just, y'know, needed to be said.

posted about a year ago

I'm just gonna say this, fellas: read back on your threads, and please tell me in the most concise and acceptable way possible — both BR and LATAM fans shittalked each other in either egregious or mildly toxic ways. Why should I or others as an observer, take either sides in entirety when both are at fault?

posted about a year ago

Eh, I wouldn't count on it completely. Historical results have indicated that beyond DRX and PRX, there's not much difference between JP, KR, CN, and SEA teams.

posted about a year ago

Honestly, I'd inclined to say both but I just barely block anything related to last year's LCQ

posted about a year ago

Need a caveat last year's LCQ was a disaster and there was a massive ping issue as well. Not to mention NUTURN at that point was practically on a rolling hill down into a flaming abyss. Exaggerated of course considering their roster, but worth mentioning their results. FULL SENSE practically yeeted them apart. Also while it was a different NORTHEPTION, FS did had to struggle against them in the UBF and GF.

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #15 2/8

⬛ 🟨⬛ ⬛⬛🟨 ⬛
🟩 🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩 🟩 ayy lmao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

You know at this point, Riot actually knows, right? If EDG does some egregious things, Riot will literally never give the region the chance.

posted about a year ago

EDG doing the best Predator/Alien cosplay there

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

KONE was absolutely not as hyped as NTH- while this doesn't mean they're bad, but we're talking about a Northeption hot after Copenhagen.

posted about a year ago

Regional distribution + viewership + active playerbase.

Even APAC technically gets two slots because APAC North/East Asia and APAC South/APAC

SA LCQ can be attributed to having both LATAM + BR getting 1 slot each.

posted about a year ago

Tyloo kinda doodoo with their roster too

posted about a year ago

Honestly, I don't know if they'll win Champs just because I know they'll pull a PRX and kinda struggle internationally perhaps, but they'll make it a lot more fun.

P.S.: I had an NYFU flair, they went out. EDG was probably my 2nd most favourite team just because the amount of time I spent handling CN tournaments.

posted about a year ago

Either spell it out letter per letter or, as himself gave an alternative, "Kangkang"

posted about a year ago

Yeah that's what I'm saying, maybe just filling in for LCQ - I doubt Quickshot switched over fully to Valorant either.

posted about a year ago

Probably just filling in maybe?

posted about a year ago

Fella- ONIC had the chance ro close it out. They didn't. BOOM persevered this time.

posted about a year ago

Political reasons, esports infrastructure, and HK/TW has always been separate in Riot's regional designations

posted about a year ago

Technically APAC LCQ is divided into two. APAC North (East Asia) and APAC South (current APAC). So APAC has two slots.

posted about a year ago

He has a French passport. I think Alecks said that he barely speak any French at all

posted about a year ago

Honestly I do not want to delve deep into that mess without being jaded myself

posted about a year ago
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