Flag: Indonesia
Registered: April 28, 2020
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 7:59 AM
Posts: 2011
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Man, the replies here really shows that some doesn't really watch each regional scenes to an extent — invy is a solid player. Oasis was on the rise during the 2022 season, but kinda lack the firepower in some capacity when it comes to interregional play. They did very well in the PH scene, and Invy was one of the key factors.

Lenne is probably the weaker link per se of the old BLEED roster, but for me he's one of the most underrated Sova/Initiator player of the MY/SG scene. That Louvre squad was magical. I think they'll do fine, but Secret definitely have something up their sleeves.

I can see them being the mid-tier team.

posted about a year ago

Man, I'm moving to Korea?

posted about a year ago

Can confirm. Not true.

posted about a year ago

No no, that's their latest results on a mixed-gender tournament. They're still the best GC team in China.

posted about a year ago

Zeta is actively searching for a sixth through open recruitment.

posted about a year ago

This is comparable when EDG and KONE playing in the East Asia LCQ. Shanxi Gaming Girls and Oxygenious played through third party tournaments for this.

posted about a year ago

We actually had the "GE" only logo for the longest time! But we had it updated at the request of the team with the proper logo.

posted about a year ago

I'm not pity partying. I'm not trying to use my status as a mod either. I'm just explaining from my point of view. Did it went more heated than I thought it would be? Yes. Do I regret it? Yes. But I never, never want to take advantage of my position consciously.

posted about a year ago

It's on the replies earlier during when the entire rumor happened and I keep seeing it on instagram and such- I know some of the fans are better than that- but it just kept going. Either some are blaming the management or trying to pit it as they were chosen because they were PH. I do freely admit I went in a bit heated and I do regret the tone, but it certainly what I felt during the entire situation.

posted about a year ago

I wish I could give you a better answer. I'm emotional, yes. Does it affect my duties as a mod? Maybe. But I always kept myself on a conduct that any of my work will be based on the fact and evidence with little bias. However, my opinions? I kept it to heart.

posted about a year ago

Sip selo kok, gw selalu baca baca iya ngeselin tapi yah, mau gimana ae gw g mau pada di hentiin semua wkwkw, ngomong ngomong aja

posted about a year ago

Nah all good lmao, I have faced lot, lot worse

posted about a year ago

I don't deserve a thread, especially calling me a god. You should be ashamed of yourself, tbh. I never liked any attention, and I always speak as if I just speak to anyone else.

And I'm fine with people calling out my behaviour, haha. I'm outspoken– always has, always will be. I want to speak my opinions at m I can get heated at times and it definitely shows. I tend to take a neutral middle ground into a situation, which might be seen as 'defending' or exonerate the opposite side.

If you have beef with me, go ahead and shoot your shit down below. Gpp kok. And I always try to show my best at doing my work. I'm human, you're human. We're flawed.

posted about a year ago

Jinny is a legend, from Attack All Around's mixed roster in 2020 until now.

posted about a year ago

Bruh it's actually hype. Different cultures. Don't assume it under how we percieved the norm.

posted about a year ago

It remains to be seen, but I agree RRQ have been fumbling HARD with their front office decisions

posted about a year ago

Do you blame the players for taking an opportunity of a lifetime?

posted about a year ago

Prit prit aja sana.

posted about a year ago

Bungkam sini, bungkam situ. Tau gak sih, itu udh SOP dari awal? Necro post itu g di tolerate. Thread setahun lu ungkap2. Ngapain coba, emang pengaruh? Kita emang udh g boleh necro post itu udh lama, lu pada aja g pernah ngerasain sana.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, don't fucking pin this on the PH players. The more I read yall, the more yall say blaming the management team, I think you're making excuses and blame, hate to the PH players

posted about a year ago

Because we don't tolerate necroing posts.

posted about a year ago

Unless there's an official statement, we're not changing any roster based on rumors or hearsay alone. Give us verifiable, official sources (be it from the player or the organization they're with,) and then we'll change it.

posted about a year ago

Baca2 kok tp ttp aja kasihan gitu, wassalam lah RRQ wkwk

posted about a year ago

Don't make the PH players the villain. They're vying for a job, like everyone else. Blame the shitshow of a management team.

posted about a year ago

You'd be surprised how many people in SEA still uses Facebook.

posted about a year ago

On Twitter.

posted about a year ago

Slow (Knights analyst) have shined light on Fancy's composition and playstyle several times.

posted about a year ago

If these people caught the attention of Slow of all people, you're doing something on the right path. Fancy United is a menace.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

go wild.

posted about a year ago

But they're not facing old XERXIA. They're facing the current XERXIA.

posted about a year ago

I'm implying that a player or two can change the dynamics of a team. It's either plug-and-play or a complete rework of how a team is playing. So, 1 player = a new team if factors created such circumstances.

posted about a year ago

If they messed up more.

posted about a year ago

You do know there's a tournament's worth of time gap between TEC 8 and 9, right? Actually, you might not know, considering you didn't even bother to check.

posted about a year ago

Still though, you can't discredit that PTC, Surf, and sScary are internationally proven players. Fluky and Cigarette are Thai players that have proved their mettle within the scene. You're descreting them and the effort (however short that maybe) and not giving the damn credit Revenant deserves. SA always got the short end of the shittalk. Time for them to strike back. Talk shit, get hit.

posted about a year ago

Man, you should've seen the previous inter SEA-SA tournaments. or the 2021 APAC LCQ.

posted about a year ago

It's the correct link. Blame Youtube's algorithm.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I haven't added the rest of the matches — I'll add them today nw. It's a VCT OFF//SEASON tournament that will seed the 8 Unity teams against 8 Project V teams in a LAN final in DH Hannover.

posted about a year ago

And that's the stream start on youtube if you noticed lmao

posted about a year ago

Don't blame me, ask the organizer lol

posted about a year ago

Will say that the time is the stream start, not match start. Pre-match is usually 30-40 mins after.

posted about a year ago

It's not actually baited - we just timed it with the stream start, not the match start.

posted about a year ago

This is the nature of a closed circuit league. The stakes are higher, and they can't take any chances. I'm sure teams have plans to develop native talent, but they also have one goal above all: to win. Regionality is important and I don't blame Pacific fans that are malding from the teams' decision.

But there's business decisions, and there's community decisions. GE building a 10-man roster with imports to cultivate talent and experiment their pathway for their first season — RRQ choosing to honor their previous PH lineup and giving them equal chance to succeed alongside ID players — GEN.G and DNG allowing talents from all across APAC to try join them —

Over time, I'm sure native talent will rise. Challengers will ensure they're still being developed. But for this season, let the teams find their own identity. They certainly owe to us fans, but they also have obligations to themselves.

posted about a year ago far as I'm aware and from previous information, there's no wildcard slot.

posted about a year ago

It's still an off-season cup. Roster lock is still weeks away.

posted about a year ago

There is always a point in appreciating effort. One day they're not as consistent, but imagimr the day that they are.

posted about a year ago

Wrong. These guys beat Enigma. Stop making as if they weren't supposed to win against Enigma. The better team won then, even if there are factors involved.

posted about a year ago

No, the original time was listed as such. We updated it.

posted about a year ago
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