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Registered: April 14, 2022
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 5:22 AM
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Champion: PRX
MVP: Jinggg
Surprise: EDG
Flop: TL
The 4 teams 0-2 in groups: Giants, FPX, BLG, NAVI
Best league based on the performance of its teams: Americas
Grand Final: PRX vs EDG
The best match of the tournament: PRX vs FNATIC

I really fucking hope this isn't a jinx

posted 9 months ago

This narrative that TenZ isn't good enough to be in the franchised league is fucking dumb as shit. TenZ was literally a top 10 player during America's LCQ and was not at all the reason SEN couldn't win it. He's still a really good player and if SEN had an actual IGL, maybe they would have won, and the narrative is completely different.

posted 9 months ago

VLR should just ban all NAVI flairs from being able to post. I haven't read a single post from a NAVI flair user that was devoid of delusion.

posted 9 months ago

Fixed it:

Most delusional fanbase: NAVI
Most bandwagoners fanbase: FNC
Most braindead fanbase: SEN
Most respectful fanbase: Zeta
Most based fanbase: PRX

posted 9 months ago

Bro, why are you saying "if true" like this has any chance of happening?

posted 9 months ago

Tbh the problem isn't with game changers, it's with the fact that it's hard for game changers' players to break into the t2/t3 scene. GC is fine how it is because the play is perfectly fair as it is. It's not like cis players are really at a disadvantage compared to non-cis players. One of the main issues is that talent is too spread out, so individual teams have a hard time competing against t2/t3 teams, and players aren't getting picked up by teams in t2/t3. Really, we aren't going to know that much about how good these players are unless a team can make the challengers league (V1 is really the only hope rn) or players are given the chance to play in mixed teams.

A lot of people seem to think there's enough of a genetic element causing the disparity, but it's really mostly a social and cultural thing. Also, with the whole transmen point, the reason is that transmen are still men and therefore count as male players.

posted 9 months ago

I wasn't and tbh idgaf because I'm not obsessed with genetics like some dumbasses on this site.

posted 9 months ago

I mean this with the utmost disrespect you're fucking dumb ass hell, and stfu up no one asked.

posted 9 months ago

Bro, how is it that NAVI fans keep on talking for no reason at all when their team is barely making it to international LANs?

posted 9 months ago

Oh mb, I swear I saw something after he left V1 saying he doesn't want to IGL anymore. I guess either that was wrong or he's changed his mind.

posted 9 months ago

I thought Zander doesn't want to IGL anymore. I could be wrong but I doubt he'd be their IGL if they picked him up.

posted 9 months ago

Bro, what are these excuses? Bruh NAVI just lost lmao, they are getting cooked atm.

posted 10 months ago

Based for putting NAVI last, deserved for falling off so hard.

posted 10 months ago

Stopped reading as soon as I saw the NAVI flair

posted 10 months ago

You clearly did not see what giants were playing then because they were running cloud yoru, fit1nho breach, and rhyme raze. Bro they were also trolling, NAVI just got flat-out beat.

posted 10 months ago

That point doesn't make sense because like runi was on Soniqs until he was picked up by C9. He did pretty well tbf to him in T1. Before that though, you likely wouldn't have said he would have been T1 material, yet when he was given a shot, he did alright all things considered. Sometimes players get held back by their teams not getting far enough so they can't compete against t1 teams or get recognized enough to get signed to one.

posted 10 months ago

Nah that is not a valid argument because why are you not trying when qualifying is on the line (also giants were trolling even more than NAVI in that game btw), plus look at how they did at Masters Tokyo. It's done, it's over, NAVI is cooked smh.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

NAVI fell off so hard it's legit sad, bruh they're only getting into masters and champions because FNC won EMEA an extra slot twice. So yes, they are really that bad.

posted 10 months ago

Wait...a vlr user actually having a good take for once? This can't be...

On a real though, I feel like this is pretty accurate, W rankings.

posted 10 months ago

PRX has by far the most potential of any team, but at the same time, you could argue they go a little too far off meta sometimes. That being said, they just think about Valorant differently than other teams, which probably gives them a constant edge against most teams.

posted 10 months ago

My 1v5 1 bullet ace with the shorty on breeze yesterday (the cameras were off)

posted 10 months ago

Idk it might have something to do with them making 5-6 at masters Tokyo

posted 10 months ago

See I'm all those things, was gold 2 peak but rn s2 after rank reset and I play N. Cali servers, but I'm ass. Anyway, gl with your games though.

posted 10 months ago

That's what happens when you have the best female igl and actual experience competing against t2 teams. They're just miles ahead of any other gc team at the moment and it shows.

posted 10 months ago

johnqt is getting snatched up immediately 100T and SEN needs igls and probably also C9. He has to be one of the most sought-after players rn.

posted 10 months ago I'll drop this again yall mfers don't know shit smh

posted 10 months ago

Short version: talent pool is small + talent is too spread out + lack of experience at a high level

Long Version:
Gaming has always been male-dominated both in player base and in esports, the reasons for which, is a different conversation. Regardless, the outcome is there is a smaller population of players (non-male) to choose from, which translates to less available talent to compete with. Not to mention the fact that many non-male players might not consider esports as a path for them, for a number of reasons, the main being that it's hard to consider esports as a path if you aren't seeing non-male players succeeding in it. This starts creating a cycle where the non-male esports scene needs more high-level players in order to be able to rival the male player base size and talent pool. However, this need can only be filled if players deem it worthy, to begin with, which relies on the previous success, or lack thereof, that exists before their decision.

In regards, to the existing player base and why the level is not on par with many t1/t2 or even t3 teams, has to do with spread-out talent and lack of experience. Of the current pro-non-male Valorant players, there are some players with t1/t2 talent/potential, however, because the talent pool is not super deep at the moment, these players are spread across teams. This creates top heavy team where a player or two can compete, but the rest of the players can't, which holds the team back. The lack of depth makes it hard to even to that point where you can gain experience because the first half relies on a base level of firepower that you need to compete against a lot of t1/t2 teams. Once a team is in that ballpark of firepower, they still have to be strategically on par, which further holds teams back. Basically, most of these GC teams need more firepower and participate in as many off-season/third-party tourneys as possible to gain experience against t2/13 teams. and talent.

Ik this was long asf, but many people like to cite a genetic difference as a reason why this disparity exists, but it's so much more complicated than that.

posted 10 months ago

Didn't he say something about not wanting to play sentinel because it doesn't fit his playstyle? Either way that makes no sense for the team, especially since chamber is coming back into the meta.

posted 10 months ago

In the current meta EG for sure, in last year's chamber meta probably Optic, but lowkey Boostio's chamber was actually good.

posted 10 months ago
  1. Derke
  2. Aspas
  3. Something
  4. Sayf
  5. Jinggg
  6. Demon1
  7. Keznit
  8. Kang Kang
  9. Leaf
  10. zekken

HM's: Saya, qw1, ardiis

posted 10 months ago

Can Benkai even be considered washed? The only reason he's not getting playing time on PRX is that their whole roster is cracked asf. Like you put Benkai on literally any team that's not ass, and he probably puts up good numbers. He was always one of the best IGL's mechanically and I really doubt his aim had dropped off that much.

posted 10 months ago

All I can say is if you want the most fun team to watch it's PRX and it's not even close, but they are neither underdogs nor from NA.

posted 10 months ago

Anyone who supports SEN as an org is fucking crazy. That org does not give a fuck about its players, just clout. However, any player that plays for them is fine. Tbh, they have some pretty likable players: TenZ, Pancada, zekken.

posted 10 months ago

The thing is most people aren't even NAVI haters, they either hate their fans, or just hate the fact they catfished us into thinking they were gonna be good, but then ended up being mid asf for no reason.

posted 10 months ago

They literally lost to NRG at the last international LAN lmao

posted 10 months ago

(Xeta, invy, xferro), (daveeys, s0m, Ethan), (qw1, Fit1nho, Cloud) - Three from each league, at least imo.

posted 10 months ago

Bro you know you ain't packing that cmon

posted 10 months ago

The thing about group D is that any of these teams could pop off or return to form. Like imagine we get peak DRX or Loud again, let alone both. Shit could fr be insane if these teams turn up.

posted 10 months ago

Tbh though I disagree that he's not good enough. He was one of the better players at America's LCQ, he just needs to be able to flex a little more. SEN just needed a more seasoned IGL, but TenZ was fr part of the reason they were doing well.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Why are all NAVI fans so delusional like holy fuck this team fell off

posted 10 months ago

TGRD is good but putting them 4th w/o them playing a single game in Americas league is crazy.

posted 10 months ago

Also, some possible matchups that would be cool imo:

Loud vs FNATIC/PRX (Loud being a 3rd seed is crazy tbh)
Zeta vs EG/TL
NAVI vs DRX (Battle of the washed) - we've seen this a lot though lol

Just a few here, but there are so many possible matchups.

posted 10 months ago

T1 vs DRX can't happen because they're from the same region. The only region that will have 2 in a group is EMEA since they have 5 slots.

posted 10 months ago

Bro I forgot about BcJ, bruh free him. Bro is being wasted on EG's reserve roster.

posted 10 months ago

Giants are like the definition of mid, they're decent as a team but will come nowhere close to challenging the top teams in the world.

posted 10 months ago

SEN will do anything in their power to keep TenZ, he's really a win-win for them because while they are other players better than him rn, he's still good enough to compete at the T1 level. (He needs to expand his agent pool fr). And ofc, he brings so much in terms of viewership and attention, really an organization's dream player.

posted 10 months ago

Bruh, China is a region by itself, and NA has to compete against BR and Latam teams to qualify. Tbf though, NA did shockingly bad at this LCQ fr.

posted 10 months ago
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