I'm gonna say something outrageous but lowkey 100T
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Registered: | April 14, 2022 |
Last post: | February 16, 2025 at 6:37 PM |
Posts: | 2570 |
I'm gonna say something outrageous but lowkey 100T
VIT or G2 seem to be most people's favorites, but I think SEN and DRX have a good shot each. EDG getting underrated because of recency bias, and T1 hasn't played amazing but could turn up. I think it's unlikely TE or TL win based on how stacked the tournament is, but both teams could win if they come in really good form.
In a tournament like this, it's less so about which team is better, but rather about which teams are in better form. VIT/G2/SEN all seem locked in right now to the point I feel like it's unlikely any of them don't play well. I do think a lot comes down to how well EDG and T1 play because that could really shake things up, but DRX seems like the next pick.
If I had to bet on a winner, I'd actually go SEN because they have only been getting better and Narrate hasn't really popped off yet. My dark horse would be T1 simply because they have insane players and if they can figure out some stuff, they could be dangerous.
I run 1200 and I think it works well, but nah I haven't experienced shakiness differences.
I've been to Champs LA, and Masters Madrid. It's really fun experience if you get the chance and can afford it, especially if you see teams you like. Also, EDG fans travel well, and they have pretty good energy, at least from my experience. That EDG vs Giants first game from Champs LA, was crazy watching live.
Nah like it's great for gyen, and DFM, but PRX was just a massive letdown.
Not as cooked as me bro I was up at 5 am watching my favorite team get dogged on by DFM.
Not that my aim is that good, but my aim has improved a lot by dming and practicing in the range. Something that helped a lot for me, was forcing myself to practice movement and burst/tapping instead of crouch spraying with the vandal in dms. I also dm with the guardian/sheriff sometimes, which helps with my crosshair placement. I usually just dm once or twice before going into comp, but after I dm more if I feel like practicing.
TDM is probably better overall because the fights are more accurate to the fights in comp, but regular DM is good for practicing specific things and figuring out shit about your sens.
The Skye flash one was kinda valid, but now given how diverse the meta is, they should bring back the recharge. Viper and kayo ones are also valid.
Mathematically assuming every game was a 50/50, it'd be like 6.25% each. That being said, it's probably more like 10-15% each.
Honestly, the worst part of it is just games are incredibly hit or miss for me. I don't mind being bad if the games are fun. Whiffing can be funny a lot of the time, but some games it's just hard to be light-hearted.
American higher education is good if you can afford it, but high school and below it's fucking ass. I hate our education system so much.
It's really not a matter of who was the better player, but who fit better in SEN. Zellsis on SEN just works, but pancada is still good.
As a prime guardian owner, that skin is fucking amazing. The headshots are so crisp with that skin.
Assuming Tejo is available
There haven't been many super teams at all, let alone ones that failed. Also, it's not like VIT just grabbed five random insane players. They still have three of their core from last year, and Derke/Less are both very experienced players.
That's fair, but it's not that crazy to think they'll be good early.
Tbf it's not a year/season prediction. It's just as of right now who are the most likely best/worst teams going into kickoff.
All Ima say is, FNC Tokyo is mad overrated. In a tournament like this, they're not even top 5. EG, GENG, EDG, LOUD, and Optic all clear.
Kaplan - $3
Mako - $4
trexx - $2
kingg - $2
forsaken - $4
aspas - $5
That's not necessarily true, you can be decent on a few agents but really good on one specific agent or two. Most players probably go into games with an agent they'd prefer to play if it works in the comp, but sometimes you just want to cover all the needs. On some level, it's probably true that it doesn't matter that much, but it's just easier to assume it does.
I disagree, if you're able to frag on other agents than your main, you could flex. It's not that hard to learn agents at a decent level for most ranks. If you're really worried about flashing your team, Sova, Fade, and Gekko exist. KJ and Cypher can get value very easily once you have even one good setup. Clove and Omen allow for both smokes and aggressive play if needed. You don't have to learn every agent in the game, but this is just a cop-out to avoid actually learning other agents and picking good team comps.
It probably doesn't matter in most games in low rank anyway, but the games suck partly due to how bad the comps are. I get double senti all the time in my ranked games, and it sucks for trying to take site.
They aren't though, it's 3 Zeta academy and 2 Zeta GC players.
Nah the offseason does matter but it doesn't mean everything. A lot can change between now and the start of the season, but it does give teams extra practice.
Yoman is really good tbh. He's a lot better than Lakia in terms of fragging potential.
If we're going off straight-up aim, it's gotta be PRX, but if we're also factoring in game sense then I'd say SEN. Tbh, it's close at the top, there are a lot of teams with very good firepower.
Yeah Lakia has good util but yoman has way more fragging potential
I never said he wasn't good. All I said was yoman is better.
mindfreak lurks a lot so that probably explains it
I don't even know bro, also Hyumin fans don't come for me idk how good he is on Jett.
Lmao, nzr went -8 after you posted this. I like nzr, but like cmon bro, you're just hating to hate.
I mean sure, but with the 124 gone and with all the chip damage you can still get a lot of one taps with the phantom.
They're playing on the new patch with the phantom buff
I got the Demon (not a demon in game lol)
Gold games just feel so hit or miss it's crazy, like some games the enemies are fucking ass, and then in other games it's like they can't miss.
I don't hate single elim, but double elim is a better format for actually determining the best team.
Icl at the point in the game losing because of a firepower diff consistently is actually really hard. Like, there's just too many good players in the game that it's hard to have that little amount of firepower.
Besides, bro KC has suygetsu, Marten, and Elite, like that's enough firepower, especially with Saadhak is your igl. They just need time, that's all really.
PRX always has the ability to win, but it just depends on their form. I doubt they'll win, but I think there's a good chance they will regain a lot of their previous form.
Nismo's Raze is pretty good, so you never know.
Yeah but you act like flor isn't coachable at all. She only plays that way because in GC she wins most of those fights that she'd get punished in t1 for taking, but it's a very fixable thing.
People saying she wouldn't do well in t1, have genuinely not looked at her performances against t3/t2 teams.
I'm not saying it's guarenteed she'd do well, but she's definitely not any worse of a pick up than any other promising t3/t2 duelist.
It just needs to be said that the reaction time differences really do not matter that much. This point just makes no sense.
It's part of being a fan sometimes though, and at least you're not a bandwagon fan.