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Registered: April 14, 2022
Last post: July 25, 2024 at 10:06 PM
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Bro is still traumatized lmao

posted 23 hours ago

What's the point? You can't have an 8-team playoffs at an 8-team masters if you also have a group stage. If anything, the 8-team masters theoretically has a higher level of competition. With fewer slots in both the event and the playoffs, only the best of the best can make it.

posted 1 day ago

It's not Mickey Mouse at all, but at the same time, you have to admit the competition was considerably weaker than in most tournaments.

posted 1 day ago


posted 1 day ago

I love when my favorite MENA team doesn't have any MENA players.

posted 1 day ago

You can do what you want bro, I'm not referring to your post, just some replies.

posted 1 day ago

rn, it's Like Moths to Flames

posted 1 day ago

It's just SEN haters or EMEA fans trying to make it seem like winning Madrid was the same as winning lock-in.

posted 1 day ago

A normal masters is just the same thing but with more teams. It's legit the exact same format except a slightly lower percentage of teams made it to playoffs at Madrid than at a 12-team masters.

posted 1 day ago

Comparing Madrid to lock-in makes no sense lmao. LockIn every team auto qualified and it was single elimination playoffs. Half the teams only played one game.

Madrid had an actual qualification system, there was a group stage in the event to determine the playoffs, and there was double-elimination playoffs.

posted 1 day ago

Bro that shit is not funny

posted 1 day ago

It simply comes to two things, emotions and that people have gotten much more sensitive to sexual assault and harassment against women.

posted 1 day ago

The thing is though, as we've discussed already getting falsely accused of sexual assault is serious. If you're the one accused, you'd want the air to be cleared immediately, and if you're the org you'd want the same thing. The longer this goes on, the more guilty it makes them look.

posted 1 day ago

Icl bro wtf did you expect? Like everyone to agree with you? It's the internet, my guy, people are gonna disagree, especially on something like this.

posted 1 day ago

I don't really know much about this case I'll be honest, but it's also difficult since we don't know who the accusation is on. Like if it is Flashback, surely by now he'd comment on it saying he didn't do it.

posted 1 day ago

I just always associate cancel culture with a small subjection of the internet that either overreacts or just wants to fuck with people. I don't consider it to be this massive movement that a lot of people do. 90% of what people claim cancel culture is, is just them getting flack for questionable behavior.

And I wasn't trying to downplay false accusations. I just think people don't really understand how bad the sexual assault and harassment problem still is. It's partly because people bring up false accusations every time a woman comes forward with little evidence. It does kind of control the narrative, unfortunately.

posted 1 day ago

I'm not downplaying false accusations though. And sure, you'll one every now and then with celebrities because some sick girl wants to try to make some money or ruin a famous person's life, but most women aren't like that.

posted 1 day ago

Idk much about gender dynamics in places outside the US, so that's there. The point though isn't about believing without evidence as it is not believing due to a lack of evidence. It's difficult to tow that line though, but on some level, it's kind of necessary since it often takes time before women feel comfortable coming out about their experiences.

posted 1 day ago

I don't think it really has to do with cancel culture. I just think it's that people have gotten much more sensitive to sexual assault and harassment towards women.

Also, sure false accusations are messed up, but I never said they weren't. It's they happen rarely, and that the number of women who never speak up about their assault is vastly higher than the number of false accusations.

posted 1 day ago

You'll find it a decent amount in your games, but as an owner of that skin, it's worth it. The headshots are so satisfying. It's popular for a reason.

posted 1 day ago

This isn't a product of cancel culture though. It's a product of people trying to make it safer for women to come forward after being sexually assaulted or harassed. I don't think the point is to automatically assume wrongdoing on the part of the accused, but sometimes it looks that way when there's little evidence to back up the claims.

The thing people don't seem to get is that false accusations really don't happen that much, especially in comparison with how many sexual assaults go unreported. You're only going to see what gets attention and false accusations get attention, but there's so much shit that happens that people aren't aware of.

posted 1 day ago

You should definitely be keeping an eye on GENG. GENG made both finals so far. LEV changed their coach after the last masters, and since have been looking a lot better.

posted 2 days ago

This is the problem with conversing online, you don't get tone. I was being sarcastic, lmao.

posted 2 days ago

I'm not saying he would be a good duelist now necessarily. I'm just saying he does have some experience on it, is all.

posted 2 days ago

Sen won, Geng won, and they're playing in the first round of champs.

posted 2 days ago

I was kind of joking, but Shahz actually has a lot of games on Jett though.

posted 2 days ago

If Saadhak can do it on raze, surely Shahz can do it on Jett. But yeah, he doesn't really play Jett anymore though.

posted 2 days ago

Yeah, and Jett lol.

posted 2 days ago

Aproto would be a good pickup though because he can play either sentinel or controler.

posted 2 days ago

I think OXG wins ascension though so I didn't include anyone from that roster. Also, Marved is definitely better aproto let's be real.

posted 2 days ago

That's a fair point about Victor and Marved, but Shahz is a better fragger than all those t2 igls except Zander. Also, his history with OXY and Immi is there which is why I feel like he fits better. Maybe that relationship goes the opposite way though, idk.

posted 2 days ago

Saadhak is the main caller for LOUD, and idk if I'd count Less as an igl. He's more of a secondary caller, and nature isn't on 100t. Realistically, KRU only made playoffs because of their stage 1, but at the end of the season, EG was the better team.

I really think you can't say that the KRU igls are clearly better than nature. The only igls I'd be willing to give you are kingg and Saadhak, for the rest it's a debate.

posted 2 days ago

You listed kingg and saadhak, less doesn't really count. And even if he does count, it's still just igls from two teams anyway.

Also, I guess I never responded to your point about Kru's igl, which has gone back and forth between Melser and Klaus, but for a rookie igl I don't think nature is that far off them.

posted 2 days ago

Runi has been good for C9 though, there's definitely a good argument for keeping him.

posted 2 days ago

Except in Valorant LATAM and Brazil are separate regions that's why I had to specify SA. Lmao

posted 2 days ago

OXY is a must
Runi/moose can go either way, depending on the vision of the long-term roster
xeppaa and vanity need to go.

IMO (assuming you can get all the players):

Of course there's always the option of getting more players from T2, that's also a good way to rebuild.

posted 2 days ago

Bruh, that's crazy, you spent all this time trying to prove me wrong on my point and then just gave up lmao.

posted 2 days ago

What does this have to do with my nature point? And also I specified the whole of SA, not just LATAM.

posted 2 days ago

Bro my point is going way over your head fucking it's crazy. You're just picking all the best igls in Americas and saying this rookie igl isn't on their level. Yeah no shit bro, that's why I said most.

Obviously, he's not the best igl in Americas, but in terms of his ability as igl and as a reflection of T2 NA, I think he's good.

posted 2 days ago

Wait that's mb because I meant to say SA, not LATAM, but not all igls latam produced are even in T1 anyway.

posted 2 days ago

Congrats bro you can't read because I said most, not all.

posted 2 days ago

I know they aren't up and coming anymore. I just used them as an example to show NA t2 can produce good igls.

Nature can actually frag though, especially towards the beginning of the year, he was the only one fragging for EG. He's not an insane igl by any means but he's better than most igls SA has produced.

posted 2 days ago

It doesn't matter where johnqt is from he's a product of NA t2, and Valyn has played the majority of his time in NA t2 as well, or at least against a lot of players currently in NA t2.

posted 2 days ago

Honestly valid, KR has a lot of talent depth.

posted 2 days ago

I lowkey forgot about nature, but yeah he's underrated too.

posted 2 days ago

Wdym no good igls? Look at both the top two ascension igls year: johnqt - masters winner, valyn - placed top 3 in a masters.

Flyuh, stellar, mitch, and zander are all good igls.

posted 2 days ago

Icl NA got insane talent depth alone. I'm making a full English NA roster.

posted 2 days ago

Ah yes, a classic in the anti-prx camp. It's nothing new lol.

posted 2 days ago

I really don't see why this matters at all. They had their chance to qualify and couldn't do it.

posted 2 days ago

That's what makes it more interesting though. They have to find other ways to convey Omen's emotions, through things like body language, noises, and of course his actions.

I think they did a decent job in the Episode 6 cinematic Revelation. It makes me believe they are capable of writing Omen in such a way that we're still able to connect with him even after his Omen form.

posted 2 days ago
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