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Last post: May 17, 2024 at 5:48 PM
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XSET SEN best 2 possibilities for him
T1 Knights would be good chances to take a non qualed team and make them good, only problem is T1 is out.
He would be an upgrade on paper for teams like NRG and LG but they are both playing well and shouldn't disrupt their momentum

posted about 2 years ago


Kinda dickriding Optic here but they have objectively the best player, IGL, and controller so those 3 have to be there. Flex spot def is the most up for grabs, I def think any of Asuna, Victor, Zekken work well with Yay based on playstye and Xeppaa and Nismo are both insane atm, not to mention Zellsis and Mada. IMO Trent is far and away the best Sova/Iniatiator flex player but Crashies would be in my top 3 with Derrek

posted about 2 years ago

Why not just have Shaz on Chamber? TenZ is a much better entry but a debatable better awper, why not put shaz to where he can op and still have defensive capabilities. Apart from that though that sounds like a much better plan as Sova is starting to fall out of favor in some maps.

posted about 2 years ago

Akrew in place of Gucci boy

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

RB has underperfomed at every single international event, no matter what agent or role he plays he coaches on LAN. He's an absolute demon but this team won't be able to be the best in the world when he's playing this poorly on Jett on every map

posted about 2 years ago

Replace Meddo, Mixwell full time Chamber/Viper and Jugi plays full duelist and awp
Nukkye would still be able to play raze but wouldn't be expected to play Jett
Avova could stick to strictly smokes
Hoody could focus on initiators and Sage
Actual first place EU lineup

posted about 2 years ago

U right im dumb, top 3 then, still they sent three to last qual and Navi is down bad atm so if CIS does end up playing next qual I could see this roster making a run similar to LDN

posted about 2 years ago

I get what your saying but theres no way in hell I'm dropping soulcas because his duelist and initiator aren't up to par just for Fearoth to be the replacement. Fearoth is a sick sova and alright IGL but I do not trust him AT ALL to play anything that's not sova, he hasn't played raze in ages and literally has played 3 agents in the last 6 months, none of which are raze or an initiator.

posted about 2 years ago

Brave B1sk Dima trio actually good enough to carry KPI to top 2 CIS(yes even better than NAVI). Brave slots in perfectly as they just dropped their sova player and he's likely to play for a Russian team with his recent departure from FNC. KPI has been meh since being bought out and Brave is arguably the best Russian player outside of CIS. Make it happen boys

posted about 2 years ago

still doesn't fix the Raze problem, atm the team has 2 jett players, a raze player you don't want on duelist, and 2 awpers. L1nk is cool on smokes, Nivera can be perma sentinel and Jamppi can flex, but they still need an IGL initiator player and someone to play Raze. Scream has never played her and has shown no ability to, so its either Jamppi or find some guy that can flex and IGL who is also good on her which is a tough task. Even with the jett nerf Jett will still be very good on many maps and Raze will just become more prominent, not Reyna

posted about 2 years ago

If he still has the drive for competitive(which I kinda doubt who knows) probably some low experience T2 team that values his LAN experience and overall knowledge of the game enough to take a hit on the fragging side.

posted about 2 years ago

EG not taking full advantage of the odd player movement and drops is the final straw in their destiny as a team. There has never been one singular offseason with more star power moved and dropped, and right now there's still plenty of good players that are LFT. EG made its first mistake letting Dre go when he was their only consistently good player, and though they haven't finalized a roster I doubt they replace him with anything better. This offseason they had the chance to make a team of

Wardell(OP Chamber and Jett)
Dre(all Duelists, Sova, Chamber, Kayo)
Ethan(secondary caller, Sova, Sage, Skye, Chamber, Breach)
C0m(IGL, sentinel, Breach, Skye, Sova, Brim, Viper)
Smokes player(IDK who but there are plenty of options, WeDid is the first off of the top of my head so we'll say him but guys like Aproto before he signed with Ghost and Andersin come to mind)
EG very much have the money to do this, and with a team that's been stuck between top 12-20 for the past year in NA now was the time to make big moves. Obviously, the 3 I mentioned are still F/A's, but from how it stands I've heard nothing about EG making an offer to anyone of note and Wardell makes it sound like there's no team he's interested in. This was their chance to become a top 8 team(maybe an overstatement but Wardell and Ethan are genuine stars, Dre has been fantastic for a long time, and C0m is the best T2 IGL) and seeing them not care at all enough to make heavy hitting moves is really upsetting when you want as competitive of an environment as possible. I hope guys like Ethan c0m and Wardell find teams, but would this not have been a sick roster to watch progress? Maybe this is too much of a ramble post but seeing such a powerhouse team in other games do absolutely nothing of note in this one is quite upsetting.

posted about 2 years ago

Sinatraa defenders gotta be the most stubborn dickriders of all time

posted about 2 years ago

Makes too much sense, XSET has been one player away for a while and with Ethan that trio would be disgusting fragging wise. They can mix sova and flex play with him and Zekken, have Zekken play Raze Kay/O Sova(his 3 best agents) and have Ethan play Skye Sage Sova and maybe some Omen or Breach. BcJ or Ayrin could be benched and it wouldn't change much, either move BcJ to cypher/kj/viper or just drop him since he's been pretty mid for a bit.

Cryo Chamber
Zekken Raze
Ethan skye/breach
Dephh smokes
ayrin/bcj viper

Ascent Haven
Cryo Jett
Ethan/Zekken initiators
Dephh smokes
ayrin/bcj kj/chamber

Cryo Jett/Chamber
Zekken Kay/O Sova
Ethan Sage Sova Omen
Dephh Chamber Viper
BcJ/Ayrin viper/kj//chamber

Cryo Jett
Zekken Kayo
Ethan Sova
some combo of cypher viper chamber for those last guys

posted about 2 years ago

Interesting not signing a real Jett player and opting for two cracked Kay/o guys. Maybe it'll be Jsung duelist? Not sure tho

posted about 2 years ago

Zekken for sure did better on Kay/O in playoffs than Zellsis did. If anything puts Zellsis over Zekken its his Raze and overall flexibility. Zekken has the initiator class>Zellsis its just that u can argue that Zellsis is a better duelist and can play sage and viper better.

posted about 2 years ago

I think V1 is def more of a sum of its parts than an individual thing.
I think Penny is great but inconsistent, meaning you can't rank him over the other 4 jett players in the top 5 teams
Effys is a pretty good player and fits V1 but if we're being honest isn't a crazy talent at all
Wippie is a good call, he's been amazing I can't argue with that. It's pretty much him and Mitch(and when Dapr gets his shit together) atm
Zander is def one of the best controllers and fragging igls as well, u obv talked abt marved but valyn is def there as well
Zellsis is also sick but top 3 is a stretch, he's in the very good tier of flex players but there's literally so many that putting him in a definite top 3 is a pretty eh take. Victor Zekken and Xeppaa still seem to be at the top(just barely), but I will say Zellsis is playing very well. If we're talking most talented top to bottom though it's gotta be C9.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure if you gave D3ffo a team where he got given the keys and could be their Yay(I say him not because they're the same skill level but because of their playstyle) he would be seen in a much better light. The real problem and the reason he is kinda shit on is because they rarely make set plays to get D3ffo space to work. He kinda generates it by himself but he isn't expected to carry, it just sucks cuz it means he ends up not fragging as much as u want him to. I will say his last two games have been pretty ass, but if we're looking at the bigger picture he's still quite a talented awp player and shouldn't be replaced

posted about 2 years ago

It's really only G2. THe problem is that T1 EU is so much farther ahead the T2 scene than what it is in NA. Like the difference between XSET and a team like Akrew is so much different than something like Guild and Tenstar. For Bonecold it's either play an off role on G2, move to NA and be IGL for 100T or some team similar or work on a team like Giants, XL, etc and hope to create the next Acend

posted about 2 years ago

Why do u guys always use K/DA to measure how good an Astra player is?

posted about 2 years ago

#Worldle #39 1/6 (100%)

posted about 2 years ago

TBH Skuba and possibly Oderus seem like the only two who are good enough to crack the top 12-15 team threshold of these 5. Jmoh is not really a fragging Jett and will likely have to roll swap, Scourge is a two trick who is good but not great at anything that isn't duelist, and Fiziq is solid but not all that special. Skuba obviously is looking like a hard carry astra player which is rare and Oderus still seems to be a solid IGl, but those two seem to be the only ones with true high level aspirations in the future.

posted about 2 years ago

I wouldn't say Kanpeki is bad on flex in the slightest, I actually quite like him there and IMO that roster is pretty similar skillwise at every role which is a big thing for an up-and-coming team like Akrew. I'd be a little sad if they made changes but also Nismo deserves more

posted about 2 years ago

Ya for sure, but they were still number one unsigned team when he was IGLing, I'm not saying he was some T1 IGl but they kept it close against teams like G2 and TH while also beating every team that was in the T2 range like Rix.GG. He obviously isn't a bad caller, he's just not up to par of FNS, Shahzam, Vanity etc in NA.

posted about 2 years ago

I agree that 100T could've found better IGL's, but he's still def a better IGL than a lot of guys out there. At the very least he created the best FA team in EU(No poaching) as an IGL and has more experience than your avg T2 igl. I bet he still brings a lot more tactically and fire power wise than someone like Ryann or Roy

posted about 2 years ago

EG, DZ, Ghost, RNG all would benefit from having him IGLing

posted about 2 years ago

Give him a reason to stay in NA and form an up and coming roster into a top 10 team

posted about 2 years ago

I mean I don't think he'd be good either but if he did get dropped by 100T no team would really want him unless he calls

posted about 2 years ago

Gen.G or Col are the only Big orgs that he would make the team on IMO if he's not willing to IGL

posted about 2 years ago

really good T2 Astra main who was UCAM's best player for a while, off the top of my head can't remember who he plays for now

posted about 2 years ago

He's won literally anything he could lol what other tournaments could they have played that would change ur mind abt them. He took Acend from a pretty solid T2 team into Stage 1 masters champs against TH who were at their peak, then took G2 from a pretty bad team with no IGL to the highest placing EU team in Stage 3, top 4 in the world with a fairly odd roster(Keloqz having zero T1 experience, Mixwell on an off role). Sure the guy doesn't drop 250 acs games but he's taken 2 different teams and improved them greatly, and now in 9 games with a new roster he's dropped one map in a 15-13 overtime.

posted about 2 years ago

I usually default him in my top 5 artists and he does have quite a few songs that I enjoy where he does rap so I still put him there

posted about 2 years ago

uh huh

posted about 2 years ago

Mac Miller
Tyler The Creator
Frank Ocean but if we aren't calling him a rapper then one of J Cole Kid Cudi or Uzi

posted about 2 years ago

I think the ranking is more like

Shaz slightly>Jamppi
L1nk Major > Zombs
Nivera=Dapr (really just depends on agent)
Sick slightly>soulcas (soulcas plays much more supportive)

IMO Zombs is by far the worst player but I also think SEN has 3 of the top 5 so its really pick ur poison. Liquid is def the more complete team and Sliggy being such a good coach helps them a lot

posted about 2 years ago

I'm not as big on the BR scene so forgive me if I'm mistaken but wasn't there some hype around Tuyz as a Jett player? He was on that No Org team that made it to Stage 3 top 8 and was a true standout Jett IIRC. Is there any teams actively pursuing him, I'm saying this because u mentioned how Furia needs a new Jett player to replace Xand but there isn't anyone on the market that stands out. Thanks for any help and this is a fantastic write up, really makes me interested in the scene and the top players.

Also any news on GTN? I know he was kinda shite internationally but with abt 12 BR teams being competitive this next year he's ought to be in the top 15 Jett/Raze players in BR right? Also would be interested to hear what the Sharks roster will be like because FRZ and Prozin are the same role, Gaabx and Killdream both play Jett and Denaro and Addicted are both sova players, so who will end up staying and what will they play? Thanks for whoever helps

posted about 2 years ago

Looks like a really solid roster, my only real concerns are who will IGL and a few agent pool concerns, mostly because of the lack of any initiator players(specifically sova) bar Hoody's skye, as well as not being sold on Avova and Meddo's Viper

posted about 2 years ago

That is just objectively not true

posted about 2 years ago

gMd is very well recognized, I don't think anyone underrates him anymore IMO. I will say so far today Temp has played great(its basically been a battle between him and Mitch) so you're probably on to something

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think I'm ready to put Temperature in the discussion with the other two(who I very much agree with as super underrated so I'm not knocking the post) just because he's only ever played like 3 games with Gen.G and about like 8 total at a high level. He needs to play a bit more to be put into that discussion, I'd maybe put Zellsis or Moose/Xeta if if we are talking abt support players

posted about 2 years ago

In the comments above you talked about NRG being a bad team with no coordination and him being on an off role, not just that he is on a team that doesn't play tournaments. If that was all u said I guess I would agree but it would be a bit of an odd thing to post abt, but u keep doubling down on specifically s0m on many odd takes when tbh he's not at the level of duelists in T1 teams and isn't that special of a duelist. If you made this post abt Android or EEIU it would make a lot of sense but I wouldn't say him of all people is being "wasted"

posted about 2 years ago

if anyone is wasted on that team its EEIU or Android not S0m

posted about 2 years ago

It basically comes down to Android being better at the Raze Phoenix Reyna type duelist and Tex being better at Jett than S0m. In general Tex's jett has been pretty bad, def the worst of the major teams jett players, but S0m's was also not good when he played it. S0m is the best support player out of the three and his astra isn't bad, so it makes sense to keep him on smokes. Maybe if he joined a team like Rise or LG or a T2 team he could be their skye/duelist flex player but rn he's not really at the level of most T1 players on duelist

posted about 2 years ago

Ska's Jett was a little overhyped, against tougher opponents he A. has played less games than Auti all time and Auti just picked up the agent and B. performed pretty subpar, while Auti looks like a top 5 Jett Na in recent showings, I get the thought process for T1 where they're trying to maximize impact from players in their support roles and let Thwifo play an FNS, Zombs, Ayrin type role of Anchor

posted about 2 years ago

Keloqz was a top 5 Jett at the biggest tourney yet, Mixwell's peak on Jett was at the start of 2021 at Red Bull Home Ground, when M4china and Scream were out playing him and Doma, though they never matched up, looked better on Jett. Mixwell is far better when he's on sentinel agents

posted about 2 years ago

Leo and Crashies are in a league of their own rn

posted about 2 years ago

I mean Thwifo is def an upgrade over Brax, he plays the sentinel role at a very high level and is arguably a top 5 kj na, plus having agent flexibility to every sentinel, viper, and breach. He has double the experience brax has at a t1 level and against t1 teams for Valorant and you likely won't be able to find a better sentinel player than him. Seems to be a pretty good move as long as Ska comes back to sova

posted about 2 years ago

moreso top 15 orgs, over the course of VCT they have been a top 15 team and people still see their players as above teams like Soniqs and Ghost. They're still in the grouping of not T1 teams but of T1 orgs who have a competitive history, in which I'd say the are probably the 13th-15th most competitive team throughout VCT.

posted about 2 years ago
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