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Registered: February 4, 2023
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 8:02 AM
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give her 3 knives but they like shoot in a straight line in an big circle that does damage to anyone that is in that circle along the line where jett aims even through walls, and make it so that you can see where the jett is aiming. oh and the knives reveal when they hit someone. but to balance this jett knives will have a lower fire rate and she also cant really move when using the ult.
I think that would be a really solid balance change!!!!!!

posted 10 months ago

I think as a whole region he might be right, but NA is also hitting the problem of lack of orgs deciding to invest in new talent now that franchising has come around. So China could for sure surpass because of how much gets invested into the game and attention is on it.

NA's strong point is currently how deep the talent that could probably compete at a tier1 level goes, while China is currently lacking that overall well roundness it feels like. From watching it feels like some of the teams that are like 4-6 just are lost on how to actually play the game. They lack critical understanding of fundamentals. (This doesn't apply to EDG, of course, because they just beat down those other teams because EDG actually have that understanding of parts of the game that their opponents are missing)

posted 10 months ago

unironically val has a real lack of super high level proven IGL's.

posted 10 months ago

hes not good with every duelist, hes good with every agent.

posted 10 months ago

erm actually they play 24 rounds not 26!! ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“

posted 10 months ago

naaaah this is vile. one man should not have to take this level of disrespect

posted 10 months ago

ใชใ‚“ใงใ‚ใ‚“ใŸ่‹ฑ่ชžๅ–‹ใฃใจใ‚‹ใ‚“๏ผŸ Nande anta eigo shabettorun?

posted 10 months ago

i mean that guy is just baiting/trolling, im like 99.99% sure. this just seems like a person who doesnt know ball

posted 10 months ago

they are very not serious

posted 10 months ago

yay in a LOUD jersey... alternate reality right there

posted 10 months ago

literally the perfect roles for these guys..

posted 10 months ago

trent doesn't really play raze.... trent? not good with raze.

he is a initiator player that also plays viper

posted 10 months ago

it really isnt, at least for NA. the level these teams play at are franchise level

posted 10 months ago

yeah but that PRX team wasn't bad either. they got 2nd at a masters

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

munchkin owns you. ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

tex is US in my eyes

posted 10 months ago

twisten not from germany...

posted 10 months ago

poster is not aware of the koalomen on lotus

posted 10 months ago

I was more so saying G2 is up there if they are at full force

posted 10 months ago

each region feels like it has 1 team that is poised to compete for the GC title in Brazil. which is pretty cool. I honestly could see Shopify doing well (v1 just so good SR looks mid), and G2 beat BBL last split

posted 10 months ago

it is pretty funny because both were talking mad shit back to Union for what they said after the first game to m80. and one team gets the love of the crowd and the other receives the ire.

posted 10 months ago

then dont type anything. they tend to always reply under the posts with crazy takes in the thread. if they wanted to say they dont care they would just say it, like you did.

posted 10 months ago

open up any GC thread or related thread, there are so many posts of people just typing "If I speak..." and its pretty clear what they want to say. just dont want to get banned or have any real contribution to the discussion or the world

posted 10 months ago

dont say BR logic though. it makes you seem like a dumbass and then rubs off poorly on everyone who might associate with you willingly or not

posted 10 months ago

the amount of disrespect yay gets for being a "chamber one trick" is wild. yay was a world class jett player before chamber meta and then was the best at chamber by far during a time when there was just 0 reason to not put the best OP player in the world on a character that is built to OP. not only that but his rifle is super clean as well, but 1 player simply cannot make will a team to win in this game

posted 10 months ago union did a bit too much disrespect of m80, and the players were not happy

posted 10 months ago

bud did not watch a single game of any tournament. every comment of yours i have had the displeasure of reading shows a complete lack of knowledge or understanding for the game or scene surrounding it

posted 10 months ago

the union talked some shit after they won the first game vs m80. and NA was not happy with that so the players shut them up and then talked their shit right back

simple rule: if you start the talk you better be prepared for what may come back to bite you. all these players have the highest degree of confidence in their skill. So when someone insults that skill, an enemy is made and a very vengeful one at that.

posted 10 months ago

I really love that they made this and other important matches to qualify bo5's instead of just normal bo3. really cool to see (didn't matter in this case, but will be better when you have closer matches)

posted 10 months ago

i read the reason. as I said, he is a sub on a 7 man roster that doesn't rotate. just cause he got signed and doesn't play doesn't mean he is a paycheck stealer. GE just don't need him

posted 10 months ago

im not saying SEN didn't just sign world class talent as well (which hasn't so far worked out to well due to poor upper management) but old fnatic didn't catch up to SEN. they had the nickname 'fraudnatic', I think that says something about how people viewed them. so fnatic rebuilt and catapulted into first in world

posted 10 months ago

"...sen would be irrelevant" one way or another they are probably the biggest name in the scene


posted 10 months ago

they just signed 3 ultra world class players. thats not really catching up. and SEN is still more clouted despite being bad for pretty much 2 years

posted 10 months ago

i dont know why wronski is on this list. he is a duelist player (pretty much jett 1 trick) prior to this season who subbed in on initiator, and he played not very well. i would not say he is a paycheck stealer. if you want to truly be a annoying fella, LightningFast, Sushiboys, Reita, xnfri, crow all have worst stats so why are they not a worse paycheck stealers?? takej and eKo have tied ratings but worse acs ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿค“so erm!! wronski not worst, he also played more matches than some of this listed names. its wild you selected him of all people

posted 10 months ago

wolfen has been kind of fucked by the team structure imo. he is playing half duelist half sentinel. which is just the weirdest roles to change between I have seen. Like he plays certain agents on each map (cypher -> fracture, kj -> lotus, jett -> ascent) more of a flex than anything.
But from what I knew of wolfen coming into this year is that he had good mechanics, played chamber, and used the operator in 30%+ of rounds (which is absurdly absurdly high). so I don't honestly know what is happening because I watch KOI play and then get bored out of my mind because they are so bad as a whole

posted 10 months ago

you have not watched the Something reyna and it shows. reyna is the future of val trust!!

posted 10 months ago

i mean as terrible of the things he did, pancc is a very talented player. not better than the Guard though.

posted 10 months ago

why would people root for fnatic's child??

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

I really shouldn't be telling you this since it's more of an aim community thing, but since this event is with pros and top US aimers, no one realizes that all the pros are going to get embarrassed at the event.
This isn't meant to be rude or anything it's just what will happen.

posted 10 months ago

??? they are competing in an aimlabs competition. this dude only plays aimlabs so hes going to better at it than people who don't

posted 10 months ago

gamr is rank 1. pretty hard to beat that imo

posted 10 months ago

i mean as much I hate to say it he is kind of right, its just different skill sets and this guy who has honed aim to the utmost point is going to compete against people who instead spend time practicing all aspects of competing in a game. just he has a massive ego and is annoying about it.
he is like Fnatic fans who make laugh threads post-game when they have 4 top players on one team. they are arent saying anything of value and its just annoying as fuck because you can't really talk back to people who are clearly idiots

posted 10 months ago

??? what was the point of writing this. it has nothing to do with what I said in the slightest

posted 10 months ago

i think it was less that he was not cooperating (which is perfectly fine and in fact the smart move from his perspective) but I think he was actively hindering the investigation Riot said and that is why he was suspended at the time

posted 10 months ago

just stop losing and they might win. my god why hadn't I thought of that??!?!!

posted 10 months ago

good. this thread was idiotic

posted 10 months ago

how will this effect mwzera's legacy?!!@??!@#!@#$!!!??!

posted 10 months ago
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