Flag: United States
Registered: February 4, 2023
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 8:02 AM
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remember to take your medicine Schizophrenic_Brazil_Fan, i think the voices got to you on this one

posted 10 months ago

VCT FNATIC strikes again

posted 10 months ago

i read allat and the ENTIRE thread bren posted about casting. and you are not offering any counterpoints to what he said. you are just posting a nothingburger of words that said you don't enjoy the casting and think it could be better.

Bren's entire thread was talking about how fucking hard it is to cast the game because there is so much happening in the game that you have to continually switch between talking about in order to actually bring value to casting. and you just kind of ignored that and said hire Tarik and Steel, two people who react big and are big names.

Sgares responded to the thread with a little bit of information that I think puts into perspective just how much harder Val is to cast than something like CS. In Val there is almost never something as a free round. There are also barely any breaks for the casters to build up hype. The game is also just much shorter so they have less time to build a story with each game. Val is more confusing with more thrown at both casters, observers, and the viewer.

Casters have to spend so much time on strategy making sure that the audience is able to keep up with all the things that "could" happen. All just examples I have for sure heard: 'brim is one off ult here how will they decide to play around that', 'jett has knives and kj has a hero rifle on eco', 'sova has an odin this round', 'cypher is playing kill trips this time on B'. Stuff like that is what Bren was talking about... but here you are "Draymond Green of valorant"

don't speak when you have nothing of value to say

posted 10 months ago

00 had fine setups. The setups were very typical ones, but that was the issue. They just didn't figure out how to counter the comp of Fusion really and then just lost some of the duels that they would have needed in order to win the rounds.

But that comp is actually absurd. A sage slow and molly + a stun and aftershock on the other choke point and it is simply impossible to come help your teammates on rotations. The problem was 00 didn't adapt and stayed playing on site to allow FUsion to go with that style, because 00 was not used to that comp. and realistically how can you blame them?

posted 11 months ago

I think this comp is actually pretty solid, just has some obvious holes from lack of info. The comp clearly excels at stalling bottlenecks on defense and clearing out area fast with all the stun/mollies. Just have to kind of throw bodies to get info and would probably struggle very heavily against lurks and flanks, particularly in retakes. But we never saw them even have to play a true retake on defense.. so the world may never know

posted 11 months ago

dude, look at the fucking comp Fusion is running. No one in their right mind is playing that comp to be prepped against it. And that comp is clearly attack sided. The reason ascent gets it defense heavy stats is both slightly because of the map design, but also because of the comp that like every single team runs and how the util combos

posted 11 months ago

you are the most toxic :3c

posted 11 months ago

during the regular season it probably isn't that bad, but for international events its kind of absurd. Tokyo was 14 days with 2 days off. pretty much every day the live stream was 6 hours long, the later playoffs were 7-8 hours each day. And on those off days and the days leading up they are probably producing content, doing rehearsals, and preparing still by doing vod review and taking notes and looking at stats to talk about live.

They probably all love their jobs and that makes things much easier, and of course there are more taxing jobs in the world, but don't discredit other people's hard work. It is just the silliest thing to do

posted 11 months ago

no idea. they are taking a break im pretty sure though, because its almost like they all work jobs with crazy work schedules in order to produce the content we consume and they analyze in the first place, but like what do I know

posted 11 months ago

no trust me its just twitch chat.

posted 11 months ago

i stand corrected then. but i know the french are also incredibly passionate about their competitions. some of the best events and crowds I have seen for esport events are French ones.

posted 11 months ago

its just france viewership not necessarily the org, the french are incredibly passionate for all esports that I know of

  • edit: I made an assumption that was wrong, I didn't know who owned the org
posted 11 months ago

hello everyone.
how are you.
thank you.

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

yeah the fucking heat arc. i just hope it gets adapted well. because the story and action will go nutty if so

posted 11 months ago

you dont understand how liability works, but thats cool. just spout lies

posted 11 months ago

yeah they totally dont have one of the biggest cod brands in the world or a LoL team at all just to name two of the top of my skull...

posted 11 months ago

bro what the fuck? you made a thread to hate a person you don't know and then say some wack ass shit like this.

i think its time to reevaluate some things

posted 11 months ago

now you won't be getting dm's from angry SEN fans because they cant see your post of a stolen vlr copypasta. big win!!

posted 11 months ago

I mean, m80 looked real bad in comparison to how they have played all year, so I don't know know how much I would currently rate that game. and I saw a nismo tweet (that I wish I could pull up but I am "rate limited"), but it was quote tweet to c9 leaf about white noise at ascension with the 'if I speak I am in big trouble' gif... maybe implying something there (nismo is also a bit of a troll sometimes, so don't read to much into it)

but put simply saadhak is the best BR caller, and one of the best in the world. Saadhak is fine with his spot where ever he goes, but one of the other BR franchise teams IGL might have to reconsider how secure their job is.

posted 11 months ago

i use twitter to follow esports, creators i like, and look at art. i cant even do that now holy fucking dogshit

posted 11 months ago

actual malware link. had my social security number sent to me (thanked the person, i forgot it)

posted 11 months ago

EU fake flagger detected. post rejected.

🚨🚨🚨 fake flagger, don't engage 🚨🚨🚨

posted 11 months ago

no its because esports is just an unprofitable business in its current state. I think the statement was more so meant in the fact that the US has more money overall the BR. which is just true. In terms of GDP per year US is #1 and over 10x BR amount (but we still have absurd wealth inequality which is super cool and all)

posted 11 months ago

yeah the guy who fired all his employees because he was losing money?? πŸ₯²πŸ« πŸ™ŠπŸ™ŠπŸ™Š

posted 11 months ago

golly gee jeepers. some fans are awful no matter the regions. you aren't even fans, you aren't even like a real functioning human being. you are just being a terrible person. calm down it is a video game meant for entertainment.

This applies to much more than just this game in particular, these are real people who live real lives and time after time people on this site seme to just forget that and just continue to discredit and disregard the players as human beings. Your team lost. Move on and root for them to win the next time instead of tearing down the other team

posted 11 months ago

bro the game hasnt even started

posted 11 months ago


end of discussion

posted 11 months ago

Exit match Enter Airport

posted 11 months ago

yes they are going to play on 6.11, the patch that had the run and gun nerfs, the pearl changes, and reserve ammo drops (also recoil changes to some guns) but no deadlock which is 7.0

posted 11 months ago

all these players are probably already farming the bag on FNATIC, i doubt any team is going to be able to offer them more money than they are getting

one can only assume it costs a pretty penny to sign 4 top 10 itw players but FNATIC is clearly willing to throw money in the fire so long as trophies appear

posted 11 months ago

and this team isn't giving him a real chance either

posted 11 months ago

I think Pearl being Guard's Perma ban is a bit interesting considering they were actually pretty good on it. They used to always float it and then win it if it was picked. They are 4/6 on the map during the league, beating m80 on it twice

They lost it to TSM 16/18 when TSM was in honeymoon phase when Kanpeki just joined and Guard looked the worst they did all season in that game on both maps.
And then they lost it 7/13 against MxM who loved that map WHILE Guard had their coach playing. After Guard lost that time they started to perma ban it after

Just feels strange that they would decide on Pearl to be the perma-ban but I guess they just didn't like the map very much the whole time

posted 11 months ago

yeah it would be cool if people would not clickbait "RIP pro player" for a title, little bit disrespectful I feel

posted 11 months ago

yeah the Horimiya reasoning is fair, ngl I feel the same way about the other couples. I just rate it higher because I enjoy Hori and Miyamura so much.

But all those other shows are better than 8's imo, May I eat your Pancreas is peak hit you in your emotions movie

posted 11 months ago

they downvote you because they fear the truth πŸ™preach

posted 11 months ago

Netero... I have qualms with your ratings.

How in the world are you giving Edgerunners, May I eat your Pancreas, and Plastic Memories all 8's?? ALSO Horimiya only a 6????? (╯‡░′)β•―οΈ΅β”»β”»

this is not okay Netero πŸ’’πŸ’’

posted 11 months ago

the org is American I believe but the team is primarily Canadian that is why they are labeled as such

posted 11 months ago

something is not going to leave PRX any time soon bud

posted 11 months ago

doesnt matter. they will go out first round in LCQ

posted 11 months ago

Hey man. πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘

posted 11 months ago

you clearly don't know what you are talking about so please refrain from sharing an opinion that does not make sense because you lack the basic understanding of how the system works and the purpose of it. It is very evident you have extreme bias and are viewing this all through your tinted lens without seeing anything from any other perspective.

So just stop talking. please and thank you

posted 11 months ago

the people that seem to play the most annoying in dm tend to be higher ranked i have noticed. like they play more off audio and then just hold an off angle waiting. post game check the tracker and boom, it's an immortal/ascendant player

posted 11 months ago

you mean the team with two players fnatic dropped so they could build their super team? the fnatic reject squad is the only other good emea team? VCT FNATIC is too powerful for its own good πŸ₯²πŸ₯²πŸ˜‘

posted 11 months ago

:( for no masters finals, hope you had a good time in Chicago though (if that is even possible)

posted 11 months ago

where are you getting 7 for FNATIC vs NA? to my count they should only have 5 NA. SEN, 100T at Lock//In. Tokyo: NRG + EG x2. and then FUR + LOUD at Lock//In for AMER for 7.

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

m80 are not letting their team split. I mean unless they have a really subpar performance in franchise next year

posted 11 months ago

do we really want an era of singular team dominance though? I think valorant's greatest strength in being super engaging for fans every where is that there has never been rigid locks of where teams or regions will end up placing in events

posted 11 months ago

this guy is a EU silly head who is just fake flagging. dont worry to much :)

posted 11 months ago
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