How can only 14 percent of people have 25/25 points for pickems so far? 5 games played and 5 obvious winners????
Fnatic wasn't obvious winner it dropped to like 25 percent when they won
NA bias xd that was fnatic ez win
fnc vs c9
anybody who thought c9 would win that is deluded hahaha
you are delusional in general
if you're a c9 fan downvote this
too much work
fnatic werent favored
C9 vs fnatic wasn’t obvious but other than that ya And ppl underestimate gtnJesus too
I have 20. I cheered for fnatic thinking I chose them but I didn’t KEKW.
CR vs VKS and C9 vs Fnatic weren't obvious for me tbh
I guess its because C9 fanboys. Fnatic were never gonna lose that
C9 vs. FNC had prolly huge impact
FNC isn't really as strong as they were during Masters Rekjavik but on the same side C9 isn't strong as well
People were riding C9 hype train a lot, didn't take first lan experience into account IMO
only decent take in this thread
my pickems got fcked by CR vs VKS.
crazy racoons so overhyped, they will go out of champions without winning a map and its very obvious
CR overrated while VKS underrated would fit better
thanks guys i got my first half a star from this thread i feel so proud
ratio cuz star flex
ratio is the cringest shit to come out of 2021
ratio, you dont call ratio cringe
I'm more surprised about the 350 users that have 0 games right... What were they thinking?