get ready for ALLAT, but sscary is my fav player so COPE incels.
lets assume coaches are gone, replaced with better ones and better supporting coaches, mental etc
Assuming -retla
A few options for duelist, rn the hottest apac duelist in T2 imo is Vera, I think if patiphan is an option, it would be really cool and I still think if he's fully healed from injury he'd be an awesome entry whos actually aggresive enough and plays every duelist agent.
Yay needs to be on Cypher/KJ, secondary smokes, I think even tho usually sentinels play viper he should play omen clove astra or brim on double controller comps, since yay never gets lineups down this mf is low iq as shit, and vipers need smoke and wall lineups galore. Yay is still one of the best aimers itw and its my belief on CT side a KJ/cypher can awp just fine aslong as ur team is nearbye to bail you out with utility.
PATI/VERA - raze/jett/duelist every map fuck ur y0y jett
sscary - smokes
zest - initiator was mid on drx but wtv hes kinda cool now cuz he plays for bleed
Deryeon - flex he can play ur flash initiator/duelist
Next year when juicy is available he'd probably replace patiphan or vera and they would go onto flash initiator in place of deryeon , or you can get a initiator player to play duelist until GOAT JUICY comes
allat, but im right, listen to me bleed and you'll win
also drop all these fugazi coaches, idek who would IGL on this team but honestly, calling is the least of your worries, a good coach will fix most of the issues here.