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Registered: November 3, 2023
Last post: July 24, 2024 at 3:54 PM
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Yeah most teams are there

posted 2 days ago

Any scrims from champs?

posted 2 days ago

n0x0us n0m0d = opinion denied

posted 3 days ago


posted 4 days ago

how you feeling now that fnc are winning another regional title

posted 6 days ago

umm what happened 🤣

posted 6 days ago


posted 6 days ago

bump get this -700 today

posted 1 week ago

I know your enjoying your win rn and you won fair and square but if you guys lose to g2 and then lose lower bracket sen quals over you due to h2h. That would be crazy after beating sen like that

posted 1 week ago

Sen has very flawed map pool rn and that’s why they picked haven . Losing split is huge for them and that’s why they played jett maps since they currently horrible on bind for some reason .
I always knew this game was gonna be harder than the other sen vs 100t games cus the map pool was favourable to jett players which is not zekkens top agent. Regardless 100t played way better and sen played like shit. Also the deadlock experiment has problems with the comps like your losing your flash agent or a viper for this agent when flashes are very important. I do like what sen is doing with deadlock but they shouldn’t be playing it over flash or sentinel agents. Anyways sen fans we just gotta pray for lev

posted 1 week ago

Psion aka goblinjarl is a groomer that interacts with underage girls as a 19 year old. (The 19 year old claim was November 2023 so he could be 20)
These tweets and the replies are actually disgusting stuff especially when these people are minors or married people it’s weird behaviour.
He’s been exposed on x that’s why his accounts have all been deleted but he still lurks in vlr pls get rid of this user vlr mods

posted 1 week ago

ch0t and shitcor is out and then bring back demon1,
which is a massive W. But why Tf is trashies still on the team, he’s been the worst player in the team for the whole season. Overrated trash. If they don’t drop that fraud NRG will still be trash. also ch0t having to be forced to bench demon1 is a crime from the NRG management that’s why I always called out their management it is fucking horrendous

posted 1 week ago

Sick of this sacy hate , I know he didn’t perform good but it wasn’t his fault the team lost to g2. The whole sen team just got outplayed hard and it’s ok they will learn from this and bounce back against 100t. sacys role is to set up zekken for success and when zekken doesn’t do well ofc sacy wont do well . Shawn23 stop acting braindead scapegoating sacy as the problem. He is a masters and champs winner and he deserves both those trophies give him his respect

posted 1 week ago

Fumbled map vetos why sen playing g2 on their best maps g2 obviously was gonna win

posted 1 week ago

most overrated team ever. Bind merchants finally got beaten . Loud absolutely exposed how shit their bind and lotus is

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Ollie Watkins the 🐐🐐🐐

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 2 weeks ago

weren’t you a sen fan before crazy switch up

Lmao downvote me I remember you being a fake sen fan grow up with these baits

posted 2 weeks ago

nah sens split is elite they know what is wrong when people find weakness on the map and insta counter them 100t doesn’t do that on bind at all

posted 2 weeks ago

So overrated

posted 2 weeks ago

shut up shawn

posted 2 weeks ago

johnqt lmao fns won the most fraudlent trophy in vct

posted 2 weeks ago

I’m not late bro I just needed some time to process how hard they fumbled this series 🤣

posted 2 weeks ago

How can you let oxy 1v5 the vct iceland winners and champs 23 winner like that

posted 2 weeks ago

Well sen said themselves they are undefeated in Korea so they might win champs

posted 2 weeks ago

sen just gets hate everytime they lose it’s just the price of being a clout org like them

posted 2 weeks ago

bro I woke up now

posted 2 weeks ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you benched demon1 for this

posted 2 weeks ago

I just know the truth sadly

posted 2 weeks ago

Hold that

posted 2 weeks ago

Because Saka and rice are the goats 🐐

posted 2 weeks ago

Ok calm down bro

posted 2 weeks ago

they absolutely cooked them on pens

posted 2 weeks ago

You can’t deny Saka and Rice was amazing that match

posted 2 weeks ago

The arsenal goats 🐐

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

They gonna win champs ez work

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

bro Germany got robbed off that pen clear handball

posted 3 weeks ago

why downvote he’s goated

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

drx 🤣

posted 3 weeks ago

Then type it idiot and also sen was 1-1 in Madrid on icebox like what’s your point and that 1 loss was 14-12 loss

posted 3 weeks ago

This is false? Sen literally beat 100t and Furia on icebox

posted 3 weeks ago

Sen is the only team to beat gen g internationally Theres levels to this.
Sen is number 1.
The finals will be sen vs gen g sen wins 3-0

posted 3 weeks ago

no 🤣. Optic won it so optic org gets the trophy not NRG

posted 3 weeks ago

NRG and prx 0 trophy
Sen 4 trophy

Sen > NRG and prx

posted 3 weeks ago
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