sideshow TenZ video

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I have watched the whole video and after about 40-50min into the video he starts nitpicking a lot, he doesn't give tenz the benefit of the doubt that he doesn't have a observers radar to work with and honestly he starts rambling a lot about some of the plays that are pretty standard and could have gone either way. Despite that, he actually makes some good points that I agree with.

  1. TenZ not being on the same page as his teammates in lot of the plays, specially when he's on the entry role. Lack of comms, lack of team chemistry, there could be a lot of reasons behind it but in general it's a fair statement regarding him and SEN in general. For example, when he has the kayO ult he's always going to flash through something hoping that he gets kills and in worst case his teammates gonna revive him but it almost never pans out that way. I feel like in his head he always works on a time limit, if I have my dash popped i need to do this thing, if i have a kayO ult i need to do this thing etc which is fine cz you need to get the best out of your util at the right time but your teammates also need to be on the same page.
  2. TenZ is either way too passive or way too aggressive. I would say this is also related to him being low on confidence recently. He is either scared to make a play or tries to over compensate by being rash.
  3. He is not a leader. I have seen somewhere that sacy was saying in a post match interview that the duelists were not vocal on that day. TenZ is a rhythm person. If everything is going well he will ask for things, he will make plays n stuff but if things start to go bad he goes quieter and quieter. That's the reason why it almost always goes downhill for him in a match. Other top duelists might go 1-5 at the beginning but still finish the map strong. TenZ is not that guy, he starts doubting himself and his sens and his setup etc. Most other duelists, you ask them "who is the best player in the world?" and they would reply "I am the fkin best " but tenz wouldn't. He doesn't have that 'I am him' energy.
  4. He needs individual coaching and for the matter of fact I feel like all of them need individual coaching. That isn't to say they don't understand the game and need basic coaching but they need someone holding their hands and figuring out what's going wrong for them. One of the greatest soccer coach Jose Mourinho once emphasized on individual coaching and said that "If you are not able to coach the big players, you are not able to coach anyone. You are not going to teach Ronaldo how to take a free-kick, you are not going to teach Ibrahimovic how to hold the ball on his chest, you are not going to teach Drogba how to attack the first post and score in the air. You are going to teach them how to play football, in that team.” I feel like that's what made potter have such great success. She made sure all her players complement each other. I can't tell you how many times I have seen sacy just intuitively use his skye flashes to no benefit of the team but then not have them when his team needs it but he's still a world champ!

Despite saying all that, tenz is still a valuable player no doubt. He was one of their best rated players this season and as sideshow have mentioned, the untapped potential in this guy is huge. SEN has already invested a lot in this team and entrusted them with another season so what's stopping them from giving them a coaching staff alongside kaplan that would work in these players' individual improvement. I have read about a top LoL coach in China giving his players individual assignments for their ranked games! Picking their brains on how and why they makes certain decisions, how they react to certain things and knowing these things about each other would massively improve the team chemistry in my opinion.


you've been doing this bullshit for 3 years bro


yes and he's never been the problem why they lost. It's just a reaction to sideshow's video, all of them played horribly this szn, they just didn't look like a proper team.


never been the problem, ignorance really is bliss huh


It's not. I could make similar videos about each of the SEN players pointing out things they did wrong. The players when they see the vods could do the same. The chem just wasn't there and it's understandable when SEN always had some fk ups going on in last 2 years, most of those were managerial fk ups!


People fr saying “Every Sen project in the last 2 years has failed because of TenZ” when have constantly fucked up the management for the past two years 😭


am gonna say it




sideshow is an armchair gamer, most of these things about tenz are very well known, an actual analysis on tenz and what he can fix would be.

AWP positioning is generally great but timing is terrible, instead of holding and trusting his reaction he swings after a while and gets killed

Entry positioning is good and he takes good pathing and when there’s a duel to be taken he can win but ignores basic things like clearing behind his own smokes he doesn’t do

Tenz on duelist should be able to make comma but it’s not entirely his fault the team isn’t on the same page, that’s a whole team issue lol


Abt the tenz awp thing Im pretty sure tenz has adhd so he can't really focus


most pro players have adhd, this aint an excuse lol


its not adhd lol hes just an aggresive awper when in reality all he needs to do is pull a Y0Y and sit in a corner with perfect crosshair placement and click faster than everyone else


Mb I ain't very well versed in adhd so idk


He doesn't lose focus imo rather he's always paranoid about getting punished so he rushes things. He hasn't been dealing with the pressure very well lately so I personally think flex roles will be a lot more refreshing for him. Also, with johnQT at the helm and with proper structure, I feel like his jett will be a lot better as well.


criticizing someone play by play is always going to be a bad decision since we viewers never have the same picture and also he would never make a similar video for someone else who is not tenz. This gets him clicks but I thought some points are worth mentioning in general where SEN coaching staff could focus on improving. not just tenz but also for sacy and pANcada

  1. This cannot necessarily be solely because of TenZ, he literally played on a team with an IGL who never IGl'd before.
  2. This could probably be a reflection of 1, because SEN feels like a team that's more structured, although with Marved idk.
  3. This doesn't matter not all players have to be leaders
  4. Most players do, but TenZ especially suffered from a bad coaching staff on the previous roster. It doesn't mean he's a problem though. If anything his willingness to flex shows the exact opposite.

Nitpicky asf tbh.


By saying 'leader' I meant him being vocal about things he specifically wants from his teammates. Since they didn't have much chem it's necessary that the duelists made plays on the fly and demanded their teammates for specific util.


This is a fair criticism, but he's moving to flex now anyway, and he also said before, that he's better on second entry.


not the armchair analyst eggman pointing out the most obvious flaws in tenz's game by nitpicking clips.
too hindsight, the team already knows p much what's wrong with not just tenz but all players and he's already transitioning into more of a support/second entry


I agree. there’s a lot to fix but they have a lot of time this offseason


It's not about time it's about the coaching approach. Some coaches prefer to look at the team as whole and coach that way but a team is also a group of individuals. Some of the best man managers in sports get their success by not being mastermind tactician but focusing on bringing the best out of the individuals.


Great stuff from Sliggy.

Basically TenZ either goes 100 mph or 0 mph. Lacks the decision making nuance that other duelists have (such as Zekken)

These are fundamentals that are not easy to learn quickly


He didn't have this issue before, it's a confidence thing. He used to one of the proactive players itw. In any case, hes moving to the flex role so it's not an issue.


nismo clears unfortunately

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