Flag: Bahrain
Registered: April 23, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 9:43 PM
Posts: 4200
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yeah another pro might think aspas has better mechanics you retard

posted 14 minutes ago

all pro players yap, another one could come out tomorrow and say aspas clears primmie. what would you say to that?

posted 24 minutes ago

h-hi vlr πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆI-i'm yay's gf

posted 2 hours ago

a lot of coaches are as low as ascendant, do they not know shit about the game? also who cares, whole podcast is just for fun (I don't personally enjoy watching it but there's no issue with it either)

posted 3 hours ago

the whole point is to bring attention to it so the org and authorities make an official statement, who knows whether the org was purposely hiding information? I think butterfly spread it in a bad way but I don't think it was malicious

posted 4 hours ago

except that for the majority of the time, very few pros are trying which makes it relatively easy for whoever is trying to get there. not to mention that even fewer care to maintain it

posted 4 hours ago

plenty of pros can do that if they really wanted to

posted 4 hours ago

bro played two games and suddenly has the best mechanics in the world

posted 5 hours ago

bro is using the arguments people use against aspas πŸ’€

posted 18 hours ago

yeah I'm talking about the whole "ejaculated inside" when he was told not to thing

posted 1 day ago

I think it's a bit weird for her to wait until they qualify before saying this but even if she intended it maliciously, is that really wrong? if I was in her place I wouldn't wanna see them succeed either. it's a bad move since she also impacts 4 other players who did nothing wrong if he gets disqualified this late, but other than that it doesn't makes her accusations any less valid. in any case, it's impossible for them to be more than accusations due to the nature of the case so I think it's bad to cast judgement on either party here

posted 1 day ago

it could go deeper than that, I remember a few days ago valyn/leaf/trent were messing around on chet's stream and they kept asking him to open an "NRG comps" bookmark he had, he told them he'd open it if they said why they dropped net and none of them responded

anyway all random speculation πŸ—Ώ

posted 1 day ago

take it out of your mouth for a second

posted 2 days ago

tf happened to you πŸ’€

posted 2 days ago

BLG and Trace aren't gonna get a single map

posted 2 days ago

this is my favorite ad, clearly shows how effective the product is

posted 2 days ago

oh that can work out then πŸ—Ώ

posted 2 days ago

give up, long distance relationships have an extremely low chance of working and I can guarantee you're not him. hope this helps πŸ‘

posted 2 days ago

he has them oil up and bond together

posted 2 days ago

being a tier 1 substitute means nothing, if anything it's likely they signed him for clout
if they seriously wanted a good sub they would've picked up any good and proven tier 2 player. also do you seriously think hitting top 1 is difficult for these pro players?

posted 2 days ago


posted 2 days ago

any tier 3 pro can do this if they cared that tmuch

posted 2 days ago

how does anyone watch this guy? biggest yapper in the scene with negative credentials to back it up. at least other streamers like, say, shanks don't act like they're the shit. his biggest achievement was getting top 2 in red bull kkkkkkkkkkkk

posted 2 days ago

words have meanings which you refuse to acknowledge 😹sure, he wouldn't have the prestige of other esport "goats" but he'd still be the goat, you're clearly too retarded to acknowledge any meaning aside from your head cannon

posted 2 days ago

prx 😹😹😹

posted 3 days ago

tf is there to see in washington

posted 3 days ago

you're arguing using your own definition of the word rather than what it actually means, tf you mean I'm trolling 😭

posted 3 days ago

it was only one, no?

posted 3 days ago

not my type of song

posted 3 days ago

what? yay only had 1 year of being the undisputed best, I don't think people considered him the best in 2021. "goat" just means greatest of all time, why does it have to wait? tenz was the goat after reykjavik even if the game was 2 months old

posted 3 days ago

is that why t0nz doesn't play jett anymore? he swapped to a baiter role like smokes?

posted 3 days ago

the game barely changes in ranked so most episodes are similar, if I had to name one then it's when icebox and breeze came back though (also since they nerfed viper to the ground, people were playing retarded shit like clove on breeze)

posted 3 days ago

I had a dream where you had a dream about trace beating vitality and you were wrong

posted 4 days ago

yeah this team is winning nothing πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯s0m clears marved on smokes and demon1 clears s0m on duelist (I can see them having s0m fill jawg's role of playing raze though)

posted 4 days ago

nearly an entirely different team, who cars. I support the players not the org

posted 4 days ago

it's a comparison of player quality and how well they meshed together as a team

posted 4 days ago

13-0 😹😹😹😹

posted 4 days ago

all 3 teams are garbage, hope this helps πŸ‘

posted 4 days ago

cry is free

posted 4 days ago

bait used to be believable 😹😹😹and you didn't answer the question, as expected of an ape

posted 4 days ago

who is better all time? and "top tier" doesn't mean he's the best player itw but he was definitely top 3 in his role for a large portion of his career

posted 4 days ago

yeah you're just retarded 😹he did good in every event you named, and you're clearly new to the game since his "bad" events were in 2022 yet you bring up his good performances in others
how about you name another player that's better all time instead of being a complete retard?

posted 4 days ago

where are they now? being consistently top tier for 3 years is better than being the best itw for a few months
sure, aspas can't be compared to someone like s1mple of faker (no one can since the game hasn't had enough time) but he's the most qualified. if you think peak is all that matters then do you think yay is the goat of valorant? demon1 is the goat of valorant? if another player shows up and has a 1.3 rating for 2 years then I'll say they're better than aspas, but for now he's the best of all time

posted 4 days ago

he didn't have a peak as high as them but he's been more consistent than the majority of the people on that list and if you average out the stats he'd be above them + most of the people on that list are there from 2022 and 2021 aside from the fnatic players who were dominating in 2023. 2022 was aspas' rookie year, it's much harder to get these stats now (even demon1 who arguably had the highest peak in the game is near the bottom of the list)

posted 4 days ago

what? aspas performed great in most events too

posted 4 days ago

I think it says a lot if you have to point out that he wasn't bottom fragging
he was... second bottom frag, on one map. also I don't think sacy is indefensible either, in 2023 the entire roster aside from zekken was inconsistent/bad so I wouldn't fret over his performance. in 2024 though? he's clearly under-performing.

also "lev team with horrible coaching" why are we acting like lev are suddenly playing strategically great? they're the same old lev but their players are a bit more consistent mechanically

posted 5 days ago

maybe not, but if he's bottom in all 3 then there's certainly a pattern

posted 5 days ago

bait or retardation?

posted 5 days ago
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