Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: April 12, 2022
Last post: May 26, 2024 at 6:46 PM
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yep lol

posted about a year ago

Well yeah you have to preload your driver before vgc starts, which is pretty hard. Even if you load it iirc they have far better kernel protection than EAC which fortnite uses. I think vgc prevents APC manipulation which is pretty much the staple of most kernel-based injectors. The few extra steps are not very easy at all

posted about a year ago

the render performance is honestly so much better, you'll probably have to reinstall RSMB etc but yeah, I made the switch and it was definitely worth it. CTRL + K is definitely your friend (shortcut to clip/scissor) whilst moving

posted about a year ago

It's hard as hell as vgc blocks most methods to load unsigned kernel drivers (cus it starts on boot and because they actually search for sigs unlike others cough BattlEye) + has all the good usual hooks and more that most commercial acs such as BE and EAC have. It's pretty much impossible to inject without doing some nutty boot shit or using some custom hypervisor. Externals do exist, but are seriously limited.

posted about a year ago

don't use vegas lol use resolve or premiere pro

posted about a year ago

It is sad because it's not like they don't try. Crazy, apparently you know more about them than they do? This narrative is getting ridiculous; regardless of who you support, it's sad to see a team fall so far from the top, to actually looking at not being able to play ever again, let alone this season.

posted about a year ago

Don't think guard will make it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i love this guy

posted about a year ago

fnatic 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

posted about a year ago

I don't think they do guy

posted about a year ago

Derke is actually very good with Raze. You don't need to make flashy blast pack plays to be necessarily good at the agent. The bulk of it is generally good timing and understanding of the nades and boombot which derke does perfectly. D3ff0, however much people criticise him, is also not necessarily "bad" at Raze, evidently he's not the best at it but to say it's unique to have proficiency in the character is so wrong.

"There's a big difference between a good duelist and a jett abuser" facepalm. You make it sound like playing jett is a selfish and unfair thing to do, which again is so wrong. This whole mentality that Jett isn't supposed to be like this annoys me, as without jett on a large amount of maps would not be pushable against any competent roster. Even Raze doesn't really have the same effect Jett has. I don't get how this is "abusing" a character by simply playing the meta?

You're also comparing matches across regions etc so I don't think those stats really speak for much.

Raze players also aren't necessarily always "duelist" players. There's not really such thing as an only duelist player anymore, you're kinda stuck in beta. Most players such as the ones you mentioned play a variety of roles: there was an initiator + raze kinda class for a long time etc, all of which you are entirely ignoring.

If you're referring only to jett, duelist players don't need to play raze as they can play chamber and get your xeppaa or whoeever to play raze.

posted about a year ago

Realistically I don't think you can put any team above the current international until they play (or fail to qualify) for an international level again. I think FNC are rly good right now and I do think they will win the next masters. But these assumptions are so flawed empirically speaking, it's just genuine fact that optic are the best internationally because they won the latest international event. You can make all the excuses for EU you like (for the most part I agree with), but based on actual concrete evidence it's definitely optic.

posted about a year ago

I haven't seen so much hate directed to a single team since a long time...

posted about a year ago

I like Liquid but sadly no

posted about a year ago

yeah supporting a team means you don't have a moral compass totally

posted about a year ago

props for admitting that :D

posted about a year ago

That's still an alright performance but without steel's evidential contribution to the teams ideas they clearly aren't world class. It's literally logical to induce that considering they haven't made any world class events, they are missing a world-class igl and that was him. A world-class igl does not mean the best in the world, it means capable of competing at a world level, which steel evidently did, taking down arguably two of the most influential and dominating teams in one tournament.

posted about a year ago

it was double elimination so they lost to rise and cloud9 iirc. the point is they weren't up to date and yes the synergy was broken, you just admitted my point lol in your last line.

posted about 2 years ago

How has no one said Acend yet

posted about 2 years ago

he said "i've looked for passion" LMAO

posted about 2 years ago

they didn't "come pretty far" lol, they were upset by teams that they had been better than for a long time. nitro and steel didn't leave at the same time as Giannero pointed out.

posted about 2 years ago

your last argument is so circular: you're using an effect as a cause... do you know every in and out of NA organisation? "proofs" lol. I didn't say they were losing a long time before steels departure because they weren't, what are you talking about?

posted about 2 years ago

you're a paperex fan from iceland?

posted about 2 years ago

"getting out of hand", yes lets bet on gambits synergy by making roster moves!!!!! you don't know what the problem is so you blame their duelist. nice.

posted about 2 years ago

They were losing for a long time before nitros departure lol, evidently you weren't there for it. Just because steel is doing badly now does not mean anything: you can't claim an individual is bad just because they are on a less than good team, on an org that has historically had less than good teams in this game. If you think a "world class igl" is overrated because they can't make a team work just like that then I don't know what to tell you.

posted about 2 years ago

why are CS GO people so mad all the time they have literally better production anyway :D

posted about 2 years ago

yes the casters were joking about it

posted about 2 years ago

oh dear

posted about 2 years ago

what's wrong with mitchman and tombizz? sounds like you really just aren't able to listen to articulated prose/text

posted about 2 years ago

I actually think she's one of the better analysts - the guy seems to be a bit clueless tbh (though hes not terrible). What she says does make sense, its just english evidently isn't her first language so sometimes the wording is slightly strange. She def does know what she is talking about, but in terms of actual wording.... yeah, same for both of them.

posted about 2 years ago

the fact that 100t literally fell apart after steel's departure literally proves 4 wrong. no legitimate analyst said shahzam is the best player in the world. "now we see who is the real problem" :facepalm:, you really don't know what you're talking about.

posted about 2 years ago

ah yes another bias crying monkey, with no substantiated evidence at all

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think I've ever played against one, played since december 2020

posted about 2 years ago

every team has a different style of play and different players, but they are playing the same game against same teams. that line could be used for any concept that involves inter-team similarity.

posted about 2 years ago

they don't destroy synergy if they are done well, yes, that should be obvious from how fnatic are performing. hasn't jampii been with liquid since the start, and again yes nivera was a good addition. There's no logical explanation for a "honeymoon period", all it is, is that it was a good roster move (of which I admit I was sceptical), and good integration which is highly likely if we consider who fnatic are as a team...

posted about 2 years ago

dislike, if anything roster moves have been shown to be detrimental to teams in this game as they usually destroy synergy.

posted about 2 years ago

So you're not exaggerating but you're unable to give any other examples other than anecdotal "they are known for troll comps". Funny, I didn't know them for that, and clearly most of the people replying to this thread don't either.

Admit it, you tried to claim something and couldn't.

posted about 2 years ago

you keep implying he's done this many times, but it hasn't been that. It happened once and it wasn't even his idea.

Almost everything else he's done hasn't been troll - such as the things I mentioned.

Obviously teams and their coaches make mistakes, and the only mistake of which you discuss is once and it wasn't even entirely his fault.

You're exaggerating absolutely everything you say

posted about 2 years ago

I know it has happened lmao, that's not what I'm arguing, I'm saying if its a good team they shouldn't let it happen to them

posted about 2 years ago

praccs don't reveal if they're "troll" or not, because in praccs you don't play against other pro teams lol, that's scrims, and typically in scrimms it's not good to reveal novelty ideas such as these comms.

Well this is the esports community and typically things are blown out of proportion as I already demonstrated, that's such a fallacious argument - you're using the outcome of something as a reason for it...

posted about 2 years ago

A good team shouldn't get upset because they are good? What is your argument? The point of an upset is indeed where a good team gets beaten by a less bad team, but are you somehow under the impression these should occur?

posted about 2 years ago

I know EMEA didn't send the best teams my guy lol, but that doesn't matter, even though they literally did except for FPX. You're ignoring my entire argument - the game has changed during the tournament, have you not watched both optic and zeta improve to undoubtedly overtake them? They were the best at the time. Now they aren't.

That's not unlucky lmao, they lost to vitality, a good team shouldn't get upset. Besides, that's literally the 2021 circuit and the challengers playoffs format is far different now and there is a lower bracket, so your argument makes no sense.

How many times do I have to say this? Something exists called time, you keep ignoring it. As soon as a match ends, teams focuses on their mistakes for the rematch and build and develop. FPX are not even the best team in EMEA(as proved yesterday) anymore, which once again proves my point

Stop ignoring everything I'm saying and continuing with this nonsensical speculation that really is just so salty.

Your opening line isn't even readable, really setting the precedent for your entire argument...

posted about 2 years ago

you play two masters a year lol. "Its safer in the long run" ???. in masters you also have the best teams from the region lmao. Champions doesn't bypass things such as travel restrictions and quarantines LMAO. what on earth are you talking about?

posted about 2 years ago

so if the coach lets the players do one thing that doesn't work once, it now means that the coach is bad?

posted about 2 years ago

you probably don't even understand what they're saying

posted about 2 years ago

Victor's neon is far more about changing the speed of play and providing extra stuns and clearing capability whilst nukkye's is more selfish (not necessarily a bad thing)

posted about 2 years ago

bind is the comp that should be changed. both jett and sova are long gone from the meta on that map, explaining why their defence is so ass. the only reason they're able to get any rounds is because of their proficiency in the agents, most teams wouldn't.

Get shahzam to move to some sort of smokes, get sick on raze as he was insane and shove tenz on chamber seeing as he wants to.

posted about 2 years ago

guild are good but gambit made a shitton of mistakes. literally in that last round it was a bizarre idea to hold site rather than fall back mid (which is literally the meta in pro play)

posted about 2 years ago
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