Flag: Austria
Registered: March 21, 2023
Last post: July 21, 2024 at 10:09 PM
Posts: 981
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this is either going to go really well or really shit. wouldn't be shocked if this was Bilibili 2.0 after what kingg said, but i believe in the 2-0. pls don't wake up first game primmie

posted 4 days ago

im not a devoted gen g fan, but as someone who watched them this split a lot i would absolutely take them in an elimination match. gen g are better under pressure

posted 4 days ago

FUT are likely better since EMEA is more competitive + they have shown to have a decently high level of gameplay, but if FUT aren't shooting EDG can run away with it

posted 4 days ago

agreed, but im worried about how the rookies will play on LAN. its in seoul so they have homecrowd advantage but last time foxy9 was on LAN he shit the bed

posted 4 days ago

honestly i was surprised by kingg's disrespect. no matter how good lev looks rn, there is always a chance. realistically tln loses but primmie could have a legacy game

posted 4 days ago

i lowkey think it might be newzera, i remember this being the joke of the community for a good month

posted 3 weeks ago

he got more kills than magnum or redgar so ig it was slightly better but fns played three maps while the others played two. I would put it in this order from best to worst:

  1. FNS vs mibr (mibr actually were alright here and it wasn't a blowout)
  2. Magnum vs TH (he dropped 0 kills)
  3. Redgar vs KOI (KOI are the worst opponent on this list and Redgar wasn't even calling a great game. also this is the performance that likely got him benched)
posted 3 weeks ago

This is like if zellsis was igl for SEN. Can he call? At a decent level, probably. Should he? probably not.

posted 3 weeks ago

i was trying to see if he would say something more racist but he didn't. I'm very aware of who the recipient is

posted 3 weeks ago

read it then if you think I just copied it

posted 3 weeks ago

after they lost to Furia i feel like you had to pick LEV though

posted 3 weeks ago

not trying to be biased but i think LEV would get a map, although im not entirely confident they could win

posted 3 weeks ago

he's good but if he picks Furia over 100t the natural conclusion is that 100t became shit so you just pick whoever they play the following week to beat them

posted 3 weeks ago

tbf a lot of teams would lose 0-2 to EG if they faced them rn

posted 3 weeks ago

victor plays crashies role, demon1 plays the same flex pool he played on EG

posted 3 weeks ago

well t1 is tier 1 so if they are the same level as TS then that means TS is tier 1 too. If they were T2 then TS would be tier 2

posted 3 weeks ago

it means he disagrees, basically saying that drx beat talon because they are better and not because the venue is in korea

posted 3 weeks ago

FrosT had it coming

posted 3 weeks ago

i regret being able to read

posted 3 weeks ago

im pretty sure she had drx over talon too but i could be wrong

posted 3 weeks ago

i thought it was worth more than that but upon looking it up it really is like 35 dollars

1 South Korean won equals
0.00072 United States Dollar

South Korean won

United States Dollar
0.00072 ‎Mon, Jul 1

posted 3 weeks ago

im not sure rb cares about the money. TEC isn't that rich of an org, especially in the Chinese scene. he obviously also doesn't care about results since they are arguably the worst team in the league

posted 3 weeks ago

you prob just looked up random neurological conditions. 1/8 because at least you know how to copy a definition

posted 3 weeks ago

i doubt stew would leave JDG, he's prob getting the bag. rb apparently loves living in China, so he won't go back to VCT Pacific. zest maybe, but I'm not sure how much BLD is paying him either

posted 3 weeks ago

who would be the coach though? afaik not all players speak english, so you would likely need a polish coach

posted 3 weeks ago

honestly would have been more believable if you had just kept the secret flair on...

posted 3 weeks ago

Tex has his moments, i think after getting called a traffic cone by Aspas's mom he locked in

mazino flies under the radar in terms of his performance, but he's always been dependable. when kiNgg has to call a lot his performance drops but otherwise yeah he's good

im in the camp of not dropping c0m just yet because i believe he contributes a lot as a secondary caller, but nzr would have made LEV one of the best teams

posted 3 weeks ago

GX throwing Famsii to the sharks, he has to play TH and FUT as a new pickup? hopefully they don't set their expectations too high. That being said, GX desperately needs a full rebuild. there are prob people more knowledgable than me about whether or not Pipson is worth keeping, but they need to rebuild around cloud and purp0. Fiti maybe can stay too, he's been playing better recently

edit: rhyme lowkey made this team great, wish he came back

posted 3 weeks ago

no there are definitely worse run national teams than belgium

posted 3 weeks ago

i would be down for champions canada ngl. perhaps we finally would have a tournament where there weren't a large amount of visa issues

posted 3 weeks ago

t1 is a multi-year project iirc according to management, stax is the piece they were waiting for. now they will prob just prep for next season

posted 3 weeks ago

how could you not fear him? even before when most of LEV wasn't shooting back he still diffed everyone. now that everyone except c0m is shooting back aspas will have more support to play for himself

posted 3 weeks ago

it's a more fluid hi3, and tbh it prob is better than Genshin in its current state (imo). worth trying out, but if you are wanting to try any gacha regardless of the type of combat star rail or Wuthering Waves might be more fun. it's mostly preference

posted 3 weeks ago

its just a cycle tbh. not enough is done by rushindra to foster Indian talent as a representative on the franchise level, and since SA t2 is not sustainable income for these young talents, they end up leaving. it's a shame and happened in CS with pacific too

posted 4 weeks ago

top 3 china imo is

  1. Life

  2. Zmjjkk

  3. Vo0kashu

zmjjkk is the only player out of these three who isn't a team that is top 3 in the region atm

posted 4 weeks ago

ah that's why you like BBL then

posted 4 weeks ago

i mean iirc grade school in brazil starts first term in June, so I assumed he was either graduating uni or studying abroad

posted 4 weeks ago

brother he's not graduating grade school

posted 4 weeks ago

ex6tenz is FA? wait really

posted 4 weeks ago

it's been 125 days since NRG has beaten anyone that isn't brazil. at least Navi have won a match against actual competent teams in the last 4 months

posted 4 weeks ago

2023 Navi had major role issues/overcooking, in this meta cned neon would actually work

posted 4 weeks ago

Nats tried to igl because Liquid basically gave up anyway but they forgot BBL aren't bottom of EMEA unlike them

posted 4 weeks ago

deadlock lowkey a cook on abyss, the other sentinels besides maybe op crutch chamber feel awful to play

posted 4 weeks ago

if chamber meta came back OpTic might annihilate NaVi. like you said, they still win because current ange1 can't igl properly

posted 4 weeks ago

either full polish or get cracked turkish rookies like Heretics, no? Full polish is probably easier because you could just keep kamo and grubinho but t2 turkey has some great prospects still. idk about coach tho, wish barbarr was staying

posted 4 weeks ago

honestly wouldn't be surprised if the entire coaching staff goes before TL's next game. They already sold their chances to make champs to I would just begin rebuilding now

posted 4 weeks ago

KC 2-1, very close game with maybe 1 or 2 maps going OT. The deciding factor will be that FNATIC has more footage for KC to antistrat, while KC has shown very little since they demolished BBL.

posted 4 weeks ago
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