Country: Austria
Registered: March 21, 2023
Last post: April 26, 2024 at 3:24 PM
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Zander isn’t in contract jail afaik, he just wants to stay with M80. So yeah unless m80 partners with EG (which no org wants to do) they can’t get any of those players

posted 3 months ago

You’re forgetting Zeta at Reykjavik. Especially that DRX game

posted 3 months ago

Real clout team:

Forsaken (Optic)

posted 3 months ago

The real make or break is if c0m can play Skye or not

posted 3 months ago

Why is havoc here instead of victor

Also forsaken is at least #2

posted 3 months ago

For those wondering who this guy is and why he’s verified, here’s your answer:

Ig he knows a mod or something along those lines

posted 3 months ago

japan wants DFM to be a japanese roster, and considering how CR and DFM have essentially combined, its understandable. Only issue is there just isn't enough talent in t2 japan that's easy to get. plus they need at least one japanese player, rrq had the same issue at the start of franchising

posted 4 months ago

decent player, but realistically this team isn't going anywhere. they should just keep woot and riens after this year and rebuild around them. sadly don't think any expectations will be subverted with TH

posted 4 months ago

LOUD should honestly be a known quantity... one that will perform to the level they should. Any project with saadhak alone will be good, its just how valuable he is as an igl. helps that less and cauanzin are crazy too

posted 4 months ago

current vit has at the very least a higher ceiling than the last roster

that being said, the staff overseeing the GE project are a problem. its obvious that they went for budget this year, but its more about how they couldn't do anything with an overall decent roster last year

posted 4 months ago

skrossi would use botssi power and riot said that it was too strong for the other teams so they needed to be nerfed

posted 4 months ago

its roster change tier list, but g2 S is still kind of crazy since they just arguably side graded. Plus 100T are not getting saved by just adding Boostio, there is a serious structural problem in that team that only sean gares seemed to be able to fix

posted 4 months ago

no way people are still falling for this guy's baits. his entire gimmick is just changing flag + flair

posted 4 months ago

i mean at least they won't lose to four duelists

posted 4 months ago

only igl or flex players. alexis is the most vocal besides mel on SR anyway

though im pretty sure usually igls are the ones interviewed, and one or two questions might go to other players

posted 4 months ago

i mean its not like emea doesnt have or two teams like that right

posted 4 months ago

bro typed it so quickly. prefire is crazy

posted 4 months ago

since its an open qualifier and teams aren't gonna exploit a ton of stuff, ill just keep it brief + try to say stuff that hasn't already been said:

  • the sunset comp can work, but if as a team you are able to run more proven stuff(double smokes, chamber, etc) it may give u an edge on that map that other teams don't have. the sunset u played vs aurora (and this is just me going off of what ik, cause there's no vod) was lost due to your comp not being able to counter the dive, specifically phoenix. more map control with a comp like viper-omen-fade-chamber-raze can really hurt the phoenix's space-creation.

  • other than that, make sure that you are playing to a comp's strengths, but not every round. feel free to sometimes push the strats a tiny bit outside the box (i.e. doing full fakes with harbor/viper on breeze). your individual performances don't matter as long as you have cohesive teamplay and synergy

-forgot to add that if u aren't super comfortable on kay/o, try fade if u are more comfortable on her. default is good, but comfort is most optimal

posted 5 months ago

tbh these comps are great except for the fact that nrg aren't prob getting demon1 and ethan. i dont know how well an ethan-marved co-igl roster would go anyway

posted 5 months ago

i would love to see mazino back on his best role because then him and nzr could be like victor and crashies on optic, but i doubt tex could really do the switch to smokes as well as mazino. even switching to sentinel has hurt his performance slightly, and smokes would be an even bigger shift.

posted 5 months ago

i would say they look the same if not even better than they were at the start of the season last year. i had doubts in the coaching staff mostly but so far it looks like goked and itopata really enforced better protocols and strats. kingg's igling seemed better because of it, although that might just be because they actually have a flexible stratbook now

posted 5 months ago

he was a top tier initiator on KRU, but since joining LEV has switched to smokes. his harbor was pretty impressive during league play but other than that nothing crazy (basically the entire team besides kingg) nzr on the other hand has been insane for the entirety of the time he was on furia

posted 5 months ago

or he's just gamr. same thing

posted 5 months ago

so neither is dapr, because his performance is the same, if not better than net's performance

posted 5 months ago

you guys have net, who has been awful stat wise for a while now. his value doesn't come from his stats, but from his ability to anchor and lurk

posted 5 months ago

was anticipating this cope post more than the match tbh

posted 5 months ago

ik its prob already been said by someone, but afaik pancada is away rn, idk if hes still feeling unwell or not. zellsis is playing in scrims like he has been while he's been out

posted 5 months ago

talon for pacific, even before lock//in i thought that had a really solid core. of course they did well at lock//in but after that they fell apart.

liquid for emea, because who didn't think that they would be the best team in the region

americas i was pretty accurate except for furia who i thought would be amazing

posted 5 months ago

ban (while he was still in na)

posted 5 months ago

like back in ch 1, no? haven't heard about them in a long time

posted 5 months ago

ik liazzi is actually really good, so prob gonna chalk it up to the fact that furia are stupid and put him on smokes. when i watched him in t2 he looked really good

posted 5 months ago

i took a double take when reading the title initially lol

posted 5 months ago

and not just that. if i have ethan on my team who is more of a veteran presence, im picking a younger igl like boostio. if i have a more tenured igl like boaster, im picking someone like leo who is more tenured than boostio but not ethan

posted 5 months ago

bro at this point you should've just gone back to the sentinels flair

posted 5 months ago

100bots unless they get boostio, in that case they actually will be the best

posted 5 months ago

gamr is a clown on any acc

posted 5 months ago

It’s just FUT but worse tbh, prob win ascension anyway

posted 6 months ago

He’s very knowledgeable at being the most honest EMEA fan

posted 6 months ago

A flair change to gentle mates, only for Madrid (until Navi win it, of course)

posted 6 months ago

Fire FUT Flux Esports

posted 6 months ago

This post is all over the place but gave me a good laugh . Quiet would definitely be a cool team name, never know if LOUD will pull a M3C

posted 6 months ago

Ik im super late, but I just saw elmapuddy to FNC and wanted to give my quick thoughts:

  1. It’s not fair to judge his results with Gen.G in Korea because there was a language barrier. Not an excuse one like LOUD with FroD, but an actual one that resulted in Bail doing most of the coaching.

  2. Elma has a good track record as an analyst in CS, and strategically teams he has worked for have been sound, as long as the player quality was there. He has that quality, perhaps even better with Fnatic, so that will help.

  3. Allat

posted 6 months ago

Victor or jinggg

posted 6 months ago

Expected relyks to cook but instead he just burned the whole kitchen down

posted 6 months ago

Pretty sure flashback is just a sub, and both he and foxy aren’t gonna play in the first split. That being said, termi’s vetoes are definitely an issue. His coaching besides that is ok

posted 6 months ago

When was triple controller ever mainstream? FUT, LOUD, and a few other t2 teams messed around with it but I don’t recall it being widely played (genuinely, if it was it prob was before I started following the scene. Just curious:)

posted 6 months ago

ultimate: agent just runs at people with a katana and one shots them while wall jumping and bunny hopping

posted 6 months ago

honestly he is prx dream, they will just pug and destroy everyone with him. but like reyna, only they can properly utilize these ''ranked only'' characters. haven't seen other teams adapt what prx have been doing (with the exception of edg, who actually looked decent with a similar comp). the same will happen with iso, which is why prx prob will play him in madrid

posted 6 months ago

Yes, he and SouchNi were kicked

Also Turko too

posted 6 months ago

I get that it’s super hard to remember such a moment, especially when you could have won, but FNS is right. S0m wasn’t the reason they lost that series

posted 6 months ago
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