Flag: International
Registered: September 5, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 6:26 AM
Posts: 5536
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Gambit is a CIS team
Sea I.S.
Sea Is Superior = C.I.S.

Sushi Boys, a SEA team will beat Gambit, a C.I.S. team.


posted about 2 years ago

lets go, basically.

posted about 2 years ago

I will be on fnatic's side this match, but I hope it's close. !Vamos!

posted about 2 years ago


megalobox 2 is crazy good

posted about 2 years ago

that's a good point. I can't think of any Patiphan-tier Thai player who is a duelist free agent.

X10 might have a lot of money from their merger with Crit, the Brunei org so it may be possible to buy them out.

posted about 2 years ago

IMO, JohnOlsen and PTC have the potential. They didn't show up at LAN, but maybe that's just because it was their first time.

posted about 2 years ago

sad to see them go. The lakia clutch is legendary

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

you better stfu before I boar cum in your mum

posted about 2 years ago

They will use the KRU technique

Lets go BorKRUm

posted about 2 years ago

lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!! lakad matatag !!!

posted about 2 years ago

We're about to see Jessie wash Acend

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I'm hijacking your reply to state that "Nitr0 is going back to CS " is false!

He is now gone. Adios!

posted about 2 years ago

caught in 8k ultrahd 144fps 2,000,000 bitrate lossless

posted about 2 years ago

the 70K USD from the bundle has a value of around 166k USD in Brazil, due to differences in price level and more. That's naturally not enough to live a lifetime, but it is a very large amount either way

posted about 2 years ago

One pick'em was perfect up until Vikings lost and X10 won. Should've believed in SEA, I guess.

posted about 2 years ago

sussy shadow

posted about 2 years ago

Don't do 'em like that


posted about 2 years ago

Preface: The PPP is a way to convert currencies while considering the difference in the price level of a nation. (example: you can buy a lot more food for 1$ in Thailand than the U.S.). To put it simply, it shows how the money actually "feels" like. This is a list showing how some nation's players benefited from the Champions 2021 bundle's earnings.


  • Each team earns exactly 500k (should happen in 5 days. used to make the numbers easier)
  • Org takes 20%, Coach 10%, leaving each player with 70,000 USD
  • No taxes or any other extra deductions ​
  • Exchange rates taken from today

Values are in adjusted USD:
Turkey: 450,401 (high inflation rate)
Thailand: 194,444
Brazil: 166,666
Philippines: 179,487
Chile: 140,000
USA: 70,000 (this is the base)

This list is not very accurate as the PPP index is meant to be used at a GDP level. It's just to highlight how the bundle is important for less developed regions.

Data taken from https://data.oecd.org/conversion/purchasing-power-parities-ppp.htm

posted about 2 years ago

how did you distribute it? like what % for each standing

posted about 2 years ago

make bald super team no cap

Derke (shave that head)

  • Kru Coach
posted about 2 years ago

nice, hope to see the same Vivo Keyd roster next year too. Mwzera + Heat + Murizz is insane

posted about 2 years ago

by 'fine' do you mean paying Gamelanders to get him on the team permanently?

or is it something else I don't know about

posted about 2 years ago

Zombs about to buy another rolex since this one got shat on all over twitter

posted about 2 years ago

Just participating in Champs is a sign that the team is among the best in a region, which should be enough to warrant a reward.

posted about 2 years ago

It's interesting because OWL players earn an average salary of 100k US. Sadly, Pati has said in an interview that the outcome of this tournament will not "affect his decision" to switch, but I'm still hoping he does change it.

posted about 2 years ago

CS has stickers, which fans can purchase to support specific teams.

I think the single bundle is better since it greatly supports those who need it most. That and, it means designers can put all their effort into a single amazing bundle yearly rather than 16 different skins, which would likely be less detailed.

posted about 2 years ago

Champs becomes super important
Orgs invest heavily into teams to guarantee a spot
Domestic competition increases greatly
As a result of harder competition, teams improve

-> Better teams are sent to Champs.

At least, this is how I see it.

posted about 2 years ago

Stuff like the Judge allows players to get kills with more ease than a rifle. Even the best player in the game has a pretty high chance of losing against a defending bronze 2 player in Hooka with a judge.

However, the best team in the game will likely never lose to a bronze 2 team, even if one their players loses the fight. Stuff like this artificially forces teamwork, which I personally dislike but can understand.

posted about 2 years ago

Shahz is such a nice guy, complaining to increase the prize pool so the better teams can make money. +Respect

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, for teams from less developed regions this is a godsend. It also creates an extremely attractive incentive for organizations to drop the BAG to create massive super teams, since they might be able to get a share of this ridiculous pay.

posted about 2 years ago

First place in Champs is 350K US, btw. This is ~500k+ just for participating. There is still a week left, too.

posted about 2 years ago

This is not only accurate but very detailed. A peek into the daily life of a Ballsack (the colloquial term used to refer to a Sugondese person).

Hopefully Lieutenant General Sameer Dni'Ym will bring the ongoing coup d'eez nuts to success. For a better future, Sugma Ligma!

P.S. Sugma Ligma is the national pledge.

posted about 2 years ago

There's no need for Valorant to be more "mechanical". That's just a stylistic difference between the two games.

posted about 2 years ago

it's because cs has faster movement, set spray patterns, and smaller hitboxes.

imo this debate is pointless because there is no game (video, and physical) that has reached its actual skill ceiling. Yes, CS might have a higher mechanical skill ceiling, but it will never be reached. It doesn't make CS "harder".

The difficulty of a multiplayer game is determined solely by the skill of the playerbase.

posted about 2 years ago

Mind Goblin esports is an all sugondese team. Their best player, Gargolon, is insane!!!

posted about 2 years ago

yes. I have an IQ of 5. I am considered mentally disabled.

Even I can tell your mother shat you out in a dumpster hoping you died within your first breath.

posted about 2 years ago

Still decent at some fighting games :copium:
Technically still first place in a Fortnite category :copium:

posted about 2 years ago

Linus makes tech tutorials
Boaster makes Valorant tutorials

hmmm... I think you're onto something here. A distant relative? A clone? Only they know, I guess.

posted about 2 years ago

a lot of SEA players can speak English at a passable level. MY/SG, PH players are fluent in English.

posted about 2 years ago

yes. I am saying that is stupid. SEA should have a VCT for the whole region just like EU - it makes way more sense. The language argument makes no sense either because EU teams also speak different languages - French, Spanish, Russian etc.

posted about 2 years ago

Patiphan (2nd duelist like Reyna, Raze)
Jingg (jett 1trick)
Forsaken (sova edition)
X10 igl

compete in Thai circuit

posted about 2 years ago

I hate that this is a rule btw, it's so stupid. It doesn't exist in EU either.

posted about 2 years ago

i don't think this team is legal, you need 3 players from one nation in SEA. forsaken- ID benkai - MY/SG, Borkum Wits - PH, and sushiboys - Thai

posted about 2 years ago

#Subrossi #TSM #TSM2022 #TSMWIN

posted about 2 years ago

Regions (as a whole, not just their best team):

EMEA - Incredible depth, upwards trend in international performances, big player base, and finally varied playstyles. Everything needed to maintain the momentum.

SEA - Massive playerbase, even larger if South Asia is included. Extreme diversity in playstyle - from the overly strategic Paper Rex to the balls to wall, uninhibited, classic SG server agression of X10. The region has yet to achieve a podium finish in true international competition, but there's a real chance they do that now. In APAC, they are likely the best, from the LCQ, and international play displayed so far. Upwards trend, too.

NA - Manages third due to previous performance, depth, playerbase and so far unrivalled investment. NA organizations have shown that they will and can drop the bag to assemble teams to compete in international play (TenZ buyout, Nitr0, etc.). Despite being on a downwards trajectory, it's unlikely the teams ever become truly uncompetitive.

Brazil - Massive amounts of unrealized talent. Large playerbase. The problem here is the lack of investment. Give me a true Brazilian superteam for fucks sake. NIP pls. Imagine: Sacy, Mwzera, Heat + 2 support. With that much individual skill, it's just sad it's not being used well. Below NA, due to a lack of achievements on the international stage.

LATAM - Great players. Lots of talent, and investment to back it up. It seems to be very top heavy though, but that may be in large part caused by my lack of knowledge of the region. Australs, KRU, Lazer if it still exists, and others look strong.

Japan - Big playerbase, investment. Talent is yet to be seen, but some players (Laz, Neth) look strong. To improve, they need to grow domestic talent and stopping importing from KR

KR - Abundance of talent. Not only this, the talent in question has even been displayed at an international level - Masters 2. Lack of investment, playerbase. The problem with this region, and why I'm placing it below JP, is that all the good players will be playing in JP either way, except VS's players.

posted about 2 years ago
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