Flag: Finland
Registered: April 24, 2021
Last post: May 19, 2024 at 2:17 PM
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I've had G Pro Wireless and XM1r and both of them are really good. I'm thinking of buying Outset AX soon though. Because even though I'm happy with XM1r I think Outset shaped mouse could suit me better.

edit: oh didn't notice that below 35$ I've also had DeathAdder, but I wasn't a huge fan. Really bulky, but tbh most mice at that price range are like that. Its still decent.

posted about 2 years ago

no rank

posted about 2 years ago

Acend was EMEA #3 seed...

posted about 2 years ago

That doesn't mean shit. Ofc VS were supposed to be big threat when they were THE team from Korea and when they are apparently good scrim team. But couldn't deliver in actual matches. And how tf have they proved more than every other region? I would say even SEA has proved more so far. Maybe more than Brazil and Japan for sure.

posted about 2 years ago

Oh 60 ping? How is that possible. This never happens in EMEA never!! People always play with 10 ping max! All Turkey, Russia, and Europe always max 10 ping all time!

posted about 2 years ago

People don't hate KR. People just think they are overrated. Currently they only have 1 internationally competitive team that could do decently, but got eliminated in groups last time they played. And pls don't bring Nuturn here when Iceland was played ages ago and when none of the Korean teams could make it out of APAC LCQ. VS only won over shaky looking Acend (Masters 3 Acend was shaky say whatever you want), and won over some SEA teams. That's it. They haven't proved anything yet and some people still think they are good.

posted about 2 years ago

Fnatic > Vitality

posted about 2 years ago

Endgame Gear XM1r

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah. I don't understand why are people underrating this team so much. G2 kept both nukkye and Avova who are some of the best players in their roles and signed 2 players + coach from team that was competitive against best of EU. And obviously kept Mixwell that I'm still 50/50 with. Like would people be more happy if they signed some unknown Jett OTP and unknown sentinel or what?

posted about 2 years ago

I am actually really hyped about this new roster. I'm still unsure about Mixwell, but as long as he can bring numbers I think this team has a lot of potential. And obviously IGLing is still unknown. IMO people are really underrating these additions. Pipson seems to be great coach, and both hoody and Meddo are good players in their roles. I'm also really interested to see how the roles go. Do they go like I predict or not.

posted about 2 years ago

banana chocolate ice cream was my favorite

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

nukkye has been playing bunch of Sova on streams though. Doesn't exactly mean that he will play it in pro setting, but could point towards it. Especially when both nukkye and hoody play same role and 1 of them has to take Sova role. And IMO nukkye is more likely to make the switch, since hoody's Skye is better. Sova's can also be insane fraggers just look at Chroncle and Sacy, or even Mwzera that was kind of in similar situation as nukkye potentially.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

That is true, but if they go with Mixwell & hoody duelist duo (that is most likely due to nukkye grinding Sova) then nukkye playing Raze wouldn't really make sense. Mixwell already played some Raze in Masters 3 and I would assume that G2 is trying to make him their Jett/Raze player just how Fnatic did with Derke and Gambit did with D3ffo. Unless they go for similar stuff as Liquid, but then again I don't know what hoody would play in some maps, because he isn't Jamppi.

posted about 2 years ago

Did someone say that? Otherwise I kind of doubt it. Its pretty clear that Mixwell and hoody will take the duelist roles in this team. Also Mixwell played Raze in Split in Masters 3, and in the other hand hoody will most likely play Reyna, Skye or Sage then. Because if they played nukkye Raze it would make problems with hoody's role. Could still happen, but in my opinion this would be most logical one.

posted about 2 years ago

Mixwell = Jett, Raze
Hoody = Skye/Sage/Reyna
Avova = Astra, Omen, Viper(?)
Nukkye = Sova, ?
Meddo = Cypher, Killjoy, Viper(?)

I would imagine roles going like that. Pretty similar to how Gambit works.

posted about 2 years ago

Controller esports are so weird to watch. Aim assist + movement/turning etc is so dogshit. Like it looks like watching some really low ranked players while in reality they are best at what they do. Its weird.

posted about 2 years ago

Doesn't have anything to do with this though. New Spiderman movies are pretty dogshit compared to older ones in my opinion (Spiderman 3 is shit, even though I liked it a lot when I was younger). There really isn't much that I like about the newer ones while older ones are still good. Old ones just don't feel super staged movies with forced comedy and stereotypical characters with dumb abilities. Like "hey let's make Spiderman's friend to be this stereotypical fat Asian nerd who can just hack into schools security system with school computers heheh". And then you have all these different heroes taking screen time as well and that makes every Marvel movie feel the same.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah that is the exact problem I have with most Marvel movies nowadays. Majority of them are enjoyable movies, but that's kind of it. Really forgettable.

posted about 2 years ago

Not true. I watched Spiderman 1 not that long time ago and its still really good. While I watched Far From Home not that long time ago and I thought it was pretty dogshit and don't even remember much from it. Same with Homecoming. IMO Tom Holland Spiderman movies are really soulless and perfect example of what is wrong with movies especially Marvel ones nowadays. Haven't seen newest one though. And I really dislike the fact that newest one are so heavily in MCU. Like I want to watch Spiderman movie, not Spiderman with Iron Man and Doctor Strange.

posted about 2 years ago

Spiderman 1 and 2 can't be topped. By far best Marvel movies made.

posted about 2 years ago

is youu

posted about 2 years ago

Why this is getting downvoted? Asuna was really inconsistent during Masters 3. Like I know he played Jett that isn't his usual agent (?), but his performance wasn't anything crazy. While TenZ had a lot of pop off moments and was consistent overall outside of maybe Split games. Like Asuna is really good, but some people are really overrating him, based on important games so far. You need to be crazy to say Asuna > TenZ.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah they barely beat underperforming choking Acend and made massive comeback against Gambit who used to be chokers as well. Grats best team in the world!!

posted about 2 years ago

True. This is good opportunity to test waters and see what other orgs are ready to pay for you. Especially for such a good player who was pretty unknown when he signed with Acend.

posted about 2 years ago

American orgs at on it once again. Europe is always losing crucial LoL players every season and now its going to start happening in Valorant as well... Luckily EMEA is the number 1 region currently, so it isn't as bad as with LoL. There will always be new players coming up, but this would still be big hit for EU.

posted about 2 years ago

0.358 sens
no rank

posted about 2 years ago

Who will he replace? Olof? Huge addition to FaZe no matter what. Ropz + Twistzz will be deadly.

posted about 2 years ago

NiKo is so fucking good. Just wish he got more support from his team. Like he is carrying G2 so hard. Obviously next year they will be getting m0NESY and possibly Aleksib so they should maybe help.

posted about 2 years ago

Compared to most top Jetts, no. Obviously he could prove me wrong, but I doubt it. Last time he played Jett was ages ago when the game was completely different.

posted about 2 years ago

Mixwell as Jett, no thanks. If they got other good Jett player this roster could actually be good. And idk about they IGL situtation either. Good luck still!

posted about 2 years ago

I don't know about this one. I thought Fnatic were the better team even before Iceland, and especially after their first games in Iceland. I'm pretty sure Fnatic were the favorites over Liquid in their matchup. Liquid didn't turn on at any point really.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Best player - cNed (he has just been so consistent throughout the year) or nAts (because he had maybe biggest impact out of any player when it comes to Valorant)
Best team in the World - Gambit
The most improved team - KRU
The most improved player - Jamppi
Biggest upset team - KRU (beating Sentinels and Fnatic)
Best match - Acend vs Team Heretics (Masters 1 EU)
Most consistent player - cNed
Most consistent team - Gambit
Most overrated player - TenZ (just because he has bunch of fanboys who think he is still by far the best)
Most underrated player - zeek
Most entertaining player in-game - starxo or zeek
Most entertaining player off-game - Boaster
Best VCT Tournament - Champions Berlin

posted about 2 years ago

Yes. I think ign's are really cool and I'm really interested in them. Not even kidding.

posted about 2 years ago

nice that he changed back to his Overwatch time name

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Why would Team Liquid ever do roster changes for next season? Their roster is completely functional. Anyway would be cool to see Sacy or Saadhak in Europe, even though I think it would better for them to stay in Brazil and help the scene there.

posted about 2 years ago

Both Leo and Sayf are so interesting players. Like they could play so many different roles. For example Leo is so good mechanically, but at the same time I don't know do I want to see him as duelist player, controller or even initiator. But can't go wrong with either one. 2 players with high potential.

posted about 2 years ago

But why? I get that he was pretty inconsistent online, but he is still great player when in good form and has pretty wide agent pool. I think its really risky to get rid of such player, unless they have someone in mind or if there's something going on behind the scene. Hopefully he will find a new team.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Final series: nAts (had huge impact in finals)
Overall: zeek

posted about 2 years ago

GGs! Well played from both teams! Grats to Acend!!

posted about 2 years ago

But, that is what Acend is. They have always been really NA style team aka ego peeking and stuff.

posted about 2 years ago

yeah its comfort pick for BONECOLD

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Just sucks that playing 4:3 Valorant fucks your main monitor when alt tabbing. Doesn't happen with CSGO.

posted about 2 years ago

Who cares? They all are pretty much friends with each other. Playing scrims and even meeting in ranked all the time.

posted about 2 years ago
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