Country: Brazil
Registered: August 10, 2021
Last post: April 26, 2024 at 12:56 AM
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That’s why ascendant league exists bro, the only thing I’ll miss is watching TSM getting clowned in every open quals against amateur teams

posted about a year ago

Nukkye had so much potential as a player but man just had to have that coldzera touch and destroy every team he’s in

posted about a year ago

That’s how capitalism works mate nothing to do with wokeism, if a company passes a bad image and looks unreliable it won’t be very attractive to investors, it’s entirely Carlos’s fault for thinking himself above any form of criticism and failure and of G2’s board of directors for aligning so much of their image with a notoriously controversial CEO.

They played with a double edged knife and got cut, it happens

posted about a year ago

But the entire optic roster is still being bought out by other teams, so yeah, it is about the player

posted about a year ago

Nsei como q esse JP tem ibope, cara ganhando grana pra gerenciar mídia social do aspas e até entrou pra loud junto com ele mas tudo q eu vejo o lek fazendo é “dia de jogo contem comigo emoji de furacao”,“ganhamo ggs emoji de furacao”, “dessa vez não deu mas vou voltar emoji de furacão

Parece q é tudo feito por uma IA, coisa mais robótica básica sem personalidade mas o cara se acha o motivo do sucesso do aspas por postar uma frase estereotipa a cada três dias

posted about a year ago

Fonte: burritx

posted about a year ago

#12 and #13 shows the two paths that every Brazilian has to choose once he comes of age

posted about a year ago

Dayum the dickriding is crazy

posted about a year ago

Somehow you managed to make a random thread about an even more random thread

posted about a year ago

I can attest to the fact that Ng1s is the worst being in the planet, just saw he spank an old lady across the street for absolutely no reason, dude should be banned ASAP

posted about a year ago

Idk why zekken is so unclouted I find him hilarious

posted about a year ago

Shit it just had to be the ugliest logo ever didn’t it

posted about a year ago

They didn’t even put pancada as an option there so unfair

posted about a year ago

I said it a while back, man is the fnx of valorant

posted about a year ago

Lol even you deserve to celebrate this one more than him and that’s saying something

posted about a year ago

Kindergarten getting too crowded for you?

posted about a year ago

He likes dogs

posted about a year ago

I’d rather be a bad winner than a sore loser like a certain region

posted about a year ago

Sempre assim

posted about a year ago

Cause cypher’s style is unmatched

posted about a year ago

Naaah I have a feeling it might be, dunno what tells me that tho

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah he and yay absolutely suck, both only get kills because the other player doesn’t kill them

posted about a year ago

Coming with the classic “kick your PC” Na strat

posted about a year ago

AINT no way

posted about a year ago

Yay got so excited for seeing Victor do something he had to come here and post on his fake

posted about a year ago

Esse retake agr doomed fuder, só saíram correndo tudo desorganizado um por um

posted about a year ago

The lack of self awareness I just..

posted about a year ago

Ah yes that seems fair, no bias in here folks

posted about a year ago

Every round comes down to a 1v1

posted about a year ago

We just had to end the year with some jail valorant

posted about a year ago

Essa atividade toda aqui é sinal de que vai se envolver mais com valorant a partir de agr, conta aí q time te catou

posted about a year ago

He’s still on the right place then

posted about a year ago

The fortune teller has spoken, the boy must go

posted about a year ago

Confirmed that are only 10 teams in total, not confirmed the distribution since the final decision hasn’t been made yet but it is more likely that it’ll be 6-2-2

posted about a year ago

First then third, now time for second

posted about a year ago

Wait wait, wasn’t DRX the best team in the tournament?

posted about a year ago

Still avoiding the topic

Answer with a yes or no, is sayf better than yay?

posted about a year ago

It’s not just about the comp, this ascent comp is as old as Valorant but Loud found a way to use it better than anyone else at a time when every other team was playing different comps

The thing is optic lost to loud on ascent so many times that they just decided to abandon their own comp and go to the old one which loud showed it’s still viable, is it so hard to let your ego down and admit optic are only using this comp because of loud?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

That USA flag got me confused, just realized you’re from EMEA so yeah nothing’s gonna change your opinion

posted about a year ago

I think you’re the one not getting what this is about, it’s not a discussion about sayf being good, it’s one over if he’s AS GOOD as yay

posted about a year ago

EMEA try not to take arguments out of their ass just to cope and think their players are actually good, what has sayf ever achieved to make him comparable to yay?


posted about a year ago

Wait wait wait hol up, first tell me with which personality I am talking here rn

posted about a year ago

So what, doing better in 1 match is enough to make you better than another player? It doesn’t work like that bro otherwise pancada and less are the best controllers and sentinels in this tournament

posted about a year ago

Acend’s downfall created a whole identity crisis on this guy

posted about a year ago

Nah fire and blood is quite unappealing, it’s pretty much just expository stuff in order to expand the world of asoiaf, it was even written as an historical document instead of an actual narrative so the characters don’t get a lot of development.

The show has added A LOT of stuff that wasn’t in the books and honestly the best parts are all the ones they’re making up

posted about a year ago

Ye I’ve been finding it pretty good but I’m a huge asoiaf fan so don’t trust me that much

Either way, it has some great writing and moments but it also has definitely had a bit of a slower pace so far since they’re taking their time with the story, it’ll definitely be worth it later tho cause shit goes down hard in the book

posted about a year ago

Basically Joffrey spoils the whole series, so don’t watch it, OP is just being an asshole here

posted about a year ago

Slots distribution is fine as it is, they should’ve done 12 slots however and give one to Brazil and latam each

posted about a year ago
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