Country: Brazil
Registered: August 10, 2021
Last post: April 26, 2024 at 12:56 AM
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Just realized this is another one of onur’s chance for the last laugh, he loves loud’s players but he most certainly has a bone to pick with the org

posted about a year ago

Their next match is on Friday

posted about a year ago

Their ascent and breeze are still world class, other maps improved a lot but are still shaky as hell, having a third top tier map could set them on a champs course but it just seems unlikely

posted about a year ago

My heart’s actually hurting right now, I can’t believe this is how it ended

posted about a year ago

Os cara tão dando tudo q eles tem a oferecer nesse campeonato e é perceptível, olha a emoção e o quanto eles melhoraram no pouquíssimo tempo q tiveram entre o LCQ e o champions

É só falta de caráter desmerecer todo o esforço dos caras assim

posted about a year ago

Tem q ser mto Otario pra falar umas coisas dessas

posted about a year ago

Just throwing walls for the sake of it, kinda like fúria and rounds

posted about a year ago

I swear all we lack is plot armour

posted about a year ago

Aí o tradutor tinha q falhar uma hora

posted about a year ago

Tem uma diferença, nip ganhou de uma fnatic com dois sub, fúria tá indo pau a pau contra uma fnatic completa.

Mas a verdade é q pode parecer q tem um puta gap pq a Europa sempre ganha, mas lembra o quão próximos foram todos os games no último champions Tbm. A única diferença é q a gnt sofre sofre sofre mas no final os cara levam por mto pouco, nos falta protagonismo, aí fica parecendo q não valemo de nada

posted about a year ago

Tradutor existe kkkkkkkkk, mas tradutor bonzão o de Tbm pq tá falando certin

posted about a year ago

Trembolona faz de tudo menos reconhecer o cenário br pt.38

posted about a year ago

Yeah, how dare derke and Alfa not be dropping 30 every map, boaster is putting all his effort on his Twitter memes while those two lazy kids aren’t even twerking for the cam

posted about a year ago

Doesn’t really mean much if they can’t close it out, VK “won” against the champions and VKS went 12-5 against the runner ups

posted about a year ago

Put yay in diamond like those two and see what he does

posted about a year ago

Kolda throwing his career away if he joins that

posted about a year ago

Não deve ser escolha dele, c acha q o dg nao ia preferir tá de jett aí?

Fúria só levou paulada na breeze mas continua insistindo nessas role bizarra, mazin q sempre joga de kayo vai de jett enquanto a jett do time vai de kayo no mapa q mais depende do boneco?

posted about a year ago

His fistbump with furia’s coach was comical

posted about a year ago

Mini so cuuuuuute tho

posted about a year ago

Yes lil bro it all revolves around you

posted about a year ago

Lol avova and kolda aren’t an upgrade on the kill department, if you wanna replace someone replace Enzo

posted about a year ago

Last time mwzera’s team qualified for an international event was.. huuuuhh

posted about a year ago

Never heard of them

posted about a year ago

Loud está em crise dps dessa forte afirmação do supernova

posted about a year ago

So what? That doesn’t mean shit when they only played won game against the weakest team in the group, they had a much harder time at beating XERXIA than Loud had at beating Zeta, and considering you put zeta over XERXIA in your power rankings loud>XSET by all logic

posted about a year ago

He’s young? Isn’t the guy like 29 or smthng?

But yeah him in Enzo’s stead would be a dream team

posted about a year ago

Remember when they went 5-12 against VKS on icebox? Remember when THEY LITERALLY LOST AGAINST 100T JUST LIKE FNATIC

posted about a year ago

Edit: I give up on arguing idc

posted about a year ago

Amadureceu e agr não sai nem mais da fase de grupos do Br

posted about a year ago

Como q vc explica a performance da liberty em Berlim ano passado?

posted about a year ago

Macro da loud sempre foi horrível, se vc for olhar em toda partida saadhak só manda eles pro lado q tá todo mundo

Única coisa q sempre salva eles são os execs e a mecânica mto boas dos jogadores

posted about a year ago

Damn they didn’t win a round after this huh

posted about a year ago

Just saying this shows how much they’ve improved, remember their first fracture against optic?

posted about a year ago

I have the feeling loud are pretty good at pearl and are just saving it for the most crucial matches

posted about a year ago

Fracture has always been considered Loud’s worst map

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

EMEA doing what they do best and holding on to past glories so they can forget how miserable they are now

posted about a year ago

How many matches has EMEA won so far?

posted about a year ago

I see the arguments are strong with this one

posted about a year ago

Looool the flair change

posted about a year ago

Bro will do anything but admit loud are good

posted about a year ago

Q que uma coisa tem a ver com a outra

posted about a year ago

Cause less is a demon on it

posted about a year ago

Fuck you now I have to disagree with myself

posted about a year ago

Wake up from what he’s playing his normal self, man’s just overrated af because of a couple clutches back at Copenhagen but his usual performances are always like this

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Korean talking about chokes

posted about a year ago

The casters are so mad I can’t, literally just malding and making excuses, everything but giving it out to furia

posted about a year ago

Lol bro’s clearly mad zeta lost the map

posted about a year ago

Saw that, actually feel bad for you mate

posted about a year ago
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