Flag: Australia
Registered: March 22, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 8:55 AM
Posts: 1607
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Whiskey absolutely mogs beer vro sorry but its facts, beer fucking sucks and tastes like ass. Whiskey is great and more money efficient

posted 12 hours ago

Butterflyeffect illustrating why you dont take a stance and push something regardless of ur opinion

posted 19 hours ago

saying this as if vro was alive in 1945šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

posted 19 hours ago

Yeah has to be in moderation but these changes seem good. The line on the ground is so dumb, heā€™s already a bad agent. I think focusing on the first couple (normal util) would be best

Maybe something close with like:

  • Wall cooldown to 30 seconds
  • Hide wall line to (everyone that isnā€™t harbour? its kinda just visual clutter)
  • Cascade could change in duration depending on how fast itā€™s stopped, like skye flash. From say, 7 seconds if instantly stopped to 10 seconds if let to push the whole way (could be random and unneeded though, flat 10 would be fine)
  • Cove health up to 600 (probably OR rather than and) cove cost down to 300, normal smoke staying for 8 seconds seems good.
  • Util no longer slows team

I think Harbor ult is the most viable bit of his kit right now, it would only need changes if they want to leave his other util the same

posted 1 day ago

Yeah definitely very strong, it would never be all of these theyā€™re just things you could do independently or a couple together

posted 1 day ago

Ways you could fix him (in my opinion, not fact)

More cove health, make it stronger as a stick bomb threat. Could be broken though
Please stop his wall slowing team
Make his wall slower to cast if holding RMB (?) and make it so it doesnā€™t show the trail before it comes up
Make his push walls last a little longer, theyā€™re a little weak right now
More distance covered, more time up, and/or shorter cooldown on his E wall
Ult change (maybe faster time to stun, breach ult basically instastuns unlike harbor)

Just my opinions and not all are necessarily good changes

posted 1 day ago

Omen flash and omen gets more one ways

posted 1 day ago

conut had aura before she got banned

posted 1 day ago

Korean defamation laws are the cause Iā€™ve heard cited but not certain on this

posted 1 day ago

trying to move into my ā€œtaking into account all factsā€ arc

posted 1 day ago

iā€™d say itā€™s a rumour that itā€™s flashback simply because thereā€™s not been hard confirmation. strong circumstantial evidence, no matter how damning, isnā€™t confirmation until truly proving of whatever its in support of

posted 1 day ago

hence my wording saying theres a strong case. even if I think itā€™s likely that it was him i wont claim it as fact, only as opinion

posted 1 day ago

My best hope is that whoever is accused cooperates with investigation, as whoever was accused is a minor by Korean law they might be okay depending on the processing and findings.

posted 1 day ago

there is a strong case to argue that the allegations are targeted at flashback, however thereā€™s no confirmation on whether theyā€™re truthful or whether itā€™s confirmed to be flashback

posted 1 day ago

the way I see it

It was flashback, but theyā€™re still just allegations. I hope theyā€™re false but we canā€™t know for certain either way.

posted 1 day ago

iā€™d assume butterfly effect messaged her.

posted 1 day ago

They ask why the victim would respond to you

posted 1 day ago

think they mean south asia

posted 1 day ago

loud was built around aspas as a hard carry basically so when he left they had to play a different style

posted 1 day ago

nothing is confirmed yet but its not looking good

posted 1 day ago

i dont think he is but could be wrong, where is he from

posted 1 day ago

yeah valorant is probably the most acceptable but having shooters will probably not occur unfortunately

posted 1 day ago

gonna be mid because most esport games too violent (also held in saudi cause ofc it is)

posted 1 day ago

I got a wooting because itā€™s a great kb and everything is backwards compatible, its probably a good choice even if you donā€™t use this feature icl.

posted 2 days ago

mada glazer and probably a ludwig fan

posted 2 days ago

you like cned and TURKEY because theye clearly a superior country

posted 2 days ago

I am trying to be nice and not hate :D

posted 2 days ago

post before this is about indian airports.

posted 2 days ago

opac wardell

posted 2 days ago

thats jamaican creole iirc

posted 2 days ago

Yeah I will try but right now my swedish is too weak to maintain normal conversations, its Duolingo so very tourist centric

posted 2 days ago


posted 2 days ago

Its okay kanyefan youre the goat

posted 2 days ago

dont know if this is wrong reply but itā€™s google translate, i know its better to learn from native but its not many people that are here in perth

posted 2 days ago

fairly sure 1:39 is flor not mel

posted 2 days ago

bro used google translate šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

posted 2 days ago

i live 15 minutes away from tame impala :P

posted 2 days ago

also how important are the accents when typing words, do native speakers use them in texting etc or no

posted 2 days ago

Jag inlarning svenska, och jag talar liten svenska.

Anyone have more niche/useful words phrases or grammar usage (e.g formal vs native/casual?)

Thank you vlr.ggians :P

posted 2 days ago

Only one of these is unarguably true lol

posted 2 days ago

I can still read like 80% of hira and kata fwiw

posted 2 days ago

Lived in Japan for a year and a bit. My japanese is rusty as hell and Iā€™m not bothering with it right now (swedish) but itā€™s best to start by learning hira+kata+grammar imo, itā€™s how I did it and was pretty chill

posted 2 days ago

Valorant protocol = basically that, all the agents work together to keep world safe or something idk

posted 2 days ago

thats what the valorant protocol is ya

posted 2 days ago

nah cause weā€™re talking about percentage of events not playoff conversion rate

posted 2 days ago

Learn grammar first and how to structure sentences, conjunctions and key words etc. Once you get that you can plug and play with new words and stuff. Also focus on learning the words before Kanji cause thereā€™s always almost the mini hiragana above the kanji

posted 2 days ago

From my POV the charm of arcane came from the development of attachment to characters but i could also be tweaking, its harder to achieve that in one ep per character

posted 2 days ago

Omen is harder to convey emotion cause you donā€™t get facial expression unfortunately (unless itā€™s before heā€™s omenified)

posted 2 days ago

yeah its not like its impossible but for me a lot of the charm was the kinda, fantasy universe of arcane and that unreachable story. i think they could do a good series but not as good of a series as arcane

posted 2 days ago

valorant is much harder to do because itā€™s set in the real world unfortunately

posted 2 days ago
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