Flag: Australia
Registered: March 22, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 8:55 AM
Posts: 1607
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#48 but cooler cause ur canadian

posted 3 days ago

Thats very true,… I will take this into account

posted 3 days ago

ok vro

posted 3 days ago

im 16 and im maybe have to retire so washed..

posted 3 days ago

Mine was handmade as well not even ai generated 😭

posted 3 days ago

Oh My bad gang

posted 3 days ago

Vro has no flair

posted 3 days ago

its alpha though.

posted 3 days ago

crazypig5000 wont elaborate idk either

posted 3 days ago

Either a giga bandwagoner (best team itw right now) or a lifelong GENG fan. Chance of being China hater, chance of league fandom carrying over

posted 3 days ago

You like teams that innovate new comps

posted 3 days ago

china is more difficult because i dont watch china that much but you want an underdog run at champs

posted 3 days ago

running from the dementia?

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

You forgot bemjy fishy …… But… I have been advised not to give a statement on these allegations

posted 3 days ago

you miss him… you also miss marved before he became the ice cream man

posted 3 days ago

Wow so real I’m a honorary heretics for champs but afterward it’s back to Liquid

posted 3 days ago

from the phillipines

posted 3 days ago

You want to be like PRX and play alpha but you also struggle when you lock neon in ranked.

posted 3 days ago

I think u are a fan of nismo because he is alpha and his parents own a restaurant

posted 3 days ago

See #47

posted 3 days ago

You heckin love Verno

posted 3 days ago

Someone who actually watches China, you like the team cause they have a cute logo

posted 3 days ago

Aspas was still with LLL last year

posted 3 days ago

TenZ glazer since the beginning of time but you like John and Zekken too

posted 3 days ago

Saw the KRUMBACK last year and got converted, now you are loyal to the team and not any one player

posted 3 days ago

Autumn and oce fan its a guarantee

posted 3 days ago

My guess is an aspas fan who stayed with LOUD and became a fan of goatuanzin and Less

posted 3 days ago

loyal to your country, love brazil rahhh..
Probably went for EG last champs after tzoxsin qualified them lol

posted 3 days ago

Why u use my old flag + flair Is that a nAts fan i see

posted 3 days ago

You are NRG fan that still relives WHZY JUDGE SPLIT in your sleep tryingto jinx Fnatic..

posted 3 days ago

nah theyre just down bad evidently

posted 3 days ago

i mean i’m not gonna say it, however.

posted 3 days ago

u are a fan of aspas or com and moved to leviatan when they moved, maybe become a fan of kingg along the way

posted 3 days ago

retarded. (not all navi flairs just this one)

posted 3 days ago

see the post above u thats also t1

posted 3 days ago

you probably bought the bundle, there’s a chance that you were a TGRD fan cause of saya but more likely a DRX and stax fan if not a diehard t1 one

posted 3 days ago

frenchtoast thread is inactive and im bored comment and ill do you

edit:Holy fuck yall liked this one, I'm not gonna respond with numbers anymore if I've already done that team cause theres so many responses

posted 3 days ago

maybe after the 10 million year off season

posted 4 days ago

India definitely has higher league quality but the actual player team quality isnt really there

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

i was vlr user before player, i turn 16 and play gc for fun. i like competing and seeing my stats on vlr, mostly use this site when bored in class (lots)

posted 4 days ago

i was hella washed for that tourney, treated my body badly and was overly reliant on caffiene while sleeping like 5 hours a night, now that i’m sleeping 7.5 and not abusing caffiene as much as well as going out for school and hangouts more im not as bad. i think if i play that event now I can do better

posted 4 days ago

BONK got close against BLD last year, but im worry for JFT this year after iso nerf

posted 4 days ago

jinx is the goat, if i wasnt washed we could have made top 4 or 3 (also shouldnt have slept through a. map)

posted 4 days ago

i can do it anyway? >_<

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago

bump, if you dont know penguin party its not too late to become a fan, wehave SOKO, SILV, BLUE, YUMI, and TIFF!

posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago


posted 4 days ago
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