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Registered: February 19, 2021
Last post: June 15, 2024 at 5:11 PM
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Yeah, NIP obviously weren't trying 100%, but hype for Liquid!

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Ngl dude, I don't think beating both vitality and heretics makes it a fluke

posted about 3 years ago

Honestly my favorite style of event is like in soccer/football, where there's a round robin and then a bracket (like the world cup). Or, for individual groups, there's just a long double round-robin event (like the premier league).

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, I'm just saying.

posted about 3 years ago

You don't think Vision Strikers? Also, EMEA includes Russia and Turkey

posted about 3 years ago

None of y'all hyping up Shot Up as much. Dude's a beast. Higher numbers than Android, more consistent than Asuna. More multikills.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Dude I ain't gonna cap, niesow was probably cheating. Starting to distance himself from competition and a well-paying salary on the best team in europe, maybe the world (at the time), just because of a family issue? Also, nearly right before the first LAN events? Just pretty shady.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Quality thread mate :)

posted about 3 years ago

Losing to alliance isn't really a choke tbf. Alliance is a good team. Even beat Heretics

posted about 3 years ago

...literally all of them? I mean aceu isn't like a goat.

posted about 3 years ago

I'm not trying to be a dick here, but it's piqued or peaked, not picked.

posted about 3 years ago

Yo wait Victor on Skye about to go HARD

posted about 3 years ago

Ok just so you don't condescend me again, what's your rank lol? Better be radiant for the way you type. Also, I agree with you, Relyks needs to be dropped, same with mitch, they are a drag on the team. However, you also said he is a baiter, which isn't true. He's lurking and when he's not, he's playing with the team. He's not baiting at all, he's doing what he's supposed to do in that sense. He is just kind of shit.

posted about 3 years ago

Won't C9 have one of the highest seeds because of CH1?

posted about 3 years ago

Seeding can make the difference between making it or not. It matters more than you think. Plus, these teams are itching to compete, they don't just want to play stupid. They may play more experimental, but doesn't that make it even more interesting to watch? Just my take on it.

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like Android is such a good player but just can't get anything done. Dunno why. I agree.

posted about 3 years ago

SEN depends on TenZ, LG sucks
GENG, C9, NRG, FaZe are my picks to make it, maybe IMT
Noble, Rise, T1 dark horses

posted about 3 years ago

My Takes on the upcoming Challengers:
I lowkey think LG are pretty bad. I know they couldn't prepare for Noble like Noble could prepare for them, but Noble didn't have a ton of prep time like the other upsets (SEN, FaZe, GENG). I think LG have fallen off, aproto looks like of rusty and isn't as clean as when they were beating SEN a while back. thief isn't as good either. I remember seeing the thief clip on icebox against SEN and thinking "this dude is actually insane" and I guess that was his peak because LG keep putting up worse stats. I also think FaZe is going through some things right now and they just don't look as good as they did in Masters and CH3. They are kind of going through an identity crisis, and I'm not sure if they can fix it. Also, SEN getting into S2CH2 is almost completely dependent on if they actually have TenZ, which I don't know if they will. Considering all of this, I'd say the most likely contenders for CH3 in order are as follows:

  1. Gen. G (Easy call for first, they barely lost to C9B who kind of anti-stratted them and just overall looked better on the day of)
  2. Cloud 9 Blue (Looked really good against teams like IMT, V1, 100T, and GENG, and their ceiling is massive with their current lineup)
  3. NRG (Barely missed out of going to S2CH1 because of XSET, who made it into CHFinals. Also will improve with new roster and tex, not higher because they might get hit by losing out on Chet, their coach.)
  4. FaZe (Might be higher, but identity crisis hitting them hard with Zach and others role swapping, but they're still FaZe, and only just lost to V1)

Top 5. IMT (I feel like, in a strange way, they almost look better with rossy instead of nature, and stani on the jett. More firepower, less brains. Don't know what's going to happen with the roster if NaturE comes back. I feel like they are teetering on the edge of getting into S2CH2 either way. Will depend on how easy their bracket is)
?. Sentinels (With TenZ, they're first. Without TenZ, idk, maybe not even on the list)

Others close:
Soniqs: Say what you want about them losing to RNG and SEN, this team is still good. They have the firepower, but I don't know if they have the strategy to match it yet. A little more adapting and they'll be top 10 for sure.
TSM: Literally don't even know anymore. Don't even know who's going to be starting. Total coinflip/wildcard at this point.
T1: autimatic and curry just don't seem to have that much impact. Skadoodle and DaZeD need to improve or they will be dropped. This roster is a mess, even though there is a lot of talent. Management issues I guess. That said, they still have a ton of potential and I think they could be a dark horse to make it.
LG: aproto and thief. Where are they? If they are found before they stray too far into the woods this team might survive.

Upset picks:
Andbox: Still a good team, even if they had an easy path to S2CH1 and still lost.
Noble: Can be a sly pick, zekken is a beast
Rise: Tons of firepower, but can they become consistent?
RNG: Seems just consistently average. Not sure how high their peak is.

Honorable Mentions:
beastcoast and BBG

Let me know if you agree/disagree and what your takes are!

posted about 3 years ago

NA: 100T
EU: Team Liquid, G2
TR: Futbolist
BR: Gamelanders
LATAM: Lazer

posted about 3 years ago

Sentinels, FPX, VKS, BBL

posted about 3 years ago

This match is actually going to matter a lot more than people might think because seeding is very important. For example, would you rather go against a full strength GENG or a full strength SEN (presuming they still have TenZ). You really want good seeding either way.

posted about 3 years ago

I don't know if you're not watching the games or what's going on, but his role on this team is clearly to lurk. Just look how many times he's on the other side of the map at the beginning of the round. And when he's not, he's always playing with the team and going in with everyone else. Relyks' issue is that he is kind of just bad, not because he is baiting.

posted about 3 years ago

LOL you're so clueless it's funny I don't even want to tell you why

posted about 3 years ago

I think this is probably going to be V1 vs XSET just because of how poiz has been playing. V1 rely quite a bit on aim and I think they look really strong, even though C9 do as well.

posted about 3 years ago

I guess you're the 12 year old haha, I didn't even get to say why you're wrong yet Mr. "trash analysis". You said 100T ban bind, one of their best maps. NV's split is amazing, maybe not as good as their bind, but still great. 100T banned it against C9B, they will ban it against NV. Also, 100T were literally showing all of their one-way walls and comms so I don't know if they were really saving strats. Plus, to win that impressively and "save strats" is an accomplishment on its own imo. I agree with Haven being NV-favored. I think statistically NV look better just because they win Haven and Bind more than 100T does, but I still believe in my team to win Bind.

posted about 3 years ago

I love how you had to make a pre-defense lol

posted about 3 years ago

Stylistically, these two teams match up pretty nicely. Ascent and Bind are both strong maps for both teams, I'd say 100T look a little better on Ascent, while NV look a little better on Bind. Both teams have also shown proficiency on Haven, but right now, NV look the best on it, even defeating XSET handily on it. Icebox 100% goes to 100T, NV look awful on it while it's one of 100T's best maps. NV is also easily better on split. Assuming Icebox and Split both get banned, I'd say 100T 2-1, with 100T winning Bind and Ascent and NV winning Haven.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Dm enigma

posted about 3 years ago

Whoever the EMEA representatives are to masters are definitely going to be the favorites

posted about 3 years ago

So the final against guild was essentially seeding, being in the final gave them access to the Challengers Final event, which will be completed after the TR, CIS, and EU second challengers, which top 2 get to masters.

posted about 3 years ago

Riot is a broke indie company no way they can afford that kappa

posted about 3 years ago

raka what site are you using to bet

posted about 3 years ago

Well it’s just for seeding...

posted about 3 years ago

Honestly looking like a 100T vs XSET to me right now but I will still stand by my original prediction

posted about 3 years ago
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