Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 12:17 AM
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I am

posted 21 hours ago

tired of the stun being cosmetic

posted 23 hours ago

Make it so the Stun turns off headshot multiplier
Basically HS counts as a bodyshot

posted 23 hours ago

cara, o xand tá me dando muito esperança com essa análise dele na transmissão BR.
Se fizerem upgrade no Khalil e Havoc a Fúria tem futuro

posted 6 days ago

Rest in peace

I miss him

posted 6 days ago

How possible is Chet going to LOUD now that he got released?
LOUD is well known for only getting players and staff that is F/A
And saadhak does have the minimum amount of interaction with him

posted 1 week ago

talkin bout ascension

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Pq ao contrario dos outros jogadores do tuer 1 br no momento
o Tuyz se esforça, ele tem talento, e ele tá sempre no meio da tabela, no minimo.
ele é a real definição de consistente, pão com ovo, arroz e feijão, fora que ele usa a poha das skills no momento certo.
enquanto havoc é burro pra caralho e nunca é consistente de mira

posted 1 week ago

better than stk and peu

posted 1 week ago

Tuyz - Flex Controller
Kon4n - Flex IGL
Jzz - Duelist
Qck - Sentinel
RGL - Controller

Bzka & Hiromi - Staff

posted 1 week ago

bro there is legit a round where this happens:

X - guys please reset
X - dont overpeek havoc, please

*havos proceeds to W in the direction of CT and gets one tapped

Furia managed to still win the round since the rest of the team listened to Xand

posted 1 week ago

Younger players are better when it comes to shaping teamplay
Older players are valuable for the XP
Dgzin has no xp to bring in

posted 1 week ago

OK so let me break it down for ya 🕺

Havoc has a bit of aim sure, but he is too aggressive, from the Furia In-Game VOIP, Its clear that havoc behaves like a petulant kid having a sugar outburst/tantrum
Its also very clear that he is increasingly stupid when it comes to reading the game
In the IMV videos you can see that Xand spends half of his mental capacity trying to control and manage Havoc, which is why Furia's calls have gotten better, since NZR isnt babysitting anymore. but it means we are actively loosing Xands potential

Tuyz is not a problem player, plus, he is a true flex that is comfortable with Controller and Sentinel (he mentioned it himself)
Putting Tuyz in would better mental and tactics on Furia instead of Havoc

and about Dgzin
Loud is never bringing him in, and neither is any of the current BR orgs
Dgzin has too bad of a social rep, he also has a very inconsistent record
FYI its a common meme in the BR community to bet on "who will dgzin beef with this time?"
like, he beefed with Palla (Mibr) cuz he got the job

Dgzin is also the main reason Furia 2023 collapsed
Frost, Carlão, Mazin and Mwzera confirmed that Dgzin had too much of an ego problem
LOUD already has Less, its gonna be a Diva brawl

posted 1 week ago

Tuyz goes to Furia, takes Havoc's spot cuz havoc is stupid and overpeeks

LOUD bring in Sato
LOUD bring in D00mBr0s/Potter/Mce/Onur or any other gringo coach that actually knows what he is doing
Saadhak shuts the fuck up and focuses on sever calling and not comp making

Less goes back to calling and making strats


posted 1 week ago

that tells us nothing, Mibr just DOMINATED EG

posted 1 week ago

switch Less and Tuyz on Duelist and Sentinel maybe??

posted 1 week ago

NRG Fns / Saadhak / S0m / Less / Demon1 is real????

posted 1 week ago

Tuyz merece time melhor

posted 1 week ago

Tuyz needs a better team, also to be controller/flex

posted 1 week ago

LOUD need to sell all players and buy 2G Esports roster from VCB

i just hope Tuyz and Cauanzin stay in tier 1

posted 1 week ago

💀 goofy ah joke

posted 1 week ago

the ORG is cursed


posted 1 week ago

Send Xand to Sentinel, Cauanzin goes to flex initiator, Tuyz is the Controller.
Khalil and Havoc are out (Khalil only performs if he is threatned)

posted 1 week ago

Tuyz is okay with minimum wage at this point

posted 1 week ago

Furia, Furia please
Tuyz and Cauanzin need a new home

posted 1 week ago

So, has it been confirmed that it will be 2 full splits or if it's gonna be this worthless half split again?

Cuz this shit is ASS

NOW 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️

posted 1 week ago

Tuyz on EG 2025 confirmed???

posted 1 week ago

Never disrespect my W.o.a.t Ab0t like that

posted 1 week ago

The last game of the season when it isn't worth anything

RAAHHH 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷


posted 1 week ago


posted 2 weeks ago

I hope he leaves LOUD and goes to an org that actually treats him well
maybe MIBR in Liazzi's spot

or Furia in Havoc's spot

Maybe C9? LEV?
IDK, just please someone save him

posted 2 weeks ago

is this your goat??? 😂😂😭😭😭
bro is about to get disqualified by a bunch of tier 3 premier players 💀
never glaze heroballs again

posted 2 weeks ago

i am sorry i leave my gooncave everynow and then, unlike you ppl (team secret vlr users)

posted 2 weeks ago

She was so pretty dude

posted 2 weeks ago

Shittiest experience is going to a store and thinking the cashier girl is pretty, it gets worse when she helps you out with the buying and is genuinely a funny and nice girl.

Awful experience, you crush on her but can't tell her, cuz she is literally just doing her job, it's the whole idea. She's a delight to be around, so you will end up buying stuff.

I feel shitty everytime, like, she must go through so much annoying shit at customer service, so much bad customers cussing her out, harassing her etc.

And if I tell her I think she is great and that I would like to take her on a date I will become one of the daily hassles she faces.

TLDR: if cashier nice, don't flirt, being nice is her job.

posted 2 weeks ago

sagemommy was the one with the "buy the sen bundle" card
insane cuz i ponted that out on chat and got banned from commenting 😭😭😭

posted 3 weeks ago

the point is that they didnt prove themselves, they won 2 matches and will lose all steam before the next year, it was all pointless

posted 3 weeks ago

whats the point of finally beating LOUD if you arent even able to qualify for playoffs??
"but they proved themselves" yeah, on their honeymoon phase.
Furia will fizzle out during offseason, Mibr will be middle of the pack at most.
LOUD couldve stayed relevant but now they definetely will collapse
Both Less & Saadhak will leave the org for sure, then what??
Pancada is staying due to contract, so is Tuyz and Cauanzin since neither know english. who tf can they bring in?
They either need a Sentinel and a Duelist or a Sentinel and a Flex, and even then they have no clear IGL.
Also, who do you bring as coach???? peu and stk are the first ones that will get kicked, but who can we even bring? are there any good coaches F/A anywhere in the world right now??? cuz LOUD refuses to pay buyouts

LOUD is joever

posted 3 weeks ago

OOOH, ok got it thanks man.
but wouldnt that make it a 5 way tie?
since all those teams would be 4-6

posted 3 weeks ago

Lev need to beat LOUD why?
i understand LOUD beating 100T cuz then Furia swap places with them, but why does LEV need to win against LOUD?

KRU beating NRG is possible
100T beating EG can only happen if boostio wakes up his team
MIBR can beat EG if Palla is dominating like in the LOUD match
Furia beating LEV is the hardest one in my opinion, but MWzera has been known to be able to h2h aspas

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Lets say somehow they beat LEV, and MIBR too
does this win mean anything????? or did they just fuck over brazils representation lmao?? 😭😭😭😭

posted 3 weeks ago

why do you think japan has had a hard time with valorant TSMC?

posted 3 weeks ago

i know 😭 its just funny his most impactful moments are wingman cosplays

posted 3 weeks ago

all Bro does is defuse the spike 😭😭😭

posted 3 weeks ago

As much of a great player pancada is, getting zellsis was the right call, sen was disjointed and had noone that glued the team together, its a question of system, and since SEN wanted to desperately keep Tenz and Zekken (understandable) pancada just didnt fit, the fault lies on the org not the player

posted 3 weeks ago

Pancada singlehandely kept LOUD in the match, finally LOUD has a second hard carry outside of Cauanzin

Xand hasnt been fragging out, but to be fair, he is doing the most of keeping FURIA decent, he is doing a boostio cosplay, i think we will only be able to truly judge him once Furia has settled their synergy (2025) and gotten rid of havoc, that mf is too stupid, from the vods you can see half of Xand's mental capacity goes towards trying to hold that little dumbass from throwing the game.

posted 3 weeks ago

probably just having fun since furia isnt making playoffs either way

posted 3 weeks ago
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