Country: Brazil
Registered: September 14, 2021
Last post: December 21, 2021 at 5:56 AM
Posts: 327
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I think they like to play in a fine line between toxic and bantering/joking. It was a sad situation, that they couldnt control over the tech pause. I dont think sentinels had anything to do about it, they just waited for the pause to end. But, in this situation, over a great game, they should just say gg, but they want to banter the people that were already mad.

Shaz tried to make fun of it, i know it is just a joke, but its over someone that are already pissed at those banterings.

Thats are some of the reasoning behind they being toxic specific at SEN.

I dont think anyone should be toxic to anyone and that deathtreats shouldnt even be a thing in a community, but if you want to know exactly why they are focusing on SEN thats my opinion.

My opinion is that SEN should change their way of posting on twitter, it does not create rivalry, it creates hatred. Its like people are being pushed for nothing. Like small bullyings...

Btw, zombs is not playing in a fine line and probably this tweet had nothing to do with sentinels social media. He is clearly out of the line and not even sentinels work that way.

posted about 2 years ago

There is only one person from the brazilian valorant community in this tweet: That's Melão, the brazilian caster. He only said that sound strange to make fun of a bad situation that harm another person and say that this is "putting light" on something. After that he said that they should stay cool and be more mature over this situation.

I dont see where he gets disrespected by him.

Btw, the other person is Revolta, he is a retired League of Legends pro player. The phrase "ta querendo pica... e nao ta sabendo pedir" is a meme that means basically a funny way of saying "You are provoking us, stay in your place". So i think he was not disrespectful, but warned him to just dont touch this subject again in a joking way.

posted about 2 years ago

I dont see Brazilian pro players shit talking NA. He is talking about the whole region and he is facing the pro players. Even if he hates the whole brazilian fans, this is just unprofessional from zombs.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, i dont think we should talk as zombs has any kind of right to shittalk an entire region. Did Furia say something to them, for example?

Again Sentinels does not know how to proper use their twitter, they are probably the worst team at doing this.

posted about 2 years ago

Melão just said that they all should be grown ups in the situation. What is the rude part of it?

posted about 2 years ago

That would be funny. make fun of when you lose its cool. Make fun of other peoples defeat not that cool.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Next week you will see. Every player is going to be bald, this is a new glitch off the rulebook. Bald players play better.

posted about 2 years ago

40 bombs all maps.

posted about 2 years ago

I dont really get why they pick it. Its the second time that i see kay/o on breeze and it always look like another pick could do more, like reyna or skye...

posted about 2 years ago

Im here waiting for my money.

posted about 2 years ago

Here i agree with you completely. Acend is not to blame, if something is wrong in their game, even if they did not have the moral win, they can go for it, cause its the rules.

Riot just handled it very badly, their explanation were horrible, they should let people have previously the tournament rules as normal sports does. They should have done it in the middle of the game... there are several errors from riot, but with the players. At least, its what i think.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah, i think everybody agrees with you. Its a global trending topic on twitter, i imagine that there are lot of people doing this type of things that aren't even from valorant's community.

It just make brazils appearances worse. The players are not to blame..

posted about 2 years ago

If she is murizz girlfriend, she could have sources from murizz himself and probably murizz know who was complaining about it with riot. Zeek has the right to complain, though.

The problem is to say that they didnt deserve if he complained about it.

posted about 2 years ago

Not really, they will find a way, even if they have to change some rules.

posted about 2 years ago

What if she is right? I'm not saying she is, but why would you assume this? She has a direct source.

posted about 2 years ago

Well, keyd wanted to at least talk about it, maybe they can be heard that way. Even though the #justiceforkeyd started with B4 tayhuhu (gamechanger player for B4).

posted about 2 years ago

They just want the view in the short term haha

posted about 2 years ago

Than riot decided that this is agaisnt competitive integrity. If that was the reason, it would be better.

Riot just dont know how to explain what they meant. The person that wrote the news really does not know how to explain their line of thought. Because, following what they said, it makes no sense at all.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I imagine that they could have someone on spectate mode, that have the rulebook checking those things. Imagine that they see a cypher camera on A site around that corner, they go after the round and check if it is the same photo that riot provided for them.

My point is can we punish some team for something that is outside the rules that they receive?

I jsut added it to the main post.

posted about 2 years ago

Well, i see a lot of people here talking that they should've have known about it, because it happened in two other matches and forums were talking about this.

But, i think we should start from another part.

The tournament from ground zero should have a rulebook for everyone that is going to play, with every bug that riot knows that exist, but can't solve it in time. All players are supposed to read the rulebook and see if there is something that they normally use that is forbidden at that tournament. In this context, the exploit was not in the rulebook, so its not obvious that they should have known this.

We cant have a list that is incomplete, the players have to read the rulebook and see everything that they cant do. They can't be in the middle of discussing the next tactic if something is allowed or not.

Even if they heard of guild and x10, which i doubt it, as brazilians pros doesn't understand english normally (i know that heat know absolutely nothing of enligsh, at least), they would look into the book and see if the cypher camera was there. If it is not, they can assume that is safe to use.

My question is can we punish some team for something that is outside the rules that they receive?

posted about 2 years ago

Oh shit, so maybe just root for them in your mind. Sorry brother.

posted about 2 years ago

Im just kidding, its because you are normally talking about sentinels on the forum and i laughed about your comment.

I'm not rooting for sentinels, i already have too many teams to root for. BR teams, NV, Fnatic, underdogs in their own matches... its becoming too hard to follow everyone.

posted about 2 years ago

Very mature answer of Jhow, it is sad, it sounds unfair. But, riot is the owner of the game, we have to move on and focus on the next game.

posted about 2 years ago

BR shadowisbad, is the best shadowisbad.

You are almost converting me to the sentinels side, just to root for you hahaha

posted about 2 years ago

The girls from Gamechangers are searching it right now on twitter. They can't find it, but it does not mean that it is not there, or that gamechangers book is the same from champions. I think he means that.

posted about 2 years ago

Im not watching NV vs ACEND, i dont really care about it.

Liquid 2x1 Sentinels

posted about 2 years ago

He is baiting you, ciro.

He can't be that dumb.

posted about 2 years ago

Ow, you are too nice! Thanks for liking our culture :)

posted about 2 years ago

I truly think that people root for NV.

Yay played as a substitute for a brazilian team once in CSGO, and xand talked a lot of good things about him during his streams at his EU bootcamp before champions, so we like him.

I was rooting for NV since before the scandal and several people are too.

I dont see any of the people i know that like valorant saying that they want that something bad happens to SEN. However, i do not that root for sentinels, though, their twitter is just poorly managed and their banter normally excludes everyone that is not already rooting for them.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm honestly curious about you. Are you really jamaican? Why did you decided to learn portuguese?

Im asking because your nick is gorilao do narga, which is obviously portuguese.

posted about 2 years ago

The same thing happens to me in other latin languages. French is a little bit harder, but sometimes i can get it.

posted about 2 years ago

I dont think ACE is to be blamed about it. The only people that are to be blamed is riot, for not stoppping the game, or letting them play the last eco round.

I was rooting for envy, because yay played with heat on stream and they made a pretty funny duo. I'm rooting for yay than...

posted about 2 years ago

I'm just trying to translate, so everyone can understand. If i did something wrong, maybe someone just correct me in the reply section.

O triste é saber que nunca foi na índole de bugar o mapa ou querer ter vantagem, a gente não precisa disso pra vencer, e ainda foi no 9x4 round eco se fôssemos alertados no meio do game ÓBVIO que não faríamos, mas regra é regra, enfim, nao vamos deixar abalar, acredita família!

The sad part is that it was never with a nature of bugging out the map, or trying to get any advantage from it, we dont nee it to win, also it was on a 9x4 eco. If we were alerted in the middle of the game we would, of course, stop doing it, but a rule is a rulle. Well, let's not let this thing trouble us, believe in us family (like he is calling his fans to believe in the future matches).

posted about 2 years ago

Heat is probably waking up after 1 hour of sleep, he probably doesn't even know that he does not play tomorrow anymore hahah maybe he thinks he is still playing, but with a different oponent.

posted about 2 years ago

Po podia ter dado a resposta 3 horas antes fiquei esperando até 3 da manhã, quando fui dormir me acordaram com essa notícia era melhor ter continuado dormindo… no final ainda perdi o sono que sacanagem kkkkk que Deus me ilumine nessa madrugada sombria!

"well, they could at least gave us this answer 3 hours before, i was waiting until 3 am in the morning, When i decided to sleep they woke me up with this news. It was better if i stayed sleeping... now i just cant sleep again hahahah May god illuminate our dark night!"

That was my first thought its 4 am in berlin, how are they supposed to get back to sleep to compete again tomorrow? They had all of FNC game to discuss it...

posted about 2 years ago

The reasoning matters.

Maybe it is because i'm lawyer and had to study reasoning for arguments and for decisions of judges, but the process from beginning to conclusion matters.

If they just said this is an autoloss punishment like it happened before. I would be sad, but would not feel the unfairness of it. The results would be the same, but they would continue the jurisprudence(sorry, i dont know a better word in english and its 3 am in Portugal right now) of autoloos in this scenario.

Now we have a situation where we dont know if the next person to do it would have an autoloss scenario or a lose the round that they had an exploit.

Its just bad handling, it creates the feeling of unfairness, creates bad case law, and makes everyone angry. Even the people that were supporting the punishment are angry right now...

posted about 2 years ago

By their reasoning that makes no sense.

They said that we had a 12x9 scenario. LET THEM PLAY AT LEAST A 12x9 SCENARIO WITH NO MONEY.

They gave a round because they didnt want to make a rematch for an eco round. VK won eco rounds from ACE.

I was so hyped about this rematch of keyd vs NV. Riot should have stopped this in the middle of the round.

I'm just sadge.

posted about 2 years ago

It changes everything for VK.

If you want to talk only about the results, they have to beat acend vs nv loser again and beat X10. In this scenario they have to win 2 out of 2 bo3.

In the later scenario they needed to win against nv, or win against the winner of x10 vs Acend. In this scenario they have to win 1 out of 2 bo3.

But we are talking about fairness, if they want to apply a penalty, i aggree with that, but the reasoning does not make sense. They gave an extra round to ACE just to not make a 12x9 game in the next day. Even if it were a 12x9 scenario with no money, they had a chance of winning, we saw VK winning ecoes of ACE today.

If that was the rule, the 12x9 no money should be played to define the winner. Not automatically give the map to them.

posted about 2 years ago

Man, they gave one extra round for "economy". At least make them play a 12x9 game for Acend.

posted about 2 years ago

First of all, thanks for putting the news here..

That makes no sense to me, let them play a round than...

If they had to forfeit those rounds, let them play a 12 x 9 game at least...

posted about 2 years ago

Sorry guys, i see that is from the real Valorant Twitter, but when i click the link to read the news it goes to a random news site from riot, without this specific news. Anyway i can read the full news?

posted about 2 years ago

I think v1xen had a horrible day, but he is fairly consistent. He would carry his vorax team to playoffs consistently only playing brimstone.

Even before Keyd, i always thought that any team that wanted to be considered a brazilian superteam would have to have him. If you look at him vs KRU in the last masters, he was solo carrying the team while heat was injured.

I dont know about jhow, though. He is decent, he had some important moments at breeze, but we have other sentinels like Khalil, Saadhak and Pancada that are way better than him.

posted about 2 years ago

I completely agreee.

We know that gtn and frz probably give something out of the game, maybe they are very good team mates, but that is just not enough to play at this level. I think Sacy and Saadhak can do so much better.

They could be so much more, that is why this bothers me.

Sacy we dont even need to talk about how good he is, but the impact of saadhak is underrated, he is captain and igl of the team and he is managing to create tactics to make a team go consistently to international events. Imagine having to consider yoru, just to make your team enter the B ascent bomb site. They also considered putting Sacy as jett so they could have a better entry fragger. Also he has good mechanics and does his job as a sentinel at a good level, not nats level, but ok level.

Sutecas is not bad, he does his job pretty well and we do not have that many controllers at brazil, so i would maintain him. But we need new flex/duelists on this team.


posted about 2 years ago

Noyn you gotta give me those sources, man.

I want to have cool leaks before it goes to the media!! haha

I'm curious!!

posted about 2 years ago

Did you watch CSGO before this? It's rare to have a team that does not show emotion. If we dont count Astralis in their era, most of the teams were pretty emotional.

I remember LG when they were starting to win, nobody believed in them, so normally you would see them reacting a lot.

I think it's real.

posted about 2 years ago

I imagine that people are memeing about it. I dont take those comments seriously.

I dont really like sentinels twitter and their bantering, but their fans remind me of passionate brazilian fans. They just believe their team is better than they actually is, its fine. Its an esport, people love to root for their own team. Its just shows that sentinels have fans that really like the org/players.

posted about 2 years ago
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