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Registered: February 14, 2022
Last post: June 6, 2023 at 3:08 AM
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they dont need to win, all RRQ needs is 1 map win

posted about a year ago

Thanks crazy, cuz everyone diffs you in having a life

posted about a year ago

YEAH! I am also tired of INSTANTLY getting BRICKED UP whenever I load up vlr!

posted about a year ago

where me?

posted about a year ago

Keznit owns you

posted about a year ago

Masters tokyo will be the first international LAN without Kru :(

posted about a year ago

have you watched the NA games? answer honestly

posted about a year ago

Ive been watching both of these regions' games and holy shit, NA looks SO much better. Like I genuinely doubt any of the EMEA teams can hold a candle to what we've seen from V1

posted about a year ago

if what hes saying is true, then it is a step in the right direction

posted about a year ago

yeah, but theyre acting like he has an actual impact on the players

posted about a year ago

i agree that they should, but its not as if it impacts the match

posted about a year ago

players, casters, and tournament officials have all explained that they cant hear. They have both noise canceling headphones AND white noise ear buds

posted about a year ago

technically if they win and them and EG tie 4-5, 100T would win

posted about a year ago

players literally cant hear them

posted about a year ago

id switch the results of the last 2 games

posted about a year ago

sorry it comes across that way, but i genuinely do all of this, and i liek the things that i say they like already. As i said this comes from my experience. And im drunk

posted about a year ago

ive seen this exact message to a babysasuke pots like 17 times

posted about a year ago

12 beers in less than an hour and a hlaf 4 hours ago!!!!!

posted about a year ago

i just hope for a great game!!!!

posted about a year ago

oh shes intwerested

posted about a year ago

additionally i forgot to memntion, my girl friends mention that I have a joyous whimsy charm to me, as in I always look like Im having a wholesome and good time, which girkls typiucally appreciate

posted about a year ago

if you have more questions pls wait until I sober up

posted about a year ago

Ok keep in mind, I live in america so this applies to my expirience and im super fuckign wasted.

  1. they just normal girls, they like what most girls like. Be confident in yourself and have pride in your hobbies and passions. Additionally as long as you arent physically repulsive youre attractive enough to date. Forinstance, Im 210 pounds 5'11 (Not super muscular, I have a minur gut) and I've dated MODELS.
  2. they have hobbies and interests, so learn about the stuff they like such as music and horror, they really appreciate shit like that. From my experience, alt girls love when I play my electric bass and talk about their favorite bands or movies with them.
  3. Every guy is a 7. As long as you dont have any major deformities, you can bad hot. I dont even mean body wise. Bath, shave, find a haircut that fits you, wear deoderant and cologne and most guys will be a 7/10. additionally wearing a flannel, white/light grey hoody and jeans is good enough fashion to pass in most situations
  4. Dont call them alt/goth. Its a fetish and girls dont like being fetishized. Trust me, I understand its hot, but they dont like it. Talk to them about normal stuff and you'll be good to go.
  5. Be liberal. Some guys will hate this, but most if not all of the alt girls ive been with either were at some point nonbinary/trans/lgbt or have friends who are. They like when guys respect pronouns and genders and such
  6. Know when to be dominant. Again, based on my experience, they usually like when you take initiative, so be the one to approach (not if theyre with friends, but if they're by themselfs go for it) and talk about meaningless shit. Be normal. then be the one to ask for contacts (insta, snap, number. whatever your age range dictates).
  7. Go to things they go to. Alt girls usually participate in alternative activities. Go to metal/punk concerts or avant garde art shit, thats what I do and I typically score a date from it.

For reference to my looks, my insta is @amboreal

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

That the concert was really fun!!! I'm happy she got to see her gavorote band!!!!

posted about a year ago

You deadass want me to explainit?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ill let my friend know you appreciate it, shed like that!!!1!

posted about a year ago

brooooooo i literally workout serveral times a week

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

3 hours of no replies!!!!!!!!!!!!! i tried sleeping but um bad stuff. am thinking f doing a pokemon nuzlocke, but lmk any other ideas. Ithought about going for a walk, but i drink 12 beers around 7-8 and that doesnt seem tlike he best idea

posted about a year ago

what was that post 2 weeks ago? wasnt sentinels anyone who says drop dephh is dumb

posted about a year ago

me when I add nothign of value to anything 😱😱😱😱😱😱

posted about a year ago

its 5 sentences bro, i genuinely feel bad if youre incapable of reading that much

posted about a year ago

bro trust, listen to this shut

posted about a year ago

also dude trust me, dirge is goated

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
  1. Dirge by Rav
  2. Bubble Pop Electric by Gwen Stefani
  3. Dance Dance by Fallout Boy
  4. Girls by The Dare
  5. 505 by arctoic monkeys!!!

HM: Nice, Nice by Dazey and the scouts, Reptilia by the strokes

posted about a year ago

well i mean my bgirl friends are gay mostly and i dont just randomly say im hanging out with one alone

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

well i mean when talking about shit she said shes very possesive and I assumed that works both ways

posted about a year ago

nothing wrong with having friends with the opposite sex, I have more girl friends than guy friends and like I dont even consider cheating ( my friends are so awesome and nice and they taught me how to consistently pick up alt girls and I love my friends) so like I understand that the guy friend habing shouldnt be an issue just how she told me last minute seems to be like the best way someone could intentially make me feel jealous or insecure

posted about a year ago

i have girl friends, so she has every right to have guy firends, its just I was told this the day of when we arent exclusive or shit. I was just doing yard work and she says shes waiting for a boy to pick her up for the concert she told me she was excited about going to

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

ive had sex wit hher more than youve had sex in your entire life

posted about a year ago

nahhhh bro, i got my record player playung arctic monkeis and im watching netflix!!!!!!! the babysitter is SO bad

posted about a year ago

yeha i will bro, just i should do that when im bnot 12 drinks down and when shes at a concert

posted about a year ago

I JUST CHECKED DOORS OPENED AT 7 AND THE CONCERT BEGAN AT 8 IM GOING INSANE. im just gonna go shower now im feeling depressed

posted about a year ago

own that fraud!!!!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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