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Registered: February 14, 2022
Last post: June 6, 2023 at 3:08 AM
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trent has already been to an international LAN lmao

posted about a year ago

literally the 2 best duelist in challengers are sym and koala

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

lmao oxyy

posted about a year ago

THIS!!!! ^^^^^

posted about a year ago

i think its very funny too!!!!!!!

posted about a year ago

he hasnt faced the gaurd?

posted about a year ago

take her bro you deserve her

posted about a year ago

vlr when someone isnt as miserable as them

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

bro let me watch drunk hooror movies, its a fun and Idrink like twice a month

posted about a year ago

great! already 2 down!

posted about a year ago

yeah but getting hammered is fun when youre sad, and provides easy distraction

posted about a year ago

It's currently 7pm for me

posted about a year ago

nah bro, ill take goth girls and head over buddhism any day

posted about a year ago

she made the plans before we met and I know for a fact she likes me

posted about a year ago

I mean I already know she likes me bro...

posted about a year ago

why would trent and valyn do that when they will already be in franchising???

posted about a year ago

her friend is her ride

posted about a year ago

seen 19 minutes ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! must be having the time of her life am i right fellas???

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

concert starts at 7, but its an hour and a half drive away, i included the drive when i said it began

posted about a year ago

this song is actually fire, i added it to my rap playlist

posted about a year ago

...yeah that might be better than my plan to drink my dad's THC beer

posted about a year ago

thanks, ill let my friend know. shed appreciate that

posted about a year ago

concert is already happening, I plan to just let things be while she's there. no one wants their phone spammed while at a concert

posted about a year ago

sadly i came back from college a week before they do

posted about a year ago

met after she made plans for the concert, and i know 100% for a fact based on stuff we did

posted about a year ago

ill make sure to let her know

posted about a year ago

trust me bro its definitely not that

posted about a year ago

great idea, got a playlist recomendation

posted about a year ago

I've been talking to this goth girl recently, and I'm like REALLY into her and she is definitely interested in me romantically too. Tonight she told me shes going to a concert with a guy, so like, UGHHHHHHHH. I understand that doesnt mean shit but its still not great to hear since were not officially dating or even "exclusive" yet. Any idea or tips to distract myself while this goes on. I texted one of my friends about it, but he just called me schrondinger's cuck (i both am and am not being cucked, we dont knwo until we open the box).

posted about a year ago

lmao who tf get upset over a sage

posted about a year ago

S: Sage, Viper, Sova
A: Breach, Astra, Omen, Fade
B: Brimstone, Phoenix, Killjoy, KAYO, Harbor
C: Skye, Gekko
D: Cypher, Jett, Raze
F: Reyna, Yoru, Chamber, Neon

posted about a year ago

also no faze, or ttr, or OR, or DSG, or anything. because just liek those teams, G2 has no top 10 worthy players. get mad

posted about a year ago

hes been incredibly consistent, get mad that no g2 players are on the list.

posted about a year ago

its gonna be guard, m80 or MxM. saying union is pure cope

posted about a year ago

not on the top 10 list?

posted about a year ago

It was a hard list to make especially towards the bottom, but I feel like the players I have add more value overall, but I wouldnt disagree with anyone who has him in their top 10

posted about a year ago

if this was exclusively split 2, Id say i mainly agree with this list, but mine list was for both splits

posted about a year ago

I dont think hes done enough yet, hes played for 3 games.

posted about a year ago
  1. trent
  2. eeiu
  3. sym
  4. NISMO
  5. skuba
  6. valyn
  7. zander
  8. thief
  9. v1c
  10. Verno

I also took LAN experience into consideration since they are trying to get into franchising, but I fell like that didnt really effect the list at all

posted about a year ago

when he first joined the team, he was the smokes player dude

posted about a year ago

hes an insanely good jett, but doesnt add as much value as these players imo. Id rate him around 12-17, but I'd need to watch more of his VODs to be sure of exactly where in that range

posted about a year ago

i said my reasoning in my post, if you disagree thats okay, but its not like its unjustified or irrational

posted about a year ago

its a team game, being flexible adds more value to the team, because jett isnt always the best agent for every map. pure skill wise aspas is absolutely better, but there is more to being a valorant team member than playing your agent well.

posted about a year ago

so was leaf

posted about a year ago

leaf's flexibility allows other players who are good on other duelists shine which i think is more valuable than being a little better on jett

posted about a year ago
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