Country: India
Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: May 13, 2024 at 8:29 AM
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I mean, yes, nearly all universities have different admission criteria. The guy mentioned his SAT score. if he is gonna apply to the top schools with that SAT, he is gonna have a rough time.

In fact it matters on the subject as well. For STEM subjects, generally speaking, the institutes around the Massachusetts area are generally regarded as the best who take in students based on SAT and sometimes ACT is included too.

posted about a year ago

The fact that you are on VLR as an JEE student is kinda fucked up tbh.

posted about a year ago

Yes, it was during my time as well? (If I remember correctly)

My classmate who got into Georgia Tech (rejected by Ivy leagues) had a score of 1600. His essays and other introductory stuff was pretty good and miles above the Indian average as well. For those who got into ivy leagues, you will not only require an SAT score of 1600 but also some extra work or achievements like JEE Adv/NTSE/KVPY/Olympiads/community service/Extracurricular achievements or something similar.

Not to demoralize you or anything but the competition to get into foreign universities is even higher than that to get into IIT. Unless your dad can fund Harvard or something.

SAT is such an easy test that making a mistake in any of the STEM sections is just dumb. The only place you can make a mistake (which I made too) was the reading section. But you can give SAT multiple times to improve your score. In my class, anyone who did not score 1600 just did not bother applying.

posted about a year ago

Where do you get these ideas from?

2 hours per day cycling subjects is enough to get you a rank between 2K-5K. Anything more than that and you will be pushing for the top 1000 ranks.

People don't study that much. You just have to be consistent. Just sitting on the table stuck on 1 problem for 12 hours is not 12 hours of study (which most people do).

posted about a year ago

You might want to improve your SAT score. 1540 is good if you were a US citizen. To move to an ivy league or even Georgia Tech from India 1600 was quite common (at least around 2018-2019 when I was in 11th grade).

Altho you did mention chemistry which might be more lenient with your SAT score.

posted about a year ago

Sacy won a championship for you guys. Let him get the best career he deserves.

Remember when Brazil's teams lost to every region last champions? He changed that and emerged on top.

No team has won a Valorant trophy twice yet. Going by that trend it makes sense for Sacy to go ahead and create an even better team than Loud previously had.

posted about a year ago

It's too late tbh, you should have started when you were a foetus.

posted about a year ago

Never use these "tricks" to solve problems.

Its a side product of these scam coaching centers in India to help dumb students solve tough problems just by identifying the problem (and it fails 70% of the time, for the other 30% it works, you used 0% of your brain). You learn Jack shit by solving problems with "tricks".

Any good teacher/coaching institute is always against these tricks. My teachers personally asked us to solve the problem completely. Ofc its quite prevalent in India and a lot of students use them. If you see any solution using these "tricks" be assured that none of these "tricks" are taught in Brazil or anywhere apart from India and you will probably never need them.

posted about a year ago

BTW can you clarify which JEE do you mean?

IIT JEE has two stages Mains and Advanced.

Mains is easier and gets you into 99% of the colleges in India.

Adv is much tougher and is only for admission into IITs and a handful of other colleges. Most people in India don't prepare for Adv they only do so for Mains.

If you claim that some questions are from JEE, then I think it must be from JEE Mains and not JEE Adv. In that case I suggest you to religiously avoid any content related to JEE Advanced as it will just waste your time solving those questions.

posted about a year ago

*Your FIITJEE branch's HoD.

posted about a year ago

uhhh, I mean ofc people in India are going to talk in Hindi so YT channels are gonna teach in Hindi (even though the questions are in English). They will even write down the explanation in English. 99% of the JEE books and study material is also in English. The same goes for chat apps. When talking about forums I mean forums on the internet where you ask your doubts/share details.

If you ask a question in English, the solution or discussion will always be in English.

If you do want to discuss something with the Hindi-speaking population though, here's a trick -

Ask whatever you want in English and if anyone replies in Hindi just mention that you are from South India and you can't speak Hindi.

posted about a year ago

IMO it's not worth it. He would be getting a decent college like DTU with CS (or related subjects) from JEE mains. Enjoy college life and prepare for placements. After 161 marks you don't improve a lot. And all that just to get into a branch like Civil Eng/Materials Eng in these good IITs 🤢.

Unfortunately, ppl don't get this anyways best of luck to him IG.

posted about a year ago

Pretty much all the discussions on JEE are in english.

posted about a year ago

There is an individual cutoff for all subjects.

And tbh if you cannot score more than 2 marks in maths, good luck in IIT anyways. You will probably fail every single course except maybe the humanities electives (which are in 2nd and 3rd years if you reach there).

posted about a year ago

Sounds awful though tbh 10th board is just a joke getting 100% in most subjects is quite trivial. The thing I hate about language subjects is that no matter what you write teachers always deduct marks Which is the only reason that your percentage goes down. In my case, it was worse in Hindi since I could never (since 1st grade to 10th) understand the difference between small and large vowels sounds and when to use them and teachers deducted 1/2 marks for every spelling mistake.

I heard Sanskrit papers are mostly fill in the blank/objective type papers. Maybe that's why its possible to score 100%.

posted about a year ago

Failed regardless of 119?

posted about a year ago

Sanskrit is more awful than Hindi tbh.

Who tf remembers those tables for verbs and nouns?

posted about a year ago

Hindi is awful. My spelling really bad.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The theory is: He might be.

He has always dragged out even when GE are losing. Very consistently. His highs are really really high. He mostly gets team diffed. Maybe with a better team, he does better and there is a 50% chance of that happening.

WRONSKI is not that much better, imagine having rDeew and Maple on your team. Then you have texta and Disco as well. GE was nowhere close to a superteam. It was just a bunch of CSGO players (not even India's best) put together.

posted about a year ago

The voice acting is good though I can tell that the VA is not Indian. The Hindi words were so scoffed.

posted about a year ago

Used rubber 👀?

posted about a year ago

Best player in the world. Those who think otherwise are just delusional.

posted about a year ago

The guy is clueless. Just hear the song when it comes out.

posted about a year ago

Even a Chinese company like Mihoyo did a better job in incorporating Indian/Middle Eastern music.

posted about a year ago

The full song is already released here's the link:

posted about a year ago

Could have used a better comeback.

posted about a year ago

Your average Indian Rapper is in fact cringe so makes sense.

posted about a year ago

The intro sounds like your average Indian rapper NGL.

posted about a year ago

Its high time you touched the soil under the grass.

posted about a year ago

Sit down on a couch, turn on your air conditioner, and have a glass of cold water.

We can talk about this.

posted about a year ago

TBH if you are anywhere around plat and I gave you a high ascendant/low immortal account it would take a long time for you to derank cause you will almost get carried by your teammates and you just pick sage and plant the bomb/throw slow orbs at the site you are holding. While on some games you pop off.

In fact you would actually get better because you expect new plays now.

posted about a year ago

Read #19

posted about a year ago

Ofc I know it's not a real address lol.

posted about a year ago

You only learn when you are doing something slightly above your skill level.

As an ascendant facing TenZ you will always get rekt no matter what you do. The skill gap is just too huge to learn anything.

I once watched a clip of TenZ smurfing with Kyedae and her sister in a silver lobby in unrated.
The opposing team was getting rekt, yet they were trying. There was a breach on the other team. He ulted TenZ, he got stunned. A couple of ppl peeked him, they both got headshotted. Or he flashed TenZ 100% and still got headshotted when he pushed.

You could argue that peeking when you are 100% that the other guy is stunned is the play 99.9% of the time. This will probably get you all the way through ascendant. But not against TenZ it seems. There is nothing to learn here. The breach played that perfectly. The skill gap is just too huge to learn anything. He just wasted 30 mins of his time.

posted about a year ago

You are delusional. Ascendant is just a place for low immortals in the earlier versions.

The entire reason for creating ascendant was to separate these low immortals and actual high immortal players.

And then there is a huge skill gap between high immortals and top 30 Radiants.

posted about a year ago

TenZ is not your normal smurf. He can easily rekt even high immortals.

The difference between Radiant 500 and a top 20-30 Radiant is in fact huuuuge. You do realize that you need 700-800RR minimum for that?

Each 100 RR counts as 1 extra rank.

So TenZ is like 7-8 ranks higher than even a Radiat 500-immortals realistically speaking. This is the difference between bronze and high gold-plats.

Edit: If you think if you are even close to these guys even as an immortal, you cannot be further from the truth.

posted about a year ago

I missed the point, what are you trying to say?

posted about a year ago

Ranveer singh getting featured in games lmao.

posted about a year ago

You are in the US, where addresses can easily be SWATed.

posted about a year ago

All I can say is,

I can't quite see an option to create a Chennai VM at the moment + a lot of services are restricted even in Mumbai. Imagine what happens in Chennai.

posted about a year ago

wdym? It's a very active tourist spot + it has a fairly active port.

posted about a year ago

Amazon Web Services/Google Cloud Platform/Microsoft Azure and all other major cloud computing platforms only have servers in Mumbai and Singapore. Riot uses one of these services as far as I know and does not have their own physical servers.

So anything except Mumbai and Singapore is just not possible at the moment unless Riot is willing to setup their own hardware or these cloud service platforms open servers in new cities.

posted about a year ago

L argument.

posted about a year ago

Don't take what these guys say at it's face value. Kappa obviously reads VLR and you can see from the comments on Rossi's stream.

posted about a year ago

There will almost definitely be a significant drop of views for a long time until a new player comes.

Also don't compare eSports to cricket. Cricket is highly promoted and a lot of parents will fulfil the wish of many who want to play cricket professionally (it's not as stigmatised as eSports). There are many cricket academies in India with world-class facilities. It also has an unusually large following. The Indian cricket scene can pump out top-quality players every year. Compare to eSports, less than 5% of the population has access to PCs and among them, barely 20% have PCs that can run games. People who have gaming PCs are almost always older than 18 which is already beyond the age you can turn pro. Most good pro players start playing at 8-11 years of age.

I doubt that there will be anyone with a skill diff as large as Rossi for a long time in Indian eSports.

posted about a year ago

Does not change the fact that the old GE with Kappa could beat RRQ on a map.

posted about a year ago

Maple rDeew and WRONSKI are really really cracked.

rDeew could arguably be a top player in international tournaments as well. He is just that good. Rivals the likes of Forsaken if you have seen him play. He makes it extremely annoying to play against. The only downside is ofc, he got team diffed in APAC.

posted about a year ago

VLT has a lot of CCs and actually decent ones (like Rakazone) who are not cringe and have been instrumental in shaping PC esports in India.

So its natural that most of the audience feels more attached to VLT than GE who almost has no content creation except the org's management staff.

posted about a year ago

A coin toss is fairer than 1 team always playing at a disadvantage.

This was the case btw for the last 2 years where all APAC tourneys were conducted on Singapore servers and Indian teams always played at a disadvantage.

This seems like a bright future no?

posted about a year ago
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